Collaboration Legalities

Personally i would be tickled pink to even be involved in the worlds ugliest most drawn out fuck-youiest mother of all matronly legal battles over royalties of all time.

That would mean ...

some sucker actually thought something i contributed to a song was actually worth the bits it was printed on.

When your day involves playing with lawyers, you know you've arrived.
Khompewtur said:
That would mean ...

some sucker actually thought something i contributed to a song was actually worth the bits it was printed on.

When your day involves playing with lawyers, you know you've arrived.

exactly...............well said man....
Off subject, but..

In the online world of creative collaborations I wouldn't even bother going legal with it (And if you heard one of my tunes you'd know why! lol)...
In some (Very rare) instances legality has it's place when small music meets big business.
There was a BIG hush hush pay off to a guy that (For some reason) gave EVH a tape with a tune or riff that ended up being "Right Now." The guy didn't do anything leagally till he learned Pepsi gave VH several million bucks to use it.
The matter was settled out of court making some guy with possibly just a four track a millionaire!!

Of course lawyers in music can be a farce!
The combined legal fee's involved in making the U.S.A For Africa's "We Are The world" may have exceeded the money raised by the sale of the record!

Please jam on the dotted line.