Do you always gate your kick mic channel?

It depends on the kick drum and the rest of the kit. If the kit is loose and resonant (I call that sloppy...) then yes I'll use gates to create a new envelope.
I don't think you 'always' do anything. It depends on what sound you want, the harmonics of the song, how things are miced and so on. I've done both.

Sorry, not to stir things up here, but please explain to me what you mean by the bolded bit?

I've never ever considered harmonics when selection compression. I might use some sort of HPF/LPF/BPF for manipulating the detector, but it seems strange to me to consider harmonics when applying compression.

Cheers :)
I gate. Less rumble/mud/junk even if not that audible in the mix it just makes me feel better and is a hell of a lot easier to compress and eq with more freedom.

Or I could give you some kind of BS answer like "I never process anything on drums. No eq, no compression, no gates, hell no fader even!" But then again I guess jazz exists! ha! :P