Computer has no clue the TASCAM box is hooked up

I ran the Fixit told me that some hardware changes might not have been detected - and that it had "fixed it". Still no orange USB light on the box, though. Then it said that an unknown device (apparently the TASCAM) has a driver problem. So now I'm wondering if the driver in NG or if maybe Windows just doesn't recognize it because I installed it manually from the latest installer from the TASCAM site.

I also tried rt-clicking on Unknown Device in Control Panel, and it says "Windows has stopped the device because it has reported problems (Code 53)."
Have you tried anything that Tadpui suggested? I am curious also as so many use the interface without issue. Yet I never hear of members who use multiple graphics cards.

Weird things can happen...

I myself use my MOBO video and another to utilize 3 screens, but never have I tried two dedicated graphics cards. That is the one thing I see as way different from most users of the Tascam.

Maybe see if disabling those video cards allows the interface to work?
I haven't tried disabling the video cards then reinstalling...I may try that if I can get to it before tomorrow night, but I'm booked pretty solid til then. I'm going to Guitar Center on Monday night, so if it's not resolved by then I'm just going to buy something else then do another RMA on the TASCAM.
Thanks, Mark...yeah, I've got a driver folder under Windows also...looks pretty much the same as yours except mine's the 1200 so there's some differences. I also have a setup doesn't look like there was a problem with the installation (other than the fact that it doesn't work of course!).
Is anything working on the USB ports? Mouse, Hard drive, anything as a way to check. Reading through the thread, you either have a bad unit or something has happened to your USB ports.

If nothing is working, somehow your USB ports have been turned off (check the BIOS) and then Windows. Once you have confirmed your ports are working, then test the unit on another computer. While the updates could have caused problems, I think it is a remote chance at best.

I have the 1800 plugged in to two computers, one with Win8 and the other Win7, all updates installed, no issues. Not sure of the 1200, but the 1800 has a power supply and the connection between the plug and the box is not the best, double check power.

If none of the above works, somehow your until was damaged, maybe electrostatic or something.
Maybe see if disabling those video cards allows the interface to work?

I gave that a shot (I know I said I didn't have time, but you know how it is!). I'm not sure it really proved anything, because after I had uninstalled the video drivers, Windows dutifully started re-installing them without bothering to ask me. I think it had already installed them before I was able to reinstall the TASCAM...when I re-booted after the the TASCAM install the display was back to normal.

I'm kind of thinking the display card issue might be a red herring, though...the average hardcore gamer has a more juiced-up graphics setup than what I'm seems hard to believe that TASCAM would release a model that's so finicky that it can't play nicely with graphics cards. It's a moot point anyway...running the interface on this computer is my only option...I need a box that works on this machine.

Is anything working on the USB ports? Mouse, Hard drive, anything as a way to check. Reading through the thread, you either have a bad unit or something has happened to your USB ports.

The USB ports are working problems with other devices. Power's not an issue either...I've never had a problem getting the green power indicator light.

Curious if you uninstall the drivers, does the US1200 still show up in the USBDview utility? If it does show there, select/highlight it, right click, and then do an "Uninstall of Selected Devices". This should remove it from the system and hopefully force it to be redetected when reconnected during a fresh driver install. Proceed with the reinstall of the driver package again and connect the US1200 at the step when it prompts you to do so.

I tried that. It did show up in the list after I uninstalled, so I right-clicked and hit "Uninstall Selected Devices", then reinstalled. Still NG.
It's a Christmas Miracle! In a red box no less!

I just got myself a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, and it's working great! None of this "Do excuse me, but I don't like some of the stuff you've got on this computer" just works! I guess I'll never find out what was going on with the TASCAM...was it the boxes...something on my computer...who knows? I'm just glad I can stop screwing around and start recording.

Many thanks to all for the advice!
Me thinks the bad box you originally got was just recycled back to you as the replacement :D

Glad to hear you finally have something usable and can start having some fun :thumbs up:

Merry Christmas............:)

Haha...didn't think of that. But, no, at one point both boxes were sitting here at the same time, so I gotta rule that out.

Merry Christmas to you as well...and to all else who helped me troubleshoot this thing! Or, of course, Happy Chanuka, Merry Solstice Celebration, or whatever else applies!