Dry, cracking fingertips

Lol. That's why I asked. Seriously. I was genuinely wondering if it's an old thing, or a cold thing. I'm neither. I will be one of them one day though. This is one area where your greatly advanced age and willingness to speak freely about your old people ailments can actually be useful to me. I appreciate it.

But yeah, I'm definitely gonna talk about cracking old northern geezers while at a bar. Sounds like fun. Great conversation. Is that what you cracking old northern geezers talk about at bars? Your old cracking freezing skin? :laughings:
And yeah, the older you get, the worse it gets, but it's the lower humidity of colder air plus the effect of heaters further drying that already dry air out. It sucks the moisture right out of your skin.
Is that what you cracking old northern geezers talk about at bars? Your old cracking freezing skin? :laughings:

Naaa...we talk about it here on Prime Time. :)

I know...you think old age is knocking on your door, and you're getting worried about it. :D
Not sure what it's like to be a real old geezer yet.
I'm a generation ahead of you, and it's not as bad as some people may think.
It ain't like when you were 20-30...for sure...but not much different than when you crack 40.
Seems like between 40 about 70, there's a gentle decline, but if you are healthy, it's nothing horrible.
You probably gotta get up into your 70's before you start to really feel old and your body starts letting go.

Anyway...I would rather spend the winter in the NE than the summer in the South...but we all have our prefs.

So now that we've covered skin moisturizers...what's next...personal hygiene products? :p
And my decline has not been so gentle.

---------- Update ----------

Hey, Greg. Since you brought up the subject, how old are you? Just curious.
And my decline has not been so gentle.

What happened...you tripped on the first step down, and are now tumbling the rest of the way? :) ;)

Hey, Greg. Since you brought up the subject, how old are you? Just curious.

Greg crossed over into that twilight zone known as "middle age" :D a couple of years ago, if I recall.
There were ponies and cake...didn't you get the invite?
(Of course...assuming we go with the standard definition of middle age starting when you hit 40).

Shit, I would gladly go back to 40 again. I seemed like the beginning of the end, but looking back, it wasn't such a big deal.
Yeah...it all depends how gentle the decline, once you cross that line......................................
Haha yeah I'm 42. I certainly don't feel old. I'm in good shape. And if I keep my thinning hair buzzed like usual I still look good. :D
Haha yeah I'm 42. I certainly don't feel old. I'm in good shape. And if I keep my thinning hair buzzed like usual I still look good. :D

Yeah, I didn't at 42 either. Check back with me in about 5 years. Or 16.

Who am I kidding? I won't be here in 16. Probably not even 5. But that's OK with me. I've seen old in my family, and I don't want any part of it.