Can anyone identify whats causing this crackling sound?


New member
Im very new to recording and use a Line 6 GX interface and Nuendo 4. if you listen to the click below you can here a crackling break up of sound near the start of the recording. If i try to record guitar it normally does this atleast once a minute and its seriously annoying me. Iv been told it could be my cables or it could be my interface? Can anyone help me! View attachment Sample.mp3

To save you downloading ^ Please Help!!!
right so Ive listened to it and it sounds like its a buffer problem...thing is, and Im not judging or accusing, but you say you are using a £70 interface with £1500 software designed for post audio production? Im not saying its pirated but why use something so complicated with something so simple??

Id suggest using the GX with Reaper...its stable and simple and if you are going to record guitar based stuff its got to be more user friendly..

make sure you are using Line 6 Asio drivers as your soundcard drivers in the softwares preferences (not asio4all drivers), then adjust the buffer/latency until you get a happy medium between acceptable delay and recording quality

it doesnt sound like cables to me...also what are you playing the guitar into software wise? I thought the GX doesnt come with podfarm as a VST??
Well, it could be a "Student's" version but you've been right in the past.
Hey CJ: Increase your buffers and switch everything off that doesn't need to be running.
A better interface wouldn't hurt either.
Is that "Briggend"?
Im not saying its pirated, dont really care tbh, its just when I hear the guitar playing and know that its a GX being used I cant think of a more opposite DAW. Unless your being forced to use it or cant sell it on theres no way Id use Nuendo as a n00b starting out, it would do my fricken brain in lol :)
Its not pirated its my uncles software that I'm using since he's on holiday :p GX is my only interface at the moment and yes it did come with pod farm VST. How exactly do i "increase my buffers"? sorry for not having a clue
Directions will be in the manual/help file...the buffers will be in Nuendos preferences under audio/soundcard or a heading like that..the higher the buffer the less chance of crackling but higher latency
and when your uncle returns and wants his software back seriously try Reaper...a far better programme imho
thanks mate! you were the one that persuaded me to buy GX :p about a year ago! might upgrade to a UX2 though. know of any good 4 track interfaces?
awesome. Ok so what buffer settings would you recommend for you GX? i had it set to 512 with a bit depth of 16?
bitrate should be 24 for recording, say 24bit/ 512 does the crackling stop? is the latency with the guitar OK? 10ms or lower is probably best/acceptable
ok im using 24 and 512 but its still crackling? on line 6 under Asio client it says "none" is this a problem? i tried to download asio4all but can't get it working
thats all done but its still not working :| these are my current settings

yeah but you say you cant find line 6 Asio drivers in Nuendo...thats where the fault lies..that must be your audio drivers choice
jesus..maybe its the cables lol

sorry but that all i can think of..youve set it up right so its looking like it might be a hardware problem though to me it still sounds like the buffers

can you just install reaper and see if the crackling stops on it...then youll know whether its the software or hardware

process of elimination :o

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