differences between pro tools and adobe audition?

i actually started on adobe audition and I was on it for about a year and a half before i upgraded to pro tools le with an mbox 2 and it was definitly worth it. The sound quality difference and the openness of pro tools is amazing. Audition is definitely a great starter program though it has everything layed out very simple for you so i would recommend buying the 'ignite pro tools le book' when you upgrade to pro tools, it has everythign layed out with screen shots on how to do stuff and it was definitely a worthy purchase
The sound quality difference and the openness of pro tools is amazing.

No it isn't... I don't know what else you did but protools sounds exactly the same as every other DAW. There is ZERO sonic difference.

If you like it better more power to you but don't go spreading unfounded myths...
Not that this hasn't been beaten to death already, but what the heck, I'll give my 2 cents.

Audition, IMO, is the best 2-track editor out there. I started on it when it was Cool Edit 96, and I still swear by it for fast edits, voiceover stuff, etc.

However, Pro Tools is the best multi-track DAW out there. Audition can't come close to PT when it comes to recording and mixing multiple tracks. On the other hand, Audition kills PT when it comes to editing a single waveform.

That said, use PT for recording and mixing stuff. Use Audition for editing. 2 different animals in my opinion.

Good luck.