Emagics Logic

Nuendo has the best automation features I've seen in software mixing. I've never used Protools, but almost every other major software package I have used. You can do it channel by channel, and draw the fader movements out on a line graph, kinda like Logic. But you can automate everything, and can choose when you want each channel to follow the automation. Very cool stuff. I do all my mixing purely inside Nuendo. There's some big name producer that remixed some Korn songs and other stuff that does that too. He hihgly toughts Nuendo, and he used to use Logic. He mixes totally inside the program. That says something, cause he can afford to have the big SSL console, and all the outboard gear. If I had that shit, I might not mix in Nuendo, but I don't (have the shit), so I do (mix in Nuendo). I never really attempted doing software mixing in Cakewalk, but from what I've heard Nuendo is much easier to use and has many more features.

hey jake,

never trust commercials saying that x uses y. not to degrade Nuendo (don't know shit about it).

Sorry guys, but I just had to put my two cents in here.

I have Cakewalk 8, but after using Nuendo I could never go back to Cakewalk. Nuendo makes Cakewalk seem rinky dink! But I am into recording audio and in a surround sound format ,so of course I would feel that way. Nuendo is designed for an artist like myself.

I LOATH MIDI. Several pieces of gear almost flew out my second story studio window because of that word!

Lucky for me technology saved me. Now I don't have to deal with that "Sorry in performance mode the effects only apply to one channel crap!" Yikes!!

So if you don't have to deal with midi, I wouldn't bother trying to figure out Logic. It's a great program, but more complicated than need be for just audio! Cheers, thanks for letting me vent!
Guhlenn, it wasn't any sort of a marketing ploy. It was an interview with the guy from some independent source. I think that it got put in "Mix"? Before it was in there, some website did it, and they weren't big enough to be commercially biased.

And also, surround sound mixing in Nuendo rocks! It is sooo easy! Just pick 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 or make your own custom surround setup. Then you can pan using a graphical interface. Works awesome. I drew out how my speakers are in my room and did the panning, it worked perfectly. (I only have my stereo front left+right, mono rear channel (2 speakers), and a subwoofer).

Deja vu

I think I read that interview in Mix. This guy was/is doing complete mixes in Nuendo.

If someone were to lie about using a certain software title I don't think they would be so blatant about it.

I've gotta check this thing out.

I'll have to wait for the vacation though... just a few more days til exams are over...

Oh wait. Shit. It's not just a few days, it's more than a week.


I guess I better get back to work.
What's the limit?

Well, I know this will depend on my soundcard, But How many tracks can I record simultaniously with audio platinum 4.1 ? (Very Important feature! to me anyway.) This App is tricky. I think I'm gonna get the CD from Coolbreezes. Can I use a MOTU system with Logic? Thanx for all the input.
I believe that the MOTU works, but I'm not positive. You can record as many tracks as you want at a time (or as many as your computer can handle). I think it's in the upwards of 128 (never thought to set it higher then that, once I had a song that used like 70 tracks with all the sound effects and samples and shit, along with like 12 guitar tracks) for a real max, but if you get that high, I don't even wanna know what the hell you're doing.

The Motu 2408? is a fantastic interface and it will work fine unless you're using one of the original Athlon CPu's. The nice thing about Motu is that it provides all the I/O's you could need plus good quality A/D converters and a sound card interface. The only limitation is the 48K samplerate, but a 96K converter cost more than twice a 2408, and it's just a converter.
Good choice,
MOTU and Logic

I'm using a MOTU 1224 with Logic and it's great *with the ASIO drivers*. When I first installed my MOTU (before I used Logic) it told me that the ASIO drivers were only for CuBase and I didn't know any better at the time so I didn't install them. Later after switching to Logic (from Cool Edit Pro) I was having huge latency problems so I reinstalled the MOTU software and forced it to install the ASIO drivers once I realized I could use them in Logic. Problem solved, no latency, everything is perfect.

I finally got logic, my dream sequencer, and I must say that I am impressed. The midi is the nicest I have used so far.

It is not as intuitive as vegas, but it does not seem to be too difficult for multitracking and editting.

I thought cool edit pro was harder to learn.

now if I could just figure out how to insert plugins.
You go to Audio, then Mixer, then click on any of the insert boxes over the desired channel on the mixer screen. A drop down list magically appears, and you pick one. To edit it, you double click on the plugins name in that once-empty insert box.

hey thank jrlemonz, that was helpful.

To tell the truth, I have not been blown away by Logic. I mean, its useful and all, but maybe the fact that my version does not have environments is the reason.

I can't set up my jv1010, my korg or my lxp-1 to integrate into the logic environment.

But at leat I can now insert effects, and they don't sound half-bad.

Load your CD and if the install window pops up, close it. Go to Start>Run>CD drive letter>Support folder>Various Multis - click and hold on the top environment listed on the left margin. A long preset list will pop-up, including Korg.

thanks oneArtist. I have Logic delta, which is 24/96 logic but restricted to 16 tracks.

I downloaded the environments off the internet, but when I load the files, I just get a regular logic window with names, but no environment whatsoever.

I think they want me to upgrade to logic 5.0 or something.
