Cant Decide On Monitors

mamm7215 said:
I got the Yorkvilles, you won't be disappointed. I'm in Vancouver, you can go through Long&McQuade. Plus you've got CDN support and Yorkville has reputed great customer support

Never even saw this post LOL... Hey thanks man, I wish I had a long &McQuade here. We have MusicStop ( and they can order them in for me when i get them. I want to find some company that will allow monthly payments... hummmm. Thanks man!
I'm in the same boat as Applejax.... looking for monitors in the same price range.

I was wondering what people know about the M-Audio BX8a and the Tapco S-8.

They say, (whoever "they" are), that the BX8s are "the best powered monitors under 1K" and the Tapco's are Mackie copies made in China...

Any help is greatly appreciated..... those Yorkville's sure do look nice, though :)

i would have definately never guessed it was all you.

the vocals sounded like 2 people, the playing was complimentary too.
very impressed....

i was listening to numerous unsigend bands and signed bands last night.

your stuff held up very well, song wise better than several. keep the originality; thats one thing i hear alot of, is the bands start sounding so similar, trying to get the same sound or something??
...very boring when you go thru 3 bands and they all sound almost identical by choice!!! we all do it some, from roots and styles.

the recording side is another fun aspect of it all IMO....especially if your a gearhead by nature.

great stuff, great talent... Mastering can really polish a "well done" tune too.
so I've learned to factor this in when listening.
theres a few threads around that the artist posts the Non-mastered to the Mastered version...some are like WHOOOAAA AWESOME!!!...some don't sound much different. Redundant but the song, performance and groove is #1 priority...but a great recoprding can add the shine!

Instant Karma Coffee
Yeah, and thats why i want a good set of monitors and some new mics lol... Everything i've used is i had to work extra hard to get what i wanted for sounds lol.

Thanks for the feedback though. I love the recording part of's tied with writing and performing lol. I love being in a studio and working at things... getting new sounds... its such a fun thing to do! And once i get all the money i want... i can get all the gear i want to make a kick ass studio with tons of GEAR lol!!
Thanks for the tip. I'm probably gonna get all the top models that everyone suggests and then try them all out...see which ones I like the most... and then send back the ones i dont like :)
Really?? (you mean Musiciansfriend??) I've heard from a few people that they are pretty good? Are they the DSP's the "tune-able" ones?
My room is quite small and on a budget so I bought a pair of Behringer Truth 2030A which has a 6.7" woofer. I place it at the corner at my room and I set the pad swith at the back at -2dB for the bass and -4dB for the treble. The sound I got was quite similar to the pair of expensive German speaker (I don't remember the name) where I work.

I does a lot of post-production mixing. Hope this helps.
I have a pair of Roland Ds/5 Active monitors, I have found them to be a very reliable monitor, YES the 7s are more wattage than the 5s. The 5s are 15watt/30watt.
The price $700 Australian!
FInally someone who can give me an actual TRIAL review about the ROland's lmao! So what are the downsides/problems to these monitors? :) Thanks man

So you have the Behringer 2030's? I'm thinking I might have to go that route over the Yorkville's actually due to the fact that I do need lots of bass. I work with a dancehall artist ontop of working with rock/pop music. I'm actually leaning towards the Behringer B2031A Truth's actually due to their bigger sound and so on.

Anyway, how do you find them to be in your room? I really really like the clarity and overall quality of the Yorkville's for sure, but I'm missing the deeper bass. I don't know. I'll go back again and take some more bassey music to test out the monitors before I make my final decision. But yeah, how do they sound in your space? Do they sound crisp and clear with nice bass?

What I'll probably end up doing is buying both and bringing back the one I like less ;)
So far applejax I have not encountered any downside to these Roland DS monitors. They have a low and high frequency cut and a level cut from 0-25db. The main switch is on the front panel, I find very handy. They are Active and I use them in an average size room 3m x 4m.

The low, mid and highs are very clear. I record instumental music and have used various types of cheaper monitors and headphones in the past but for my final mixes and the amateur level of mastering I attempt they serve me very well.

I have the levels cut at about 12db on the monitors and the volume from the DS 5s receiving their signal from the Boss BR 1600 I use is more than adequate to annoy the neighbours.

Im sorry but as yet I have not personally found a downside, their is obviously better monitors on the market but I find these to be bang for the buck.
Hey man,

Thanks for the honest info :) I'm going to start checking out all of my options and I'm sure I'll check out the ROlands :) Thanks again!

Re-listening to your tunes...great stufff.
At All.. you should push that one. I played it for a few around here and its a thumbs up every time, the others are great too...maybe even sonically better, but At All man, i can dig it.

keep posting.
you should really stop singing like blink182. the whole "out of pitch singing / monotone blood curdling screaming" vocals interplay is way too played out.
Coolcat, Thanks again man! I just got my Roland vs2480 and I've layed some new guitar tracks... need to get a good LDC though..maybe I'll post some MP3's up later this week!

treymonfauntre, like I told you in the "screamo mic" topic... Stop telling people how to write/what they should listen to. if you dont like it...then fine. But frig've got a problem with judging people by what they like. I suggest you grow up and stop caring what type of music people listen to. It's my choice! I'm not gonna write different just because someone tells me to, I'm not gonna sing/play/record any different either... If people like what I write then cool, but if you dont liek it then fine.