Cubase SL 3.0: Continues to disappoint

How is setting up a group hard? You add a group, and then assign the channels you want in that group to the group:)
and ps - don't start a thread about how something sucks if really it's just that you don't know how to use it...
Final comments

First, thanks for the help from all who gave constructive comments and examples. I have to agree with some of you that this software is a different animal - it always pays to try different things until you find the right solution for yourself.

However, for the usual RTFM and "don't criticize what you don't understand" comments, I have to take exception. I failed to explain what my frustrations were so it took awhile to get my questions communicated. At the end of the day, I already knew that virtual instruments referred to in a midi channel could be assigned affects and recorded directly. The explanation given clarified technically what I had already been doing. The hardware question that I originally asked, albeit poorly, was answered by me after experimenting with Cubase, I didn't personally find it intuitive. Now that I know how to approach that situation, it will be much easier. There have always been work arounds with any setup, my frustration came from a mis-understanding of the documentation, not an uncommon issue. Now, back to the music!
xstatic said:
How is setting up a group hard? You add a group, and then assign the channels you want in that group to the group:)
Meh ... in Sonar you just click the output at the bottom of the channel strip and you can make a new group from there.

Anyway, we can argue the toss but it's obvious that Cubase is as capable as any other package out there so it's a pointless debate. I am quite happy to say that I don't get on with it, but that that's probably a fault with me rather than the software!!!!
