Cubase SE Vs. Cool Edit


New member
which would u say is better please just drop what you think and if you've tried both would u say Cubase SE is as user friendly as Cool Edit your thoughts are very needed
well, afaik, cool edit one does strero editing... cubase is a fully featured multitrack editor, I havent actualy used the se version but I've heard it doesn't loose that many features. so yeah, go with cubase, and get yourself some decent free vst plugins and you'll be all happy
new to cubase also!

usernamebob said:
well, afaik, cool edit one does strero editing... cubase is a fully featured multitrack editor, I havent actualy used the se version but I've heard it doesn't loose that many features. so yeah, go with cubase, and get yourself some decent free vst plugins and you'll be all happy

Howdy. I have a friend who is an Impulsive buyer.which is fine, it's his money ;)

for our new home studio, we have Cubase SE and a presonus firepod. the firedpod seems like a bit much, but oh well..

question: I know my old cool edit pro 1.2 liked to work with 2 HDs. The guys at the Sam Ash store today told me an external firewire HD would be best for Cubase.

I'm wondering if that's really necessary. what do you think?

billy3000 said:
Howdy. I have a friend who is an Impulsive buyer.which is fine, it's his money ;)

for our new home studio, we have Cubase SE and a presonus firepod. the firedpod seems like a bit much, but oh well..

question: I know my old cool edit pro 1.2 liked to work with 2 HDs. The guys at the Sam Ash store today told me an external firewire HD would be best for Cubase.

I'm wondering if that's really necessary. what do you think?

Not necessary at all. Best partition your existing harddrive or add another one in your PC. Just to keep things apart. I've my drives partitioned so that my sound and samplebanks don't get mixed up with cubase folders / mixdown folders etc (got 6 parttitions:D ). If you want to carry your work around and work with a laptop, then maybe.

Thanks. No Travel Plans at this Time

hugojacquet said:
Not necessary at all. Best partition your existing harddrive or add another one in your PC. Just to keep things apart. I've my drives partitioned so that my sound and samplebanks don't get mixed up with cubase folders / mixdown folders etc (got 6 parttitions:D ). If you want to carry your work around and work with a laptop, then maybe.


so the info I got from the music store guy is pretty bogus? that's a surprise. I may have to log that in my diary.

well, thankyou. obviously an internal HD is going to be cheaper and not all THAT much trouble to install. 10 minutes of my valuable time oughta do it.

thanks hugo!

hey, one more question Hugo

hugojacquet said:
Not necessary at all. Best partition your existing harddrive or add another one in your PC. Just to keep things apart. I've my drives partitioned so that my sound and samplebanks don't get mixed up with cubase folders / mixdown folders etc (got 6 parttitions:D ). If you want to carry your work around and work with a laptop, then maybe.


what about the presonus firepod. I think it's overkill.
komoney. if your open minded ..try what i use...and youll have features
not present in cool or cubase se . also youll have a very fine
multitrack recording and midi environment, as well as vocal pitch correction and harmonisation. if your sceptical , just talk to other users on the forums.
try the demo of powertracks at
also - look at band in a box sometime. it lets you get songs down fast in any style of music you choose. if you use google youll see many many links on it,
, and commendations. basically it lets you get a song idea out of your head fast , and as the name implies create a back up band in software.
its used by music teachers, academies of music and thousands of musicians around the world. there is also a web ring.

this alone will hint at its popularity with musicians. peace.
komoney said:
which would u say is better please just drop what you think and if you've tried both would u say Cubase SE is as user friendly as Cool Edit your thoughts are very needed

Manning1 this has nothing to do with powercracks :mad: :rolleyes: , I dont mind when you post about it when it is asked I.E. "what software do you recommend?" but this guy is talking about Cubase and Cool Edit and you wonder why people flame you!

By the way komoney go with the Cubase SE, My 2cents.

Im Out.
carter. ive looked at cubase heavily many many times.
today - for the umpteenth time i visited the forums.
and noticed once again customers complaining about various problems they were getting. problems i should say i dont get with powertracks.
everytime i visit this forum i note the customer problems.
if your going to attack me - at least do it constructively and objectively.
if you go to the powertracks user forums by contrast, you wont find the level of irateness from users. also there is no dongle to worry about for us powertracks users.
on the cool/audition side ive always had respect for the product due to its what i might term "forensic" and signal analysis features.
however , its weak side is lack of midi features.
as i know cool quite well , i also know its limitations on midi.
thus i proffered what i use and am happy with , that has midi features
without compare for the price.
and i should add there are other users of this forum that have posted their happiness with powertracks as well. like steve350, mawtangent and
several others who didnt know about it untill i mentioned it. peace.
I can say Manning1 that you do know your shit about computers but I have been a Pro Tools user for many years, Im going to have to download that demo just to see what the hype is about, So remember no disrespect to your computer knowledge and you have given great advice to the noobs on the board.

