Compressor/EQ Choices

Luck strikes again. A local studio is upgrading their equipment. The upgrades include Studer tape decks and an analog console. They sold us a JH110 2 Track and a JH24 24 Track along with a Digidesign ProControl for an incredible bargain! We were considering upgrading our recording system anyway, but with the ProControl already there, we bought an Apple G5, ProTools HD3 System, and a 192 I/O. I am so happy. We already have a huge part of our system for much less than we expected. (By the way, for those who think we're newbs jumping into this, my partners and I are all very experienced in the recording field. We were interested in opening a project studio for local musicians. So we sold our modest home studios and combined funds and now we are in the process of equipping the new studio. Plans for the building are underway as well.) I am so happy we will be able to offer tracking on 2" tape and dumping it to ProTools. We are also planning on keeping our D8b setup running into a pair of Mackie Hard Disc Recorders as a cheaper "B Room" alternative. What do you think?
As long as you do the proper routine maintenance on the JH-24 [which is absolutely one of my very favorite analog decks!!] and get better converters to go into the "HD" system you should be in most excellent shape.

The "HD" converters still suck ass... so [IMNTLBFHO] you will lose quite a bit of the depth and dimension the JH-24 will afford you if you use the stock ShitDesign converters... if you don't try to actually mix in PT you should be OK... that would require something like a "Dangerous 2 Buss"... but in the grand scheme of things it sounds like you're already way ahead of the standard curve... congrats on the score!!
Thanks Fletcher. So if you do not like the Digi convertors, what do you suggest? Also, I was planning on mixing in PT since I already have the ProControl. What is wrong with this? I plan on using lots of outboard gear and the analog decks. Is this a problem? Also, what is this "Dangerous 2 Buss" that you're talking about?
The ShitiDesign converters really suck ass... they're harsh, they're grainy, they are really the audio equivalent of 'Ethel Merman'... depending on budget, how many channels you require... yada, yada, yada... there is some great stuff that is built by Lavry Engineering, Benchmark Audio, Crane Song LTD. and so far [it's a bit early to have hit on a real conclusion... but we're getting closer to finishing the evaluation] the Apogee 'Rosetta 800' seems to be one of the better things they've put on the street in recent memory.

The summing capabilities in Pro-sTools is notoriously shitty. Again, it eats whatever depth and dimension you might try to achieve with your music... it's one of the major reasons why so much major label product sounds so "flat and 2 dimensional"... which is unfortunate because the end result is that great songs are being treated like disposable fodder.

The 'Dangerous 2 Buss' allows you to do minor subgrouping in Pro-sTools... but the major summing in the analog domain over a very clear and musical sounding summing buss... the net result is a far more musical sounding presentation of the product... which I have found far more compelling to the end listener... though YMMV.
Fletcher, what is your opinion of the Apogee AD-8000? We are thinking of returning the 192 I/O and buying three AD-8000s with the expansion options to connect directly into the Pro Tools system. How does this sound?
The AD-8000 sounds like shit. The AD-8000 SE sounds like shit. While they do connect to Pro-sTools... they will not interface with PT-HD... so if you're thinking of using the "HD" system... ShitiDesign has locked you into their shit eating interface... how 'bout that shit... nice fucks that they are... they've locked you into buying their crap if for no other reason than to interface real hardware to their system.

If you're married to Pro-sTools your options are severely limited... if you're not married to P-T... your opions are far greater... as will be the quality and musicality of your audio.
Alright Fletcher, what would you suggest for my AD/DA? I am looking for 24 channels of I/O to interface with ProTools. I already have the Digi 192 I/O, but am willing to return it if there is a way to avoid it. Budget is highly flexible as I know that convertors are a very important aspect of the signal chain. By the way, from your recomendation, as well as others, I think I will be purchasing the Dangerous 2 Bus. Also, what do you think of their Monitor?
I haven't really played with the 'Dangerous Monitor' enough to pass a serious opinion... from what I have heard, it sounds great... my one trepidation is that it's quite expensive and while I understand the value of having an excellent signal path in the monitoring chain... I'm not 110% convinced it's worth the captial expenditure...

As for a 'front end' for whatever DAW you end up with... hell, I dunno... I use a RADAR-24 with the 'Nyquist' [96k] converter set as the front end for my Nuendo system... though most of the time I work strictly in the RADAR returning the audio to our analog desk [an early 1980's Yomama PM-2000 32x8 sound reinforcement desk].

P-T seems to have the best graphics... seems to have the most intuitive editing capability... but the audio [IMNTLBFHO] just blows. The Nuendo system seems to be far better sounding... though those who are fluent with both P-T and Nuendo tell me that P-T is a easier to use and looks better. I hear Logic is a pretty good sounding program as well... and from what I understand it's also pretty intuitive from the users perspective.
The Radar Nyquist really is the best deal going for 24ch of killer DAC. Plus you get a great HDR system with it.

Fletcher what's the word on the Drawmer 6pack. What does the compression/limiting compare to?
OK. After listening to a few convertors side by side and reccomendations from some local studio owners, I think we have pretty much decided on 3 Apogee Rosetta 800's into the 192I/O with a Big Ben clock. This is very expensive, but hopefully will be worth it with a super-clean signal path. Fletcher, does this sound alright?
I wouldn't... but this whole thread has kinda mutated into a sort of private sales conversation which I'm not all that comfortable doing on a public forum.

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