Dropped a Boxing Trophy on 12 string

As for retaliating against the boxer that hurt you guitar with his trophy. I know some guys that will break his thumbs for you but it wont be cheap.
I'm with Foo,

DEFINIETELY take the tensions off the strings and contact Larrivee.

Remind them that if they don't fix it right you didn't earn that boxing trophy baking pastries he he he....if it's not yours they don't have know that now do they?
Call Larrivee, pull off the strings, and follow thier advice. From your description, the sides will NOT necessarily have to be replaced; here is where an oblong patch can do wonders, and the biggest issue is to match the grain. But the best advice on the whole thread is to ship it back to Larrivee. Just follow the link...


Good luck, and don't lose hope. It ain't as bad as ya think...