Boy, You leave For One Night and Miss Everything!

fenderlikingood said:
I guess you had to be there. it was a light hearted exchange right up untill mix posted his "confession" that read...........

""""'s me...all you fucking get the fuck out of here and piss off :mad: """"""

hey rick, it's too bad that thread was deleted.. this statement doesn't prove anything imop.. I joke around like that all the time in the real world and my friends know I'm just being a dick.. Maybe mix thought that same thing.. Especially if someone else started a thread first..

This is a pretty big accusation and unfortunately it can't be proved.. I know the Ip thing doesn't work either.. I proved it when I created a few different names all with different ip addresses, and all from the same computer..

too bad that thread was deleted.. I can't accuse the guy because of what some people think.. I have been fed bogus information about other members in the past, and it was false..

guess you had to be there..

Innocent until proven..
Thanks for filling me in, everyone. Now, lets get back to making music and forget this crap. One lesson learned--it only takes one person stirring shit to affect a lot of good people. Here's the really sad part: if a_super_critic is NOT mixmkr, then our troll is just eating up all the damage and hurt he's created. Thats a pretty sick thought.

Whoever said that the best thing is to totally ignore trolls is right on. Since people like that have no power themselves, they can only gain it if we give it to them by paying attention to them. So I'm done talking about it and done giving the slightest attention to the next troll who wanders in hoping to disturb the really good souls who hang here.

I gotta a tune to cut. Back to whats important.....


SLuiCe said:
Al, I'm really hoping all this shit blows over before I get back from vacation. It's disgusting. If I come back and there's still 10 OT threads about imposters and harsh critics or any other non-sense on the 3rd grade schoolgirl level I'm all done with it. Every time I've had a few minutes to visit the page, all I see is this crap being dragged across the floor for everyone to slip on. When I read the text here, it honestly reads like 90% of the subscribers here are under 15 years old. Terrible. A lot of people have let this "super-critic" guy ruin this board. Ruin. And in my mind, by giving it this much attention, those people are also responsible for ruining it. What a waste of a potentially great forum.

Is this what we call fun here? It's like Jerry Fucking Springer.

[edit] I'm going fishing. Maybe see y'all in a couple weeks. Happy Fourth of July.


Tom - I really hope you stick around regardless of what happens. This crap will blow over soon enough. 'm gonna take my 3 year old daughter fishing for the first time when I go on vacation with her over the 4th. Take care & have a good vacation. See ya back here later. :)
SLuiCe said:
Ruin. And in my mind, by giving it this much attention, those people are also responsible for ruining it. What a waste of a potentially great forum.
I agree with you about 99% of the time, but not here. Maybe when somebody attacks one of your buddies right in front of your face in some kind of humiliating fashion, the grown up thing to do is to say nothing. Personally, I stand up. It'd be great if nobody was bothered by SC's comments (I wasn't when he jabbed me), but some people were REALLY bothered by it, and maybe you just don't know them or don't care, but *ignore* it? Plus, it throws the board into confusion (causing posts like this), and it's just a huge breach of internet etiquette and general "good guy"ness.

If it's not mixmkr, then he made some really boneheaded and confusing statements in the *deleted* thread, and he deserves to be ripped for that alone.

Some people aren't coming back, and they're not leaving with grand public proclamations (like I always do :D). I think that sucks, and I also think that SC would have been a not so infrequent visitor to this forum from time to time. Hopefully, he won't now, so mission accomplished.

BTW - Anybody who thinks it was sonusman obviously didn't listen to the guitar tone that "SC" raved about. Ed *never* would have mistaken that tone for a rectifier...double, triple, or otherwise.

Here's the formula:
1. Long-time member;
2. Knows a LOT about recording

Okay, that narrows it down from 20,000 to about 4 guys, lol. The rest is legwork.
chrisharris said:

Here's the formula:
1. Long-time member;
2. Knows a LOT about recording

3. Knows and cares enough about deathmetal to dismiss stuff that claims to be deathmetal (and sounds like it to my untrained ear) as not being true to the genre. That seems to me to rule out a lot of us pop/ country/ jazz/ classicrock/ alternative types.

IP addy probably at least rules out the furriners...

Daf (