Bye Bye Hillary 2024

Hey Dave, If you want to know the truth about me you'll have to request it in a pm.
I don't feel comfortable posting my personals here.

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I want a law abiding country to live in.
Sanctuary cities don't cut it.
Two systems of justice don't cut it, one for unelected bureaucrats and the other for everyone else.
Two completely different views on free and fair elections don't cut it.
An open border for anyone and everyone to come in and vote doesn't cut it.
The list goes on and on.
I really think the union is dead, and a lot of people feel the same way.
Do you really want to live in the same country with the rest of us?
I'm so tired of it.
America is already divided.
I did not want it that way.
A house divided can not stand.
THat's just the way it is.

The healing can start by cleaning out the criminal elements in our government.
They are the ones that divided the country.
Hopefully the DOJ can be salvaged, but I think it's too little too late.
I want to thank Mr. Durham for at least trying, but I think the patient already died on the operating table.
I think the DOJ should be renamed the department of injustice, where they get away with the kinds of crimes that would put us in prison for a long time.

That is really a subject for a different thread, and maybe there could be a constructive dialogue.
This thread is about the indictments.
Take care, Dave and have a wonderful life.
So what you’re really saying is that you hate democracy. You’re in the minority. You want to force your minority views on the majority. Not going to happen. “A lot of people feel the same way.” A lot more don’t, which is why you lost. Tomorrow when you wake up, Clinton still won’t be convicted and you’ll still be in the minority of people on political views. You…. Lost…. Get….. over…… it.
So what you’re really saying is
The indictments are far more interesting than any of your tired rhetoric.
The indictments are listed in the original post.
If you can NOT talk about the indictments, then start your own thread.
That is what I'm really saying.
Otherwise you are just spamming this thread.
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The indictments are far more interesting than any of your tired rhetoric.
The indictments are listed in the original post.
If you can NOT talk about the indictments, then start your own thread.
That is what I'm really saying.
Otherwise you are just spamming this thread.
Playing the victim now? I responded directly to your comment and the points you made in it. Quit crying. Everyone has more than addressed your grossly exaggerated criticisms surrounding the indictment, which you can’t be honest or objective about. Nobody cares about your relentless ranting and circular arguments. You’ve accomplished absolutely nothing but wasting your time on a pointless obsession for immature people.
You live in Grayson? That’s really close to where I live. I’m sure you’ve been to Elk Gardens trailhead with the ponies on top of the mountain?
Yeah Crows, I'm familiar with the area. I do some rockhounding up around Troutdale.
We can continue in a pm. I've found some really nice stuff up there.
I was at Mouth-of-Wilson today.
I responded directly to your comment and the points you made in it.
Let's take the indictments chapter and verse, shall we?
Now I have to admit -- that some of the indictments read politicized to me, and that bothers me.
I'm reading an allegation of a surveillance operation on the Trump whitehouse to collect dirt on him.
Maybe there was a better way to say it. I don't know, but that's what I read.
You give me your take on it.
This is straight off of the gov.uscourts website.

Case 1:21-cr-00582-CRC Document 35 Filed 02/11/22 Page 3 of 13, section 5

The Government’s evidence at trial will also establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (“EOP”). (Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP. Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.)
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Nobody cares about your relentless ranting and circular arguments. You’ve accomplished absolutely nothing but wasting your time on a pointless obsession.
Some people do care, but they know well enough to see that it's time to move on and ignore the Clintons, Trump, Pelosi, and Biden.
The indictments are NOT going away.
There will be trials.
Then hopefully we can move on -- after the trials.
Maybe Hillary is telling the truth over at Vanity Fair Magazine, but it doesn't look right.
It looks like she is interfering with the investigation with her trying to steer public opinion.
She has NOT been indicted, so she needs leave it alone.
Why doesn't she save it for the trials?
Why does she write a book, about "what happened"?
She lost -- that's what happened.
Why can't she let it go?
The indictments are NOT going away.
There will be trials.
Then hopefully we can move on -- after the trials.
Maybe Hillary is telling the truth over at Vanity Fair Magazine, but it doesn't look right.
It looks like she is interfering with the investigation with her trying to steer public opinion.
She has NOT been indicted, so she needs leave it alone.
Why doesn't she save it for the trials?
Why does she write a book, about "what happened"?
She lost -- that's what happened.
Why can't she let it go
Wow, that’s a deluded assessment. It’s not escaping anyone that you’re driven by extreme bias. The article doesn’t have anything to do with Clinton’s influence. Vanity Fair is left leaning. However, they’re known for accurate reporting. You see what you want to see, not what’s actually there. You’re on a fool’s errand.
Some people do care, but they know well enough to see that it's time to move on and ignore the Clintons, Trump, Pelosi, and Biden.
I don’t think anyone cares about what this guy has to say about politics on a music production vbulletin. Out of the 10 people who read and respond to his rhetoric, he has influenced nobody. There’s nothing compelling about his arguments. We should never fail to hold elected officials accountable for things they ACTUALLY did. Ignore the propaganda and respect the facts even when you don’t like them. The one I will ignore is WW. Circular arguments are boring. After just one discussion, I can’t see why anyone even responds to the guy.
Wow, that’s a deluded assessment. It’s not escaping anyone that you’re driven by extreme bias. The article doesn’t have anything to do with Clinton’s influence. Vanity Fair is left leaning. However, they’re known for accurate reporting. You see what you want to see, not what’s actually there. You’re on a fool’s errand.
So the Durham indictments are no problem whatsoever for the Hillary campaign. A fool's errand.. sez Rocky.
Let us mark his words. I'll resurrurect this thread again in a few months.
..and when I want to know the facts, I should listen to Vanity Fair.
Okay, so you've said your piece. Are we done yet?
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In other words you can't look at the allegation and tell that it's bad news for the Clinton campaign.
That was you, being totally unbiased...
okay... you've said your piece. Are we done yet?
Lol! You are full of yourself. You’re the type of person that thrives on insulting others to feel better about yourself. You imagine that you’ve made a strong showing and have triggered your political rivals. Spiting people makes you feel good, because you’re unhappy in your own life. Misery loves company.
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I thought you were ignoring me.
You made a lot of points there.
So NOW, you're going to let the thread go, right?
You are NOT an immature person with a pointless obsession, right?
Schoolyard tactics might be effective on others, but not me. I am ignoring your hollow rhetoric. I’ll likely not reply to any new threads that you make. As someone in the center on political issues, even I find your views to be extreme and quite frankly just grossly uneducated. Nonetheless, feel free to keep illustrating my points and proving my case for me.
I am ignoring your hollow rhetoric.
Everything I say is hollow rhetoric according to yourself, but here you are anyway.
Nonetheless, feel free to keep illustrating my points and proving my case for me.
I think you've won some kind of a prize -- that's for sure.
I don't know if it's good or bad.
I hate to see someone get all worked up like that.
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