Deen's List of People who are usually right.

Remember always that people who sound reasonable can be just as confused as obvious turkeys. Also, I think it's interesting that the people on your list often disagree, but it's usually a matter of taste and purpose. Fletcher just doesn't love cheap Chinese condensers, especially large diaphragms.
Chessparov likes high end dynamics. I have a taste for AKG dynamics, usually over Shures, and several AKG condensers as well, particularly C2000B, C414B-ULS, and Solidtube. Gidge likes Marshalls, and everybody owns an SM57, whether they like it or not. On the other hand, we have all figured out that some things are just facts. If the room sucks, your options become quite limited. That's a fact, which we all generally recognize.-Richie
Well it's nice to be able to mention the guys we like and respect.
It's even better that it's turning out to be a mixed bag.
After reading Bunyip's wild Neumann Thread
I officially add

11.Son Of Mixerman and
12. Mr. Fletcher ( as recommended by The Blue Bear )
Deen said:
After reading Bunyip's wild Neumann Thread
I officially add

11.Son Of Mixerman and
12. Mr. Fletcher ( as recommended by The Blue Bear )

I second the two new additions.

I know this isn't going to be a very popular nomination . . .

but Sweetnubs smokes about 99% of us in the knowlege department.

Like him or not, the dude is just (flat-out) usually right about shit.
chessrock said:
I know this isn't going to be a very popular nomination . . .

but Sweetnubs smokes about 99% of us in the knowlege department.

Like him or not, the dude is just (flat-out) usually right about shit.

The problem with Sweetnubs is that he can't distinguish between fact and HIS opinion. For that reason alone, he frequently makes usless posts.

And Track Rat, I like Pi.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Light said:
The problem with Sweetnubs is that he can't distinguish between fact and HIS opinion.

The problem with SN is that he's just a little batty. :D Let's be honest, here. But a lot of strange individuals are also more advanced than a lot of us in the brains (or skills) department, and SN might just fall in that category. There's lots you could learn from the dude.
chessrock said:
The problem with SN is that he's just a little batty. :D Let's be honest, here. But a lot of strange individuals are also more advanced than a lot of us in the brains (or skills) department, and SN might just fall in that category. There's lots you could learn from the dude.

Don't get me wrong, he is peaty good with technical stuff, and when he is right, I support him. What I have a problem with is his apparent belief that ONLY his opinions are valid. I even agree with some of his opinions, I just realize that they are only opinions, and that there are other ways of working which are just as valid as mine (or his).


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
Yes, I 've read Frederic's posts.

13. Frederic

I didn't think this would last this long.
But I'll soon post the complete list for everyone to see.