Female Vox: What Do You Reach For?

hookiefree said:
When women with soft, girly voices call to track pop vox at your place which mics do you reach for? Which pres?

If it's a soft voice, then I'll generally reach for something with more of a scoop in the midrange. Han is kind of on a similar track with that one, although one of his options is a bit pricey.

There's a tradeoff when you use condensers that Henri Devil mentions that have more of a midrange "bump" -- ala Shures and Audio Technicas. They handle sibilances really well, but they can be a bit shreaky when the singer shifts her voice in to certain (higher) registers -- which could be good or bad, depending on the arrangement of the song (good if busy, bad if sparse).
chessrock said:
There's a tradeoff when you use condensers that Henri Devil mentions that have more of a midrange "bump" -- ala Shures and Audio Technicas. They handle sibilances really well, but they can be a bit shreaky when the singer shifts her voice in to certain (higher) registers -- which could be good or bad, depending on the arrangement of the song (good if busy, bad if sparse).

You speak the truth!It also goes for males too..And it can change from day to day..song to song.Also pre to mic interaction,Temperture in the room and how the singer is with the key of the tune...So many factors..Nothing is eched in stone nor should it be ..it would ruin the fun ;)

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Female Vox: What Do You Reach For?

Go STRAIGHT for the throat and squeeze good and hard. That should teach her.................