Drone when Recording Distorted Guitar

I don't usually have two of the same, but I do usually have a slightly overdriven electric and an acoustic...or some other combo of two rhythm guitars. It always sounds empty if there is just one rhythm guitar panned straight up the middle.
I don't think I've ever recorded a song that doesn't have at least two distinct rhythm tracks in it.

Very interesting! Alright so I double tracked and also changed to the green channel crunch mode rather than the high gain red channel on my amp to try to get rid of some of the "scratchiness". I think it's better?


  • intro3.mp3
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Very interesting! Alright so I double tracked and also changed to the green channel crunch mode rather than the high gain red channel on my amp to try to get rid of some of the "scratchiness". I think it's better?

I think it's better, but it's hard to tell in that megasquashed mix. The whole thing sounds like harsh noise. I know you're not looking for mix critiques, but it's hard to really listen for the guitars with a squashed mix like that. As far as I could tell, I think it's an improvement though. I always liked the green channel better on DSLs. Green crunch with a lotta gain is a good thing. Red overdrive channel, not so much.
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I think it's better, but it's hard to tell in that megasquashed mix. The whole thing sounds like harsh noise. I know you're not looking for mix critiques, but it's hard to really listen for the guitars with a squashed mix like that. As far as I could tell, I think it's an improvement though. I always liked the green channel better on DSLs. Green crunch with a lotta gain is a good thing. Red overdrive channel, not so much.

hmmm what do you mean by squashed? and im open to mix critique although I know im in the wrong section now
heres just the guitars if thats what you meant. disregard the background noise...i was in a hurry and didnt output just to the headphones :)
heres just the guitars if thats what you meant. disregard the background noise...i was in a hurry and didnt output just to the headphones :)

Attachment don't work.

By "squashed" I mean it sounds compressed. It's loud and harsh and everything is mashed together. I'm okay with loud, but it still has to sound good.
gah I don't understand why these attachments arent working, im just using the built in uploader for the forum. i guess try that.

hmm, well im not putting any overall compression on it. The individual tracks have some on them, but no more than 2:1. Is that a problem with the track recordings or the mixing? How do you fix harsh lol?
gah I don't understand why these attachments arent working, im just using the built in uploader for the forum. i guess try that.

hmm, well im not putting any overall compression on it. The individual tracks have some on them, but no more than 2:1. Is that a problem with the track recordings or the mixing? How do you fix harsh lol?

Well I'm not sure. Do you have anything on the master bus when mixing out as MP3 or whatever? It seemed awfully loud and hot for a mix that isn't put through a compressor or limiter. Was anything clipping? Maybe you're tracking too hot? My unfinished, un "mastered" mixes don't come out anywhere near that hot.

As for the just guitars clip, I think those sound pretty good and way better than your first attempts. You're definitely on the right track. They're a little dark, but pretty good. So what did you do differently? What are your amp settings and mic placement? One thing I'm gonna take a guess on here is that you're not tracking loud enough. The amp isn't loud enough. I'm just guessing, but it sounds to me like all preamp gain and not enough power tube deliciousness. Get that volume up if you aren't already. :)
Well I'm not sure. Do you have anything on the master bus when mixing out as MP3 or whatever? It seemed awfully loud and hot for a mix that isn't put through a compressor or limiter. Was anything clipping? Maybe you're tracking too hot? My unfinished, un "mastered" mixes don't come out anywhere near that hot.

As for the just guitars clip, I think those sound pretty good and way better than your first attempts. You're definitely on the right track. They're a little dark, but pretty good. So what did you do differently? What are your amp settings and mic placement? One thing I'm gonna take a guess on here is that you're not tracking loud enough. The amp isn't loud enough. I'm just guessing, but it sounds to me like all preamp gain and not enough power tube deliciousness. Get that volume up if you aren't already. :)

Thanks man, you've been a great help! You know what, so I probably break the most cardinal rule of mixing, but I by default have a mastering plugin on the main bus. I always turn it off to mix, but when I mix down to mp3 I have it on. I took a look at the settings and I had turned the volume maximizer up way too high and it was clipping like no body's business lol. Other things I did was turn the reverb on all the tracks. Individually it sounds great, but when you get all the tracks reverbing it up, it really clashes. Instead I just put a little reverb on the whole mix in the mastering plugin. I think it crisped things up a bit. I also reworked some of the tracks compressors because some of them were kicking in a bit too much and you def could hear it working.

Cool, I'll play around with the eq/presence see if i cant brighten it up a bit. Well the big thing was the green channel and not the red. But then I had the mids and lows at 3 o'clock. Gain's at 11, but you got me, the volume is super low because I live in an apartment and while the neighbors below me are quite accommodating, I can't get the vol past 2 before the whole apartment shakes lol. It is unfortunate because I'd love to hear what it sounds turned up, but I guess I'll have to wait until I get my own house in a few years lol.

So hopefully it's a better now. But I'll go post it over in mp3 clinic soon since you've helped me solve many of my problems! Cheers man!
Awww dude, I'm afraid you got the wrong amp for apartment living. :-(

Just do the best you can. Do you know what an attenuator is? Look into one. They allow you to crank the amp but it keeps the volume reasonable. They do sacrifice some tone though.
Ironically, the attenuators currently on the market are supposed to give you BETTER tone at lower volumes.

Oh how marketing lies to us.

Cheers :)