Digital catching up to Analog?

How do you make a digital recording of anything other than a VST without using analog gear. Everything is analog until the point of conversion

Also I think it's kinda funny that the question is is digital catching up as if analog recording were some kind of line in the sand and no new analog gear had been developed since the inception of the DAW

In terms of Noise etc analog has also gotten better as technology improves

You can make wonderful recodings with digital or analog. Do what makes you happy

My original post here about sterility is predicated on the presumption (or is that too many "pre's?" :p ) that, as music STARTS as analog, an exact reproduction would, regardless of medium, be reproduced as closely as possible to it's original sound, yet most folks, it seems, find a "warm" reproduction to be more "musical." I can not point to any empirical evidence of this, but I do believe it to be true, but I would offer, as anecdotal evidence, the proliferation of signal "warmers" that it is true.

And, gezko zzd, my comment about surgery was only intended as a little joke, a momentary diversion- not asr a part of the real discussion. Truly sorry if it was difficult to see that.
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... an exact reproduction would, regardless of medium, be reproduced as closely as possible to it's original sound, yet most folks, it seems, find a "warm" reproduction to be more "musical."

As I said in #11, digital can never be the exact equivalent of analog precisely because it will always tend towards a more and more exact reproduction of the original sound, sans the warmth or coloration of the physical medium.

By the way, it's laughably ironic that your reason for editing your post is that "the world needs to laugh more" when it is you who keeps getting a stick up his quim every time the thread drifts off topic. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:
By the way, it's laughably ironic that your reason for editing your post is that "the world needs to laugh more" when it is you who keeps getting a stick up his quim every time the thread drifts off topic. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:

Hold on, here. All I said was that the discussion had wandered way off-base- I wasn't upset about it, don't know how you got that from me post. My intent was to get the discussion back on track- a good thing, don't you agree? And, I guess you are, technically accurate, when you say I comment "every time" that happens, as it has only happened once...:D

And, if what I posted is "laughable-" then I think I achieved my goal!:laughings:
Digital is already better than analog. Look at how much quiker it is to work digitally, it saves hours and hours of time. Elitist is deffinatly the right word, But I think its a case of nostalga. The vast majorty of the people who will teach you will have learnt with anolog gear and set ups. Its the same with DAW's alot of people swear aligence to the DAW they first learnt to use, not because its the best or even the best for their needs, its just that nothing can beat the magical first experience. Anolog vs digital. neither is better nor worse, it the comparison of 2 mediums people perfer anolog because its what they are used to, and alot of people go along with it because thats what the "pro's" say, and they want to appear elitist. Although one could argue that the ability to touch and feel the gear rather than click it with a mouse has the effect of creating better work through having to physically do the task. As well as one could argue that anolog is better because the process is much more skillful, it is a necesity to get it right, and takes more time thus achiving a better product, not particularly from the gear but the thourght and time gone into making it, there is no ctrl-z on a tape machine.
Digital is already better than analog. Look at how much quiker it is to work digitally, it saves hours and hours of time. Elitist is deffinatly the right word, But I think its a case of nostalga. The vast majorty of the people who will teach you will have learnt with anolog gear and set ups. Its the same with DAW's alot of people swear aligence to the DAW they first learnt to use, not because its the best or even the best for their needs, its just that nothing can beat the magical first experience. Anolog vs digital. neither is better nor worse, it the comparison of 2 mediums people perfer anolog because its what they are used to, and alot of people go along with it because thats what the "pro's" say, and they want to appear elitist. Although one could argue that the ability to touch and feel the gear rather than click it with a mouse has the effect of creating better work through having to physically do the task. As well as one could argue that anolog is better because the process is much more skillful, it is a necesity to get it right, and takes more time thus achiving a better product, not particularly from the gear but the thourght and time gone into making it, there is no ctrl-z on a tape machine.

Maybe I'm an elistist....I can't read this.
Maybe I'm an elistist....I can't read this.
Why ?
Or why tell us that you can't read this ? Why not just not read it ? :D

But I think its a case of nostalga. The vast majorty of the people who will teach you will have learnt with anolog gear and set ups. Its the same with DAW's alot of people swear aligence to the DAW they first learnt to use, not because its the best or even the best for their needs, its just that nothing can beat the magical first experience.
Don't you believe it ! I've used an analog 8 track for 19 years and as soon as I'm done finishing off a heap of songs, we shall no longer be one. It's been a blessing for me but people move on. There's a thread in the analog forum where the OP is making the opposite journey. Nostalgia and first experiences aren't always the answer. Tons of contributors at HR have actually used more than one DAW and many use Annie and Diji. And there's nothing in all the known universe that would ever get me near a Fostex X15 again. It's like the house my family lived in in Birmingham in 1966 ~ it was a roof over our heads, I had fun there but my major memories of it are sprung traps with dead mice on them seeing a kid run over by a car while "Penny Lane played on the radio......
Digital is already better than analog.

Anolog vs digital. neither is better nor worse.
Maybe this should be the final word on an insatiable, never ending debate.