Death is a lucrative business

Mick Doobie

Burgeoning, grief related AI technology. Fed data, texts, a questionnaire, conversations such as we have here, etc, the sound of your voice, I suppose even so-called deep fake video, you can have in a sense eternal life, your loved ones never having to fully grieve your "death". I suppose given your choice you could become a talking snake, little doubt some will. Through a database of everything he has ever uttered, you could talk to Hendrix. You could talk to the lizard king, Jim Morrison. Albert Einstein. To provide for a database preferably someone talkative, and as they say enjoys the sound of their own voice. Ted Bundy for instance. The Unabomber. Karl Marx. The possibilities are endless. It could assist in your loved ones never having to come to terms with your physical death. Hallelujah, isn't it glorious, you could even talk to Jesus. Myth busted, he lives! We would certainly hope the answers one seeks would never be taken out of context. Surely that would never happen.

What say you, would you stay behind and live on through AI technology, for the children? If given the opportunity, and coming down the pike you most certainly will, to whom is it you would choose to conversate, if at all?
I’d like to speak to many and to change it up regularly. Marilyn Monroe would be on a regulars list. She would make me feel smart and also energized to be alive and do things.
You got a business plan for this? You gonna crowd-fund it or go to the SBA?

It's not me, Loo, I'm just an innocent bystander to the madness. But make no mistake, it's a money maker. I think this from what I am reading, initial development, it's 10 bucks a pop, Not sure what you're getting for your ten bucks.

You game, a little leisurely relaxed conversation with Mick Ronson, ten bucks?
In a way it could be like wiki, but you're getting it from the horse's mouth so the speak.

But, say, your father has a terminal illness, he downloads/uploads his voice, his thoughts, his writings, every little piece of information that makes him, him....eventually(we're all gonna die!) his body is in the ground or up in smoke, or that new fangled thing composted, but you never have to fully reckon with the loss, you can talk to him anytime you wish.

Sheesh, I pity the children.

Alzheimer's, now there's something to think about.
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In a way it could al.lst be like wiki, but you're getting it from the horse's mouth so the speak.

But, say, your father has a terminal illness, he downloads/uploads his voice, his thoughts, his writings, every little piece of information that makes him, him....eventually(we're all gonna die!) his body is in the ground or up in smoke, or that new fangled thing composted, but you never have to fully reckon with the loss, you can talk to him anytime you wish.

Sheesh, I pity the children.

Alzheimer's, now there's something to think about.
Kanye did something like this emulating Robert Kardashian’s voice (and allegedly character) speaking to Kym on tape wishing her a happy birthday and saying how proud he was of her. This was a few years back and likely just audio tricks not the whole AI experience. How do I know it wasn’t AI? Because Robert wouldn’t’ve been raving on Kym, he’d probably been chiding and scolding her.
In my opinion, death is a natural thing. It is going to happen to us all. It is going to happen to us all that the people we love and at times depend on will die. We must reckon with that fact. We must move forward with our lives, physically, and psychologically. Though painful, it is growth. This technology is retarded, a crutch for a wound that will never heal. No good.

I pity future generations, as if the Internet wasn't over complicating life already.
In my opinion, death is a natural thing. It is going to happen to us all. It is going to happen to us all that the people we love and at times depend on will die. We must reckon with that fact. We must move forward with our lives, physically, and psychologically. Though painful, it is growth. This technology is retarded, a crutch for a wound that will never heal. No good.

I pity future generations, as if the Internet wasn't over complicating life already.
Yeah - I agree with all of that. Spot on.
I'd like to talk to my dad. I'd tell the virtual him how right he was about just about everything.

I can appreciate that, no disrespect intended. We would all or most of us would like to tell people who have passed from our lives things we wish we had said when they were here.

It seems the concept is not being fully, understood? If you one chooses to go this path, it's no skin off your teeth, you'd still be RIP dead. You could say whatever you wished to those who have passed, and it might make you feel better, but they would not hear you. How devastating the realization, until you are compelled to once more "talk" to your dad. Like an addiction, you can't stop. Then the crash, the realization, until you are once more compelled. A vicious circle where in you never fully accept you cannot talk to the dead, not through AI. It's a deceitful lie, being preyed on, for money.

I kind of like the history angle of it, the potential. I don't know, it's a complicated thing to sort out. It. is. coming.
Your Dad/Mom, "Turn that shit down in there!", man, just like the good old days.

But seriously. These young folks of the future, my boy Elroys, got an AI robot girlfriend, AI parents you can turn to for comfort and advice, hell it will probably be rigged up so mom auto microwaves and calls you in for dinner. Guaranteed income shut-ins. Extinction, or damn near headed that way. The West birthrate is already below replacement numbers.

It don't look good. Personally, I think we who came of age roughly in the 70's enjoyed the best up until then and the last normal enjoyment of life. $6 concert tickets for starts.
But, say, your father has a terminal illness, he downloads/uploads his voice, his thoughts, his writings, every little piece of information that makes him, him....eventually(we're all gonna die!) his body is in the ground or up in smoke, or that new fangled thing composted, but you never have to fully reckon with the loss, you can talk to him anytime you wish
I think that sounds horrific.
For me, it is a staple of balanced, mature thinking and maturity itself, that life on this side of the fence is going to come to a close. And when it does, that's it. Done. Finito.
Now, I believe wholeheartedly in life after earthly death, in a realm that Christ literally holds the keys to, but that's not of any relevance to this conversation.
When a loved one is gone, it's like a day passing. Never coming back. It can't be changed. We move ever forward. As far as I'm concerned, life is a priceless gift and we each get little opportunities to alter our little end....for better or for worse. To build or pull down. While we're here.
You know, I think this may account for part of why I get so pernickety about remixes and remasters and "Director's cuts" of films that have existed in a particular way for so many years and entered the consciousness that way for that length of time. Leave it as it is......
But getting back the topic at hand, I have no wish to converse with AI. It might be a different matter if it was being mooted to have actual conversations with those that have died, from some realm where they could actually talk in real-time.
It's not me, Loo, I'm just an innocent bystander to the madness. But make no mistake, it's a money maker. I think this from what I am reading, initial development, it's 10 bucks a pop, Not sure what you're getting for your ten bucks.

You game, a little leisurely relaxed conversation with Mick Ronson, ten bucks?
Oh fuck yeah.
Your Dad/Mom, "Turn that shit down in there!", man, just like the good old days.

But seriously. These young folks of the future, my boy Elroys, got an AI robot girlfriend, AI parents you can turn to for comfort and advice, hell it will probably be rigged up so mom auto microwaves and calls you in for dinner. Guaranteed income shut-ins. Extinction, or damn near headed that way. The West birthrate is already below replacement numbers.

It don't look good. Personally, I think we who came of age roughly in the 70's enjoyed the best up until then and the last normal enjoyment of life. $6 concert tickets for starts.
It's too much, too fast, imo. Our development and harnessing of technology is outpacing our ability to use it wisely.

It was not that long ago that we were running around in small bands (no gtrs, amps, or drums though) hunting and foraging. Advanced apes.

Our unique ability with complex language and our incredibly fertile imaginations got us into this mess - I guess it's possible those attributes could get us out. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Nuclear and other advanced weapon technology
Bio sciences technology
All kinds of technology that pollutes
And now microchips, hi speed computation, and AI

No.... I don't think this ends well.