EQ on a recorded bass track?

I'm certainly not trying to piss off a lot of people. Just playing the Devil's Advocate here, and Glen I'm not picking on just you, but you're words seem to get me to my point...

SouthSIDE Glen said:
- it manages to push fresh and current threads down the display page, and if enough people do it, it'll push 'em off the first page altogether, leaving threads that are many years old floating at the top like scum on a stagnant lake, while the more current, more relevant threads languish below.

Current and relevant for who? Certainly not the person looking for information who resurrected the thread in the first place. THAT person is not important. Only the vets who have to "once again read through this garbage."

SouthSIDE Glen said:
- When a thread is many years old already, it often contains obsolete information. This is especially true in a high-tech field like this one where new gear and new technical capabilities come out every 6 months. Hell, just for one example, we still have threads popping up like this that are filled with advice that was appropriate for the 16-bit converters that were state of the art when this board started, but is just plain bad advice under today's technology.

Then, why do we want newbies to read this information and take it for gospel? Instead, wouldn't this be a good time to "update" the info? Maybe threads shoud have an "expiration date" attached to them, at which point they just disappear?

SouthSIDE Glen said:
If you have new info you'd like to contribute to the board, that's wonderful. But if you can either start a new thread or simply wait for the question to be asked in a current thread, that would be considered far better BBS etiquette than dragging up ancient threads by dead people.

I've seen many times someone start a new thread and get jumped on to "use the search function!" So we're sending them to "old" information? If we all waited for the questions to be asked in a current thread the question will never get asked and this board wouldn't be necessary.

SouthSIDE Glen said:
Nothing wrong with using a search function or engine to find stuff. That's how most of these folks dig up these threads to begin with. I applaud that and would like to see more of it myself.

So, use the search function, find the old stuff that's out-dated, read it, have a question about it because you're a newbie, asked the question and then get jumped on for using the search function and resurrecting an old thread?

Again, just playing the Devil's Advocate here, but... what the hell are we here for? To give and get advice on recording, mixing, etc.? Or to let the newbies drown trying to wade through the wealth of information that is Home Recording without guiding them with/to the new, helpful info because "we've seen it all before?"

And in the meantime this thread just keeps pushing one more current thread by a real live person with a real problem right now off the front page.....

What do you have against people from the past, anyway?

I mean ... I'll bet some guy from 3 years ago is going to feel kind of cheated by that statement.

Christ, people, let's relax, take a breath, and look at what actually happened here to start all this, OK?:

Pleasurehead inadvertantly resurrected the thread with the following post:
"Some really great advice here. Thank you all."

It was very nice of him to make that effort to thank everyone. It was also an honest mistake on his part, having been brand new to the board, that he was thanking people who haven't been active in this forum for a couple of years, and would therefore probably never receive his thank you.

As this was just the lastest in a very recent series of such inadvertant thread resurrections, I made the light-hearted reply:
And that's as true today as it was two years ago when this thread was active .

Man, all of a sudden we're all getting sucked in. Whole lotta newbs searching the waters, getting ready for those mBoxes they're expecting for graduation presents, and pulling old threads out of Davey Jones' locker.

Late December-January and late May-June; dangerous times for old thread ressurection.
There was nothing slanderous meant in that reply, no egotistical rep power plays, nothing like that AT ALL. Just an observation of the truth: thread ressurection definitely follows seasonal trends and does not happen at even frequency throughout the year. It definitely strongly peaks at the listed times.

This is because it is usually *not* people trying to update old thread information. It is not people simply searching information and then wishing to contribute their wisdom. It is none of those exception-to-the-rule-situations that 7string puts forward as devil's advocate.

It is simply people not used to navigating the forums and not used to looking at timestamps because they just recently signed up, and they signed up either around Christmas time or around end-of school/graduation time in a blitz effore to search out info for themselves. I'm not saying that's wrong or anything of the sort. I give them credit for their resourcefulness. I just (and you all know it's not just me, people, but practically everyone here) am giving a friendly jab to lt them know about their faux pas, and giving every one else a heads up because many of us (like me in that crowd noise thread and Daisy in this one) have gotten sucked in behind them.

(Notice that neither I or or Daisy took any offense when the situation was pointed out to us in our situations. In my thread I just basicaly said "oops!", made a joke and moved on. Here, Daisy simply rolled with the situation.)

And yes, it *is* a faux pas; in the majority of the cases the resurrector would have never made the resurrecting post if they had realized it was an old thread. That was most certainly the case here

Christ, if I were in the newb's place, I'd MUCH rather have someone come along and let me know what I was doing before I made myself feel like a dummy by repeating the faux pas several times over. But to take offense, accuse me of some kind of childish social status power play, or any of that soap opera bullshit is just plain silly and exasperating.

Geez, are things *that* boring? :D

Well, SouthSide, I certainly didn't mean to start this sidetrack shitstorm, I was just trying to understand the issue. Now it makes sense to me, after reading several of the more lucid comments above.

I like being able to find info like I did on this particular thread, about EQ'ing the bass in a mix. That specific info isn't going to go obsolete any time soon. But since the thread is so old, it doesn't make sense to engage anew with the posters, who may indeed be long gone. I'll try to make that distinction from now on.

As far as the newbie status listed under my name, it's a bit of an insult as it only means I'm an infrequent contributor to the site. I'm the same age as you, and I've released three CD's under my stage name, Bob Wire, since 2000. The last two were recorded in my home studio during the last three years, with plenty of help from advice and answers I found right here at homerecording.com. Thanks for taking the time to respond in a civil manner. It is appreciated.

If I feel I have any pertinent or helpful information to add to any given issue, I'll do so in the interest of helping any other member with this complicated, yet rewarding world of home recording. I respect your opinion, and everyone's right to express theirs as well, Glen, and I look forward to continuing my "home school" education here. ;-)