Download and Mix Contest

Just what I thought before the rules were out, stole the mix and ran, I don't care I'm outa here.

btw, the tracking sucked, if I had that equipment there would have been tracks that didn't need rediculous eq and compression.

don't bother quoting this cause I won't be back to read it

later it mostly sucks here too. I hate what this site has become. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Want some cheese with that whine?

lol, no kidding - jeeze..... I find it hard to have the patience to listen to five mixes of the same song - much less 37 (or whatever it was up to...)

I appreciate the judges, and I understand that they have probably just got this on the back burner....that shit happens to all of us. Gotta pay the bills first.
lol, no kidding - jeeze..... I find it hard to have the patience to listen to five mixes of the same song - much less 37 (or whatever it was up to...)

I appreciate the judges, and I understand that they have probably just got this on the back burner....that shit happens to all of us. Gotta pay the bills first.

I tottaly understand the magnitude of judging a mix comp but Im sure whoever is judging will straight away be able to notice good mixes and bad mixes.
Eliminate the bad mixes form the comp then concentrate on the good mixes.

I wouldn't say it would be possible to judge all 37 mixes in order, that would fry anyones brain! Even some of the best pros probably!

Just what I thought before the rules were out, stole the mix and ran, I don't care I'm outa here.

btw, the tracking sucked, if I had that equipment there would have been tracks that didn't need rediculous eq and compression.

don't bother quoting this cause I won't be back to read it

later it mostly sucks here too. I hate what this site has become. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I did bother to quote this "ridiculous" post, so there.

So, would you say the tracking was better or worse than your grammar skills?
btw, the tracking sucked, if I had that equipment there would have been tracks that didn't need rediculous eq and compression.

Thanks! :D

Feel free to post some better tracks. I would love a crack at mixing some better recorded tracks.

While these tracks may not be perfect, for being recorded in MY LIVING ROOM, I think they are certainly mixable. No claim was made that they were "pro" tracks. It's a considerable PITA to put these contests on, as well as judge. Luckily, I won't let one asshole ruin it for the rest of us.

Just for shits and giggles, here is a basically what amounts to slightly more than a "push" mix. I never put much into it due to the band breaking up (the only reason this was available btw). Also, just for reference, the band tracked 5 songs in about 8-10 hours total.. This was just going to be "demo" quality. I personally think this band was pretty damn good, and this was my least favorite out of the 5 songs, but the only one they tracked vox too. All the others are done except vox.

Anyway, here is my craptastic mix!
- very little eq or compression BTW.

I had to create one hell of an envelope to balance out his levels (I got a little lazy at the end). This was a good learning experience esp. for drums. I never mixed a real set before. If this was my own song I would have tweaked it a little more.

Also, if you've never tracked drums, and think it's "the gear" that gets a great drum track, you are in for some big surprises......

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Well honestly, after the first listen, I took the top 20 for a second listen, the then top 10 for a third, then the top 3 or 4 until I was completely happy with that order. It took about 4 hours over a night and morning after.

Listening to NL5's mix, I'd place that #3 or 4 . . . so . . . all the BS can walk, as far as I'm concerned.

xfinsterx is always really busy, but if he gets time to judge this, it will be worthwhile. He entered the last PMC rather than judging, and I scored his mix a full point over #2 . . . something to think about.
I guess I needed more "rediculous eq and compression" [sic]. LOL :D

Thanks again MS for judging!


I like that effect on your "craptasticly rediculous" mix when the vocal comes in. I assume thats reverse reverb? I recall you telling someone else about that in another thread so I played with it a bit on one of my songs and thought "so, that's how they do that! (duh)" :D

I appreciate you guys posting these tracks so we have something to practice with.

I like that effect on your "craptasticly rediculous" mix when the vocal comes in. I assume thats reverse reverb? I recall you telling someone else about that in another thread so I played with it a bit on one of my songs and thought "so, that's how they do that! (duh)" :D

I appreciate you guys posting these tracks so we have something to practice with.

Yes, it's reverse reverb - I had just quick mixed this for the band to approve Vocals before they broke up. The two effects on this song were stolen from another project I was working on, and were just there for my amusement basically. I put the reverse reverb in because I don't like how the vocals come in. :)