I just want to see whats up with that program. Ive ran Cubase with no problem but I perfer Pro Tools.

With that said Ill let you know how I like the program :cool:
well carter i saw something today that blew me away.
check out an acer ferrari laptop sometime with the amd 64 processor
in it. 2500 bucks. but god what a product. ferrari red with the ferrari logo on it. could make a nice powerfull mobile daw. have not had a chance to benchmark yet. but mighty interesting.
mery christmas carter.
Not to be a wet blanket here, but Powertacks cannot even compete with the old Cool Edit, let alone Cubase SE. I own Band in a Box and think it's great, so this isn't a flame on PG Music. I won't go into every feature, you can easily compare for yourself on the webpage, but right off the bat it cannot compete with Cubase for the simple fact you cannot use VST breaker right there. for under 50 bucks is it a decent sure is, but it isn't in the same league as Cubase. I would take Tracktion over it anyday if pricepoint was deciding factor (back when you actually HAD to pay for tracktion).
sting. i'm afraid your wrong with respect.
many powertracks users are using vst effects.
frankly i dont need to because the included effects (a huge range)
are very good. you can also use soundfonts and many other features.
Kevin DeSchwazi said:
Remember there's no dongle with Cubase SE either.

I use SE and am very happy with it. :)

Kevin has a point about it having no dongle, I downloaded powertracks just to see what it was about and it was not too bad, good midi control, good solution for someone that does not want to spend alot of money. ;)

I dont think that I would compare it to Cubase SE and you can get it for $99
Cubase is a better program in my opinion, but Ill stick with Pro Tools.

kevin. fair comment. and merry christmas to you.
i also looked at traktion and tried really hard to like it.
i mean - being free etc. but the midi side/notation is where i feel its lacking.
it just doesnt have some of the midi features i'm used to.
to be fair kevin , the one thing i DID like about cubase/nuendo/samplitude/saw studio were the mixer layouts.
particularly i like the way the samp mixer display works.
i also use magix music studio (samps younger brother) ,
and like the mixer display in it as well. i like the idea of channel strips with gain, eq, comp/lim/fx in the mixer display. and magix has that.
i didnt see this in traktion.
i need help with sound forge 6.0

i know how to record n have played around with is but still have no clue what the program could realy do so any one with some info could you pleese e mail me back thanks peace out
dims. people arent being unfriendly. i could spend 24 hours on here explaing all the features in sound forge....and still need another 3 days to explain (an excellent stereo editor by the way.).
the problem is folks cant spend that type of time.
my advise is to read the HELP very carefully. hilite pieces of the music and explore all the different features in the menus.
in my estimation learning forge PROPERLY is a good 3 months of intensive study due to its vast capabilities.
if you tell me what your trying to accomplish with your music...
i'll make further suggestions. peace.
manning1 said:
carter. ive looked at cubase heavily many many times.
today - for the umpteenth time i visited the forums.
and noticed once again customers complaining about various problems they were getting. problems i should say i dont get with powertracks.
everytime i visit this forum i note the customer problems.

Greetings Manning. I gotta agree about the general negative nature of the forums, but in all fairness, I know happy users too and one of them is me. I don't feel it's fair to judge Cubase and say it is problematic just by what you read over there.

It's not fair to give Cubase the negative publicity that certainly isn't due it. In my experiences over there, a very good percentage of the people that complain are people using cracked versions of the software. Of course, there will be problems with cracked software. Bad thing for Steinberg because of the pricing, people use cracks then come to for support. Most of the bickering over there is simply registered users jumping all over the crack version users.

I've used Cubase SX 2 extensively over the last year and upgraded to SX 3 in the past couple months. I haven't experienced any show stopping problems with either version. Looking at Cubase heavily doens't really mean you have solid hands on experience with it, does it? I do, and it's a great software package with it's strength and weaknesses.

Happy Holidays.