Do you use the "N" word in your music?

Is it okay to use the "N" word in your music?

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JCM900 said:
Just exactly WHAT species are you, I assume from your post, your not HUMAN. Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source
spe‧cies  /ˈspiʃiz, -siz/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[spee-sheez, -seez] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, plural -cies, adjective

–noun 1. a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind.

This isn't english class, but Trust me, I am a total different specie than you!!!!

Not to mention the your instead of you're DUMBNESS, wouldn't want to piss Watermelonhead off!...........
PM me with any further questions, I don't like to take up the time and space of people who are trying to learn................
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Fieva said:
Break it up fellas. This shit got out of hand. Let's end it here and move along....capiche?

And Fieva no disrespect, but if someone got at you I wouldn't tell you to turn it off. I ain't made like that!
If you ain't trying to hear it, don't peep the thread dogg! It's just me being me, it is a forum for discussion and opinions, and I have both. Plus balls to boot!

Trumpspade said:
Not to mention the your instead of you're DUMBNESS, wouldn't want to piss Watermelonhead off!...........
If you're referring to the post you quoted, he got the right your .
Edit. didn't see the second one
watermelon said:
If you're referring to the post you quoted, he got the right your .
Edit. didn't see the second one

I reposted it twice watermelon and I did read it!!!!! But yes, I was referring to his second your!

It's all good, just having fun!

God Bless!!!
JCM900 said:
as far as your take on the word nigga being a derivitive of the word ni**er, I dont feel that the use is any different than say... axe=ask.
bro-brother, I think maybe its called "ebonics"? which i translate into, to lazy to annunciate (sp).

that's your opinion but to equate the power of linguistics that has been used since slavery days to disguise communications and true intent from WASP Christian slave owners would be a gross misrepresentation of the power of both language our ability to manipulate it.

To those who prefer an educated view on the subject of race and the word ****** i suggest any of the works by J.A. Rogers like Sex and Race and also From superman to man. Oh can't forget from Babylon to Timbuktu... Must read if interested in this subject

you might also like ****** (the strange Career of a troublesome word) by Randall Kennedy.

Tupac (Never Ignorant Gettin Goals Accomplished).

But you may be correct there is no difference in those words...
Trumpspade said:
And Fieva no disrespect, but if someone got at you I wouldn't tell you to turn it off. I ain't made like that!
If you ain't trying to hear it, don't peep the thread dogg! It's just me being me, it is a forum for discussion and opinions, and I have both. Plus balls to boot!


No disrespect either homie...I'm just sayin' don't let emotions get the best of you. I know that's just you being you, but sometimes you gotta put you in check (I do that shit sll the home).
JCM900 said:
Actually they did. It all started in the trade circle, the African leaders traded young men an women for rum, if my history serves me right.

You wanna blame the holocaust on the Jews now too? Ingorant bastard.
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