Ever have your guitar stolen?


New member
Personally yes. Not lately. About 3 years ago. It was a reallly nice Japanense Squier Strat. Not an overrly expensive guitar, but in my opinion a very unique one. I never replaced it.

It made me extremely mad to think that some punk-ass teen-ager sold it for a hit of crack to an even bigger loser who threw it in his closet where it has sat since (after having 3 strings broken, beer and bip spilled all over it Im sure). Hows that for a rant!
Maybe some one who was very poor stole it cos they couldnt afford one!
U selling that guitar may have made some ones life, if it opened their eyes to music!
Music is a pricless thing that just has to be bought out from inside u!
Happy Days
c r a z y
No guitar stolen, just a BR-8 digital recording machine that was brand new in the box. Broke into my truck and stole it from the parking lot.
1964 Fender Duo-Sonic no serial #, ex.
1966 Fender Jazzmaster #153900 sunburst, mint
1964 Gibson B-45 12string #143671, natural (I’d kill to get this back)
1928 Gibson Banjo uke ‘The Gibson’, mint.
1964 Gibson J-45, #132120 sunburst, ex cond.
1945 Gibson L-5, #98534, sunburst, Johnny Smith pickup, mint (I’d really kill to get this back)
1954 Gibson L-50 #1742-14, sunburst. VGC
1968 Gibson RB-250 Mastertone banjo, ex. Cond.
1961 Guild CE-100 Capri, #28468 ex. Cond
1974 Perez , dreadnaught, #4 (custom, he’s the guy that makes the acoustic instruments for Los Lobos). Best flattop I've ever heard, ex. Cond

And some lesser instruments. A ’62 Guild X-175 Manhattan and a ’29 Dobro were recoverd.
i had a vintage 100 watt marshall head stolen a few years back.

have i ever left my guitar at a gig...yeah, a vintage '66 strat i have had since i was 16 years old...i was getting in my car and then i started talking to someone it was proped up against the side of my car and i spaced it out and split. Its a miricle that i didn't run over it. The drummer in our band saw it laying there in the parking lot and picked it up for me (didn't tell me for 2 days and i was sick...almost cried)

I guess that can be a testoment not to get drunk at the gig.
I left my ovation at a gig, had 3 guitars there, thought someone else had put it away and didnt check. Had to drive back 40 miles to get it. It was still there. Since it was only an ovation it would have been no great loss. Hadnt touched a drop.
man studge....that makes me sick...and all such fine items...geemonieeezzz...:(

A long time ago, I lost a late 60's flying V and a 60's ES335 on the same night. Both were HIDDEN under my bed, and my wallet on the desk was left alone....hhhhmmm. I still have no clues, but it looked suspicious. At the time, they were just Gibson guitars...nothing special, and I bought a Guild Starfire III the next day for $100 at a pawn shop and fell in love with that guitar for the next four years.....Then the strat fever hit:p
58' les paul goldtop, red knob dual showman stack, some P.A. gear. I found the dude with the 58. Hes not chewing food anymore or walking without a cane.
There was a guy in town here who was supposed to be one of our "brother musicians",his girlfriend worked at a club we played alot.He arranged for her to "forget" to put the big bar across the back door of the club as she was locking up.He came in and stole all of our amps,p.a.,keyboards and drums that night.Unfortunately for him,I figured out what happened and caught him with the loot before he could unload it.The guys and I made a "mummy" out of him with a couple rolls of duct tape,loaded him into the back of my pickup and drove him out to a local lake where we dangled him upside down over the edge of a 100 ft. high dam while we drank a case and occasionally sawed at the rope with a dull knife.By the time we hauled him back up he had shit and pissed all over himself.He smelled to bad to even put in the back of my truck,so we dangled him back over the edge and left him.I think it was about 10 or 12 hours before someone found him the next day and hauled him up.Never have seen him around town since.....................

I feel a little better now.


(ps. I had the Dual Showman red-knob stack too - not too big of a loss there. OK sound. TOO loud. TOO heavy. Mine even survived a fire that we accidentally set in our practice hall several years ago now! Ah...But that's another painful thread.)
strmkr, youre the new vigilante king around here dude!

I am sharing your victories...the rest of us werent so fullfilled with the legal process.
I'm glad y'all like the way us "redneck" types in this neck of the woods handle theivin rats.

I was going to turn him over to the police,but I had already thumped on his ass for awhile and got to thinking he was the type of shitass that would turn around and want to sue me.Besides,the rest of the guys in the band had already broke out the duct tape and hatched the plan.

This asshole had already pulled similar stunts before,but nobody had ever gotten the goods on him.............

I worked and played guitar at the youth center for our church and my friend and I kept our guitars under the desk, and the amps on stage. Some punk got back in the office area and unlatched one of the windows during a concert. He came back later that night and lifted our gear. Came in the next day and noticed that some of our PA gear was missing, the amps were gone, I went running into my office and yup, he got the guitars too. Did a mad search and found the guitar amps, bass amp and the bass guitar sitting in a back room that had a door to the parking lot. Something must of scared him off. Police eventually found some of the gear and my friends guitar turned up at a local music store. That is how they busted the little $#@%#. He actually gave the store his ID. Never found my guitar though. No biggie, it was a cheap Westone.
philboyd studge said:
1964 Fender Duo-Sonic no serial #, ex.
1966 Fender Jazzmaster #153900 sunburst, mint
1964 Gibson B-45 12string #143671, natural (I’d kill to get this back)
1928 Gibson Banjo uke ‘The Gibson’, mint.
1964 Gibson J-45, #132120 sunburst, ex cond.
1945 Gibson L-5, #98534, sunburst, Johnny Smith pickup, mint (I’d really kill to get this back)
1954 Gibson L-50 #1742-14, sunburst. VGC
1968 Gibson RB-250 Mastertone banjo, ex. Cond.
1961 Guild CE-100 Capri, #28468 ex. Cond
1974 Perez , dreadnaught, #4 (custom, he’s the guy that makes the acoustic instruments for Los Lobos). Best flattop I've ever heard, ex. Cond

And some lesser instruments. A ’62 Guild X-175 Manhattan and a ’29 Dobro were recoverd.

Do you store your guitars on your front lawn? ;)
The cops won't tell you this but they rather like it when a theif is 'shown proper manners' cause they're so backed up with violent crime that common burglary doesn't get much attention.
I don't know about other states but in California there is no statute of limitation on a theft, so a case is open as long as records are kept. So, having photos and serial numbers is a must.

I forgot a few more:
1962 Gibson classical (can't recall the model)
1973 Guild D-25 (mahogany top)

These and the one I listed earlier were from two thefts; one in '81 and the other in '86. When I was filling out the police report I'd mentioned the '81 theft to the detective and he ran the serial numbers from those and the Guild X-175 popped out at a pawn shop 100 miles away. The detectives there gave me a choice; put the paperwork in line with what they had to do (reports were stacked to the ceiling) or, take their business card and cut a deal with the pawn shop. So, I got it back for $100 and a $20 for the goods on the guy that pawned it. I thought I had my fish but he turned out to be a bartender that took it in payment for a bar tab. His description of the guy and his truck led me to build a circumstantial case against someone who lived at the time in the mountain town it was stolen from but I still can't say for sure.

The dobro was from the '86 theft and I just happened to see it on the workbench of the local music store around '95 or so. The music store owner had just got it in a trade out for a Korean strat and $200. I felt it was mine, the music store owner felt it was his, but the detective said it was mine free and clear and that the guy who brought it in fit the description of a cousin of someone who's run a long time fence operation in the area.
I had someone pick up my guitar at an outdoor gig and start to walk away with it until a friend of mine spotted him and yelled. He dropped the guitar (a early '60s Gibson Melody Maker in the case) and bolted. Never caught up with the guy.
Years later I came home from a gig in the wee hours with all my PA in my van. I was tired and it was late so I thought I'd unload in the morning. Came out the next day and it was all gone along with one of my fishing poles that was there too. Needless to say, I cried. Six months later I was at a guy I worked with parent's lake house and there on their dock was my fishing pole. I played hand ball with his head for a bit and we didn't speak much after that but I never saw any of the gear again. Two years after that this clown was arrested for molesting a little boy (I swear) and he ended up in prison learning about the American Penile System from his new roomy.
I lived in a pretty rough neighborhood for awhile and my house got broken into. They cleaned out my roomates pawn shop quality tv/stereo system and stole my boom box and monitors.

They left all my keyboards, PowerBook, and mackie. Dumbasses.