EQing "finger snapping"


New member
Where in the world do I start with EQing "finger snapping"? It's a Christmas song with a Blue's feel. Everything else sounds fine, just not sure where to begin with this rhythm piece.
I'd suggest a fairly bright SD condensor like a C451 or SM81 about 18" from the source. I'd record a number of them until I had maybe 4 or 5 I liked and then I'd save the good ones to individual audio files to use as samples.

Once you have them individually snip and cut the waveform just right, apply some compression and normalization to optimize the sample and them trigger them via MIDI, or insert them 'by hand' in a DAW.
I did record using a Behringer B1, about 14-inches from the mic with pop filter in place. This runs through a Digitech Studio vocalist; running through the pre-amp no effects applied. I recorded a good set, just want to brighten it up slightly (it's a little muddy for my liking)...where is the best place to add/cut on the EQ?
If what you recorded is muddy, you may want to roll off the lows a bit and maybe raise the highs to add that airy sound to it. I cant tell you exactly what frequency to roll off or add, because I dont know how the "fingersnap" sounds in the first place. My advice would be to experiment with the EQ and see where it takes you. Hope this helps.
Sexy??? Mmmmmm......I didn't start out to be an engineer...sort of "fell into it". Like everyone else, I wanted to be able to work with my own music, on my own time.
Like most I suffer from G.A.S. gear aquisition syndrome...there's always something more I want. How 'bout you? I like the look and feel to your site BTW. Mine needs (and is in process) of an overhaul.
thewifey said:
Like most I suffer from G.A.S. gear aquisition syndrome...there's always something more I want. How 'bout you? I like the look and feel to your site BTW. Mine needs (and is in process) if an overhaul.

Hahahaah @ GAS (Gear Aquisition Syndrome). I had that bug but I had to draw the line somewhere! I still would like to get a few more things, but I am OK for now. Thank you for looking at the pics (there are 2 studios) Panic Room is my friend Mikes and The Pentagon is mine, (I built both of them) Here is the link! Those are old photos of the desk, I have my computer in a rackmount case now here

My PC is in a desperate need of an overhaul too. I am still running a P4 1.3Ghz w/256MB RAM. I seen your site too, I like the set-up you have also, it looks warm and comfortable to be in. I was reading your gearlist. You have more stuff than I do :)
I see you have 2 soundcards, I hope your using the Echo MIA for recording? I have the Gina/24. Echo makes good sound cards.

What version of Cubase do you have? I use SX
The photos in my studio are about 1-year old and need to be updated. I have a couple newer pieces. Just replaced my dbx compressor with a Behringer T1952 Tube and would like to pick up the T1953 Mic Tube Preamp. I also just replaced my small Yamaha (which I used for writing and transporting) with a larger one. It is a nice warm inviting space...I get lots done in there.

I just upgraded the video card in my PC with a 64MG NVIDEA, made a huge difference in performance. Even though the PC is a 933Mghz, I'm not looking to upgrade the processor for a while. With 512RAM, the faster video card and two hard drives at 7200 RPM's it runs fast enough. I stripped off all email, internet and web design software off of it so it's just dedicated to music, CD burning and CD cover design. I have a 2.6 Ghz wireless laptop for everything else. Everything gets initially recorded into a Roland VS-840EX, no compression or anything. Then it gets sent into the PC, through the mixer, compressor and BBE maximizer via the Echo Mia for final mastering. I have the Echo also routed into my mixer for playback. The other sound card is for everything else, but it's also nice to use it for "test" listening. I test listen on the PC and also on a small boom box that's in the studio.

I have Cuebase SX but still have yet to truly master it. I'm using Adobe Audition 1.5 to record and do some initial clean-up. Then it's into WaveLab 4.0 for the final mastering. I do want to get into using Cuebase more, but don't find it as user friendly.
I picked up a big chunk of my gear from my "mentor" who is a comercial studio owner in the area.
It sounds you have a certain system that works for you (thats a good thing). I track and mix everything into cubase SX. I have a mackie 24x8 bus that all my external gear is patched into including the computer. I create everything in MIDI format within SX and then I record each MIDI track as an audio track onto a dedicated audio drive (Ultra160 SCSI). For me to record an audio track I would simply route the channel strip into my computers sound card. The Mackie board has a flexible switching design called (Mix B), and I can route any single or combo of channels to the Mix B output, which is patched into my Echo Gina inputs.

I had a Geforce4 64MB card, I liked the nVidia chipset but I upgraded to an ATI Radeon 128MB 9200se W/TV and DVI output so I can use dual displays. I love the twin monitor set-up. It enables you to work more effeciently, I can have my project window on one screen whille my mixer and other things can sit on the other screen. There is less hassle than one screen where you would have to shrink things to view something else. Once I switched to dual view, I dont know how I dealt with only 1 screen. :D

I still want some more synths, but I am not sure about getting hardware because now I been using more of the VST instruments. If my drive continues to use VST instruments I will need to upgrade my CPU and RAM soon.
Well a twig snap is around 2kHz which i beleive is our optimim hearing frequency. So i woud think that a twig snapping and fingers clicking would be of similar frequency, so too get a brighter sound maybe boost at around 2kHz or so. Just a guess.
Awe man, nah! me and thewifey are just having a friendly chat about studio gear thats all. As you can see by her user name she is already spoken for. I seen her picture on her site and if she doesnt mind me saying she is very attractive looking! :D

lol@ home rec becoming the dating game.
looks like Mr. Nice is nice with the words

No, I certainly don't mind compliments - bring 'em on. Now to make you REALLY laugh - guess my age w/o looking at my profile!

The only time I do anything with MIDI is if I want to write a score for a musical piece. Then I use the Audigy breakout box and send into CakeWalk Scorewriter, though I just picked up Finale 2005 to replace it. One of the musicians/sound engineers I work with in the area uses lots of MIDI so from time to time, I'll work with his. Mackie makes some NICE equipment! I've not thought of the dual monitor route, most likely due to a space issue. It would be nice to have a larger viewing area when I'm mastering within WaveLab, as I have to move plugins around to get a clear view.

Which VST instruments are you using?? I've been pulling mine off my keyboards (and some live), would like to have other options expecially with some orchestral types.