Does Behringer use sweatshop labor?

i dunno about any of them! but if there's somewhere info can be found, i'll go and read up. the companies aren't big enough to earn the boycotts that ethical consumer groups organise though, so i guess we stay in the dark.
RyanEmerson said:
Firstoff, even if you buy the argument that they're "better off" that way, you must remember that's not the reason the company does it.
The reason companies does it is rather besides the point don't you think? The point is: Will the poeple in the sweatshop benefit from you buying other prodycts. And the answer is a clear no. You are not helping these people buy boycotting the things they make. In fact, it's the other way around.

The company exploits people because of the bottom line. Profit. Not because they think that exploiting people is right.
See comment above about the meaning of the word "exploiting" in socialist lingo.

Anyway, it's still great to see that there are conservatives out there who, even when they know something's immoral, minimalize it just to make themselves feel better.
I would be rather upset if I saw things like that. I guess it means you are one of those conservatives, then, since you like it.
Wow, I don't know who you are buddy, and quite frankly, I don't care. I come here because I'm new to recording, and I want some help. Up until now, has been a polite and helpful environment, and I've learned a lot. But your need to argue is beyond me.

Now I don't want to purchase any Behringer products, because they may or may not use sweatshops, and until I know for sure, I'm holding off. That simple.

As far as politics/morals goes, like I said, I'm not here to dicuss it. I'm just looking for answers.

And if you don't have any, please refrain from responding.

Thank you.
hey Ryan, don't worry. Regebro's nice really, he's actually a virtual swede (i know, it sounds like a complicated gene pool LOL) who is one of the nice guys on here. he's also the future of rap. make of that what you will!

i disagree with him although i can see his point. boycotting WILL reduce employment by these companies but i believe that, by moving demand to alternative manufacturers, the end result will eventually be equivalent employment rates across the board, but with ethical businesses having a higher market share.
I'm not sure if they do or not, but who cares? They make a decent product at a price anyone can afford.

I got a B-stock Behringer 3282A, for $475 US. And I love the thing. Nothing but good to say about it. Given, I'm a newbie at all this stuff (damn me for being a drummer), so maybe there's better things out there for the price. But when you choose a board over rent, you gotta pick something cost effecient.
""Now I don't want to purchase any Behringer products, because they may or may not use sweatshops, and until I know for sure, I'm holding off. That simple.""

ok......first off there were no questions about behringer and sweat shops until you brought it one knows that they actually use sweatshops but we know their made in another fender squier P-Bass was made in china also....come to think of was my TOASTER! i think if you want to know about music...ask music questions...if you want to know about politics...ask a politician. all you got from this was everyone's political view of what sweatshops do for the people and their local economy.
RyanEmerson said:
Now I don't want to purchase any Behringer products, because they may or may not use sweatshops, and until I know for sure, I'm holding off. That simple.
Yes, and I'm telling you that if you are boycotting products from companies that use "sweatshops" you are only making life worse for the people in thes "sweatshops". There is no moral in this either, it is just a simple fact. Your moral should then together with this fact decide your actions, which are entirely up to you to decide.

I do not have a need to argue. I'm trying to explain something. My opinions are often not entirely politically correct. This is one of those cases. However, I have no need for polictical correctness. The correctness I seek is only factual. I do not feel that warrants any hostility from your part. You are welcome to argue against this if you want, and you are also very welcome to ignore it. But if you are going to ignore it, then it's you should refrain from responding, right?

But instead you, and others, accuse me of not caring of other people, when I explain to you that your actions are hurting them. You then, after doing that, imply that *I* am being rude, or obnoxious, or have a need to argue.

I did not start the thread, I did not take up the topic, I have not said one bad word against you in this thread. I will continue to tell my truth until I deem it pointless. If you think that this is somehow rude behavior, I feel that this is entirely your problem.
distortedrumble said:
if you want to know about politics...ask a politician.
He did, and I answered. I guess he didn't like the answer, but that's life. Reality bites... :D
i swear its getting harder to deal with frustrations without insulting people personally. but lets try to keep a little civility about us
c7sus said:
Here's an idea: How about YOU start telling it like it REALLY is.

That you don't mind exploiting these folks one single iota because as far as your concerned they're just a bunch of goddamned "coolies" anyway.

This is the ultimate arrogance, Rege.

That YOU are gonna exploit these poor bastards and "help" them.

You're as phony as a 3-dollar bill.

It's a damn good thing that all that fucking dope you so love to smoke is grown here at home by well paid persons!Otherwise I would have to call you a fucking hypocrite.
JAPAN IN THE HOUSE! Konichiwa 47ronnin-san! genki desu ka? anyway....i think if it was made in guatemala i would assume it was a sweat shop quicker than singapore...and so many jobs are going to china that i dont think sweatshops will really be needed too much...unless the people are trying to immigrate somwhere else and have to be smuggled