Espionage - spy tune cover

Thank you Ido.
And I have commented on Ido's stuff before in the past

As for the previous poster, I don't come here much any more
I can only comment on music that I like
I don't hear much of anything that I really like
I dislike most vocal stuff
I like instrumental guitar music, Satriani, Vai, etc
But that's just my preference

So it's best for me to not say anything than for me to comment on music I don't like
If we go by your rules, all forum members would have to comment on all forum members post in order to keep you happy
I like it a lot, but I think the guitars are a little too crispy and modern sounding. I think it would do better with a darker, more "plonky" vintage kind of guitar tone. Think Mosrite! :D

Bass and drums sound about right for the style. Maybe wet the drums down a little. Good mix levels and stuff.
Thanks Greg, I wish I had a Mosrite or my old 66 Jazzmaster
Both would make some great guitar tones for this type of music

Thanks for the comments
I like the guitar sound on mix #2 better, but the mix sounds a tad too dark now that you've enhanced the bass and kit.