first mix of rock guitar and drums...

sorry, man...

trying to download... but it wants to bring up a page instead, and then play automatically (and this computer doesn't have a soundcard... long story... requires a download/listen on other cmptr)...

I'll keep checking back incase you put it up somewhere else.

Man, I think it rocks!!!!

Soundwise, a lot needs to be done (on the drums, anyways... Love the guitars)... I can't really help you on what needs to be done, but I suspect the mic'ing of the drums needs to tweaked a little... along with some EQ'ing, Panning, Compression and reverb...
I think the tune in itself is way cool. I am a huge Pantera-fan, and I can almost hear Phil roaring on this one, if I concentrate really hard.. ;-)

Keep up the good work, and post more stuff. I'd love to hear more... Gimme, gimme... :-)
