control surface and sonar

I've looked on disc, and don't find one any where. Do you know if there's a Sonar manual in pdf? Can you answer these questions for me?
1. How do I patch fx in to my tracks, so can adjust them on the fly with my bcf2000?
2. Where did the audio tools go? In cakewalk there was a menu item for importing wave files, and another for mixing down audio, but I don't see either in the Sonar menus
The Sonar manual is in .CHM format if I'm not mistaken. Sorry. :/

1) I do remember accidently going into a mode on the BCF that lets me patch in effects, as well and control all the parameters for that effect. I don't remember how though. Really sorry. :( I prefer using the mouse to add effects and adjust effect parameters. I hope someone else with a BCF can answer this.
2) Importing and exporting (mix down) options are under the File menu.
Thanks Nash,
I found the manual in pdf on the distribution disc. I've got a friend coming over later today, and I plan to look in to the fx sends on the bcf2000. I found the layout in the readme, one can only hope it is laid out like the document says.

I found the import and export. In earlier version of cakewalk these items where in different menus. at least now they're in the menu they should have been all along.