Carvin's new CM-87S

With the exception of Metallica.
You wont remember any of those bands in 5 years. I do think Tool does some cool stuff but for the most part its all a bunch of noise and some of those bands you mentioned are just plain laughable.
None of those bands writes good songs and none can sing. Some of them can play but over all they just dont have "it" and none will be remembered so I couldn't care less what guitars they play.

The fact the you would mention those bands proves that you dont know the difference between good and bad music so your opinion
means little to me.
Damn, you're *relentlessly* cheerful today.

If someone disagrees with you, what have you lost?
And yet another brilliant post. They just keep on getting better and better.

[This message has been edited by David1 (edited 04-09-2000).]
The fact that you are familiar enough with each band I listed indicates that you have spent some time listening to their music.
Or maybe you don't listen, and just slam on them because you think it makes you sound intelligent and somewhat versed in the modern music scene.

Either way, each and every one of those bands has you right where they want you.

And they're still not playing Carvin.

And neither did JimmyH, SRV, Page, Clapton, Van Halen, Eric Johnson, Jeff Beck, or Satriani.
"I assume you are either very young of very ignorant, or both. My brother and I sit here and laugh at all these posts."

Its funny you mention your brother. Because that would imply one of two things:

1) You yourself are indeed about 14 years old, and see your brother as your only source of companionship. You spend hours of each waking day together. Watching tv together, eating lunch together, laughing hysterically at the posts on this message board. If only you had some friends to share this special moment with. Wouldnt that be fun?


2) You are not 14, but, for some messed up reason, you still live at your parents house, where, in the early afternoon, when Bro gets off Big Yellow and crashes in after a day of schoolin' and after a tough day on your part of sitting on the couch, watching Springer, eating potato chips, draining every cent possible from your parents bank account, you both stroll over to the computer to post some utter garbage that is refuted by almost eveyone on this board. Its time to get a job. Get a life for that matter. You seen them Holiday Inn commercials? Im sure you have.
In hindsite, that was probably a little out of line...

If you wanna debate this, fine, just dont run yer mouth with the insults bro.
You want me to keep going? Remember, you brought up the topic of modern bands being pointless, so instead of arguing, I'll just defeat you using your very own reasoning.

Keith Richards - The Stones
Pete Townshend - The Who
David Gilmour - Pink Floyd
Robby Krieger - The Doors
Harrison & Lennon - The Beatles
Robert Fripp - King Crimson
Fogerty - CCR
Garcia - The Dead
Joe Perry - Aerosmith
Ted Nugent

...The list continues.

Those guys all DONT play Carvin guitars. Are they "laughable?"

[This message has been edited by KingNothing (edited 04-09-2000).]
Well, Ok then. You pinned me down pretty accurately except I dont watch springer. He's on too early for me. I usually sleep until noon.
I'm all for learning but I see it as my duty to see that the less informed can make decision based on facts and not some guy yapping away about this or that company sucking.
Certain people go on and on about things they know nothing about. Iv built guitars. Iv been invited to EBMM.Tom Anderson. guild and others and I KNOW (not guessing) how guitars are made both custom and production models and in both cases they are almost always cut on a CNC machine and even if its cut on a band saw thats still a machine. and even if you cut it out with a hand saw, you are using a tool. Lets see someone make a guitar by their hands only. How would you cut the body? make the pickups? Set the neck?etc etc.. You need tools and machines for all of this.

Once again your response is that of a young boy and although its been amusing to joust with you I must move on now to search for someone on my intellectual level.

Have a good day.
Very interesting. Your second list certainly deserves more respect. Tell me. Do you know each of these people personally? I'm sure you know every guitar they have ever played and what guitar was played on what cut off every album.

So what is your point anyway? That the stars don't play carvin so the are crap? Iv already mentioned artists that use Carvin and the quality of their work speaks for it self.
Have you ever played a carvin? Do you have a clue what makes a good guitar?
I assume you are either very young or very ignorant or both.

This is very silly. I really must stop engaging in this type of debate.
My brother and I sit here and read some of these posts and just laugh. Laugh at people who have no idea what they're talking about.

If you are young I can forgive you, We all must learn but if you are an adult I will continue laughing at the pointless, ignorant and just down right stupid things you (and ED) say.

[This message has been edited by David1 (edited 04-09-2000).]
I wasen't going to reply to this because I dont want to fan the flames. but here I go against my better judgement. The first time
I picked up a carvin guitar, I wanted to puke, this guitar was unplayable, total crap. And I've seen some of the people in concert that they claim use their guitars. If they did, it was for like one song.

Have you ever heard their amps? equally horrible.

I'd venture to say that the "stars" that use carvin amps or guitars dont use the same one's that the average consumer buys. I have an ESP and a Les Paul that were both ordered from the custom shop of their respective companies, if you were to play these you'd probably see the light. What you buy at the local guitar sewer doesn't compare to these guitars. I play these through a Matchless amp, so I know what quality sounds like.

But the original post was about the mic, so I guess I'll comment on that. It's probably the same cheap mic made for other compnaies along the lines of the marshall, cad, etc...and it probably sounds horrible. But I'll admit, I dont know what I'm talking about here, so this is all just speculation.

Anyway, this is all I'll say on this subject.

Someone close this horseshit topic.
It's not about recording anymore ... it's about David1 and his brother's HUGE penises.
I submit ... you guys are GODS!
Play your damn Carvins and have a good time.
BTW if you're laughing at any of my posts on this BBS, I would expect you to have the balls to point out where I'm wrong so I can learn from it.
There's only a couple members who claim to be experts here, the rest of us pukes just want to learn how to improve our recordings without being yelled at. I don't care how experienced a guy is ... if I have to tolerate a tongue-lashing just to get his advice ... I'd rather continue to do it wrong.
I'll pay a moderator to close this fucker if I have to. If you guys want to debate guitars further, Dragon has graced us with a topic for that. This is about a damn microphone.

[This message has been edited by BigKahuna (edited 04-09-2000).]
David, if you check out other threads than this one, you'll see that people have a tolerance for different opinions and a respect for the other person that allows information to move back and forth easily, so people can learn. It's fun most of the time.

You seem to find this difficult - in your short time on this bbs, you've been really intolerant of opinions that differ from your own, and you've been pretty insulting as well. You don't seem to be having much fun, and you're not giving others much joy, either.

Are you sure you want to be here?