CAT-EGGS collaboration

......Smoking shite man. Ray Davies must hear this. It would open up new directions for the Kinks and also clear that obviously nagging case of constipation he's had for the last few decades:D

.....Acoustics "dont have to" be full, and warm. Snares "dont have to" sound like real drums. Songs "dont have to" make sense. .......and if Cheese works, deal me up an extra slice.
This was GREAT man.

Cat-Eggs needs to spend more time here, his influence it healthy. Nice job Jamalski.....

g w/5, ive gotta be honest......

......I have a real problem visualizing the whole "Cat-eggs" concept.......

.............kinda disturbing.....
dang, that's good. The imaging is amazing. I'd have like the drums just to be a little louder....but that's it. fantastic job. There is so much stuff here to inspire me . keep it coming....
Have a good one, Jason
I love how the people and instruments "talk to each other"!! The first person could come up a little in volume, and the mix sounds a bit overcompressed or something, it's missing some "openess" (sorry, I can't give you a better term for this". But, it sounds pretty darn good regardless!!

Great song! I love the vocals (although some of them could come up in the mix). I don't know if its just my crappy speakers, but the kick drum is pretty loud in the mix. I'm curious to hear the original now-I love the Kinks, but don't know this one.
i tried to find it on kazaa..but couldn't. i'd like to hear the original..

this rocks. cat eggs is the shit.

you guys did this in the same studio or sent stuff back and forth?

not sure where he lives.
hey this wasnt a total waste of time after all...!!!

kramer:...lmao...i was tellin him to hurry the hell up cause i knew someone would listen to the vocals track ...damnit...glad you liked it tho..and yes it does sound ALOT better after he gets through with it.....thanks man

toki: thanks partner!

dachay 2 glad you coudl get into it ..i know its not exactly "mainstream"...but it was a cool song anyway..thanks

greendude:..hehehe keep at it its a struggle evryday to stay this weird ...JOIN US JOIN US!!!..

GUERNICA:..its funny that you say that about the he sent me the mix he said "and yes the drums sound fake ...i want them do not tell me to change it" figured you would get a kick out of this....glad you did.!(oh and i have tried and tried to get him to stop by here more often.......we'll see....)..

jason:.. yeah thats all bradley if you like this stuff go to
thats his site and listen to hiho stereo......amazing........thanks

A1A2:..i said the same thing about the first vocal but its out of my hands he said he would fix it...but it was mostly just for fun...thanks kow i would post the original but im not sure if that puts nowhere radio at some kind of risk....however there ARE plenty of music sites where you could "download" a

G.T.:...well good enough then !! man i dunno...thats some oustanding musicians to try and cover...maybe a "stripped down" version would be doable?!?!?!....thanks

wes we just sent files back and forth..all i did was sing the girly parts....all the "coolness" comes from categgs trust man i hope you can find the original it is waaaaaaaaaaay different...

thanks all..

jamal..and well i guess ill say thanks for bradley too.... awful lot of vocal things to coordinate. You did a very fine job of it. The EQ does seem sort of 'boxy' to me. Is that to try and replicate the sound of the original?
Other than the EQ (which is intended I'm sure) I am very impressed by this. I mean, that really a shitload of stuff going on there and you have it all balanced very well. Pretty damned impressive.
GUERNICA:..its funny that you say that about the he sent me the mix he said "and yes the drums sound fake ...i want them do not tell me to change it"

....bravo man!:)
Really good. I have not heard the original but this was just a really fun and interesting listen. Mix wise, I thought it was cool. The vocal flow was great.

I am kinda ribbin' ya on the Zappa thing, it seems like a good cover for cat eggs a wee more than you.

The mix is busy but still manages to get each track through.
I can hear you straining on those high ones but you kept your key.
It does sound a tad compressed but in all there is a nice blend of sounds. You can be proud of your part in this one.

I used to be into the kinks, but dont remember this one. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Very well done. Where do you find all yur time Jamal, with the new baby and all???
I think ya should do a Zappa song also. Like Yellow snow-lol.
Its all good.....


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Schwiiiiiing-Ching-Chinggggg! Lyrical flow intro was like butter baby! Would have luv'd a lil 'room 'Verb on the gits, but that's a moot point as tight perf's sat most satisfying on my hed-fones!
Roller-coaster,fun jammie and extremely enjoyable.
This here prod'tion was exciting and crazy!

Great work Jammy-al!