Equipment fails!

I worked with chemical companies in US, Germany, England, Japan, Korea, China and India. All of them could product quality products if you set the specifications properly. For a while, the Japanese products were the best, with the Germans and American producers close behind. The Germans built a factory in Shanghai, and the material coming out of that factory was darn close to the stuff from Germany. Then the Germans sold off the majority of that plant. Some Korean plants were excellent, others were mediocre. I had the worst luck with Indian sources.

As Rob pointed out, they can make excellent stuff, or they can make it to whatever price point you want. Complaining about a $200 guitar is a bit of lunacy. It's like bitching because McDonalds didn't make your Big Mac with ground filet mignon.
Complaining about a $200 guitar is a bit of lunacy. It's like bitching because McDonalds didn't make your Big Mac with ground filet mignon.

I'm giving away the guitar. It doesn't work. Do you want it? It didn't cost me anything.

I was being honest with myself. I apologize if that is bitching, and I'm just ignorant of value. That's your gain. So when do you want to pick it up? I never heard of a CCP fixer-upper, but maybe you can show us something. I'd be glad to see someone make it work. I give away guitars all the time.

As for the CCP -- Walmart is filled with their stuff. If that's your niche then go for it. I buy on the boutique end of the spectrum, and I'm suspicious of counterfeits. If you can't understand that then I can't explain it. I don't eat Big Macs to start with. I haven't eaten one in probably 40 years. The last one I ate gave me a terrible case of indigestion.

So...I've had 4 CCP guitars come my way, all of them free. It's kind of sad when you can't even give one away.
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My 2 cents..

A short while back I purchased a set of AKG701 open-back headphones. They were designed and engineered by AKG in Austria and manufactured in China. This has caused the selling price to drop rather drastically.. almost daily.

I've never owned a set made in Austria, but I'll wager it would be difficult to tell the difference without taking measurements - if any difference at all.
My 2 cents..

A short while back I purchased a set of AKG701 open-back headphones. They were designed and engineered by AKG in Austria and manufactured in China. This has caused the selling price to drop rather drastically.. almost daily.

I've never owned a set made in Austria, but I'll wager it would be difficult to tell the difference without taking measurements - if any difference at all.

and I bought a toaster made in the CCP that didn't work -- right out of the box. When I took it back to the Walmart, they put it in a crusher. I asked them why they did that. The manager said it's not worth fixing. That's SOP at Walmart for stuff made in the CCP. They don't return defective goods to their manufacturing supplier. The manager said so. They get refund credits for it.

As for me -- I don't waste my precious time trying out stuff that doesn't work, and then going back to customer service. If this is the kind of forum I came to, where cheap is good enough, and we sort through the problems of inferior gear, then I need to move on.
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I buy on the boutique end of the spectrum, and I'm suspicious of counterfeits. If you can't understand that then I can't explain it.

So you buy boutique guitars from China for $200? That don't make much sense. Try an Eastman guitar. You won't get it for $200, but you will get a quality instrument.

Labeling everything from a country as junk is ludicrous. I know some American products that are junk as well. That doesnt mean everything from the US is junk, just that particular product.

Oh yeah..... McDonalds is an American company. Why don't you eat there?
So you buy boutique guitars from China for $200?
So...I've had 4 CCP guitars come my way, all of them free. It's kind of sad when you can't even give one away.
Labeling everything from a country as junk is ludicrous.
As for me -- I don't waste my precious time trying out stuff that doesn't work, and then going back to customer service.

Oh yeah..... McDonalds is an American company. Why don't you eat there?
I don't eat Big Macs to start with. I haven't eaten one in probably 40 years. The last one I ate gave me a terrible case of indigestion.
I think one of my four SM58s has died. It went intermittent two gigs ago, and was dead on the last one. I'll have to do a bit of troubleshooting to make sure it wasn't a cable.
No. It doesn't. I have a name - and it does not depend on who you ask.
It probably depends more on who you piss off. :laughings:
As for the country, how about if I call the country -- Communist China or "CC" for short?
I hate to sleight the people of the country, by calling it the "PRC", like they are the ones to blame for their authoritarian government.
It's not the "people's" choice to live in fear.

The stuff that is made there is not made in the CCP. It's made in the PRC. Let us proceed with stone cold rationality.

and your name in real life is "PorterHouse Music". You're just trying to be funny, right?
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