Dongle replacement.

Quick question regarding Firewire (which in my experience has always been much more reliable/faster than USB)...

If I have a laptop that doesn't have built-in firewire, and I get a PCMCIA or Cardbus (I don't know what "Cardbus" is... a fancy term for PCMCIA?) FW interface, will it perform as well, or does the protocol of the interface card itself introduce some latency?

I ask this because I'm looking to replace my guitar looper (a Boss RC-20), and rather than going for another hardware solution which would be expensive, I'm considering a software solution. But the seemingly simple task of getting my guitar input into and out of my laptop is becoming conceptually complex. I want to use a firewire interface, but my laptop doesn't have one built in.

Sorry to take this thread in yet another direction. I should probably post this question elsewhere, but since FW vs. USB came up, I thought I'd throw it out there.
The M-Audio 1814 got hammered for reliability here. I'm not sure how much stock to put in such reviews but it is a little scary.
The M-Audio 1814 got hammered for reliability here. I'm not sure how much stock to put in such reviews but it is a little scary.

You've got to read into what this dude is saying (He's really saying I'm a moron!)

He says, "They gave me no solution just some links to pages with quick fix things and ways to optimize your computer for recording." That was his solution as he was trying to run this on a piece of crap system.

He also says "But they did respond after I did everything telling me to contact Protools." That doesn't even make sense!

He goes on "So I e-mailed protools my problem with my system configurations and processor. The e-mail they replied with said this verbatim "protools does not run with this processor please try another pc" Well duh!

And then he wasn't even bright enough to get it to "work on my friends 2 gig macbook"

You do have to be careful putting stock in reviews. Shop around, stop in your local music stores and studios and talk to people before you decide what's right for you.
Yea, man - that's useful insight if I've ever seen it :) How old was yours when the caps went out? I've never seen that happen to anything other than poweramps...

I'd say I was running it for about two years, it's not like it was running 24/7 in a pro studio or anything, just regular home use. I was very satisfied with the unit at the time but I was checking up on the problem here a number of posters pointed me in the direction of the Echo unit so I decided to go for the Layla3G rather than get another Delta.
Posted by mistake.......then could not del it. There use to be a button to delete a message, but been so long since I posted anything maybe things have changed. There is a choice as to edit-delete message, but after you click it there is not place to remove things.
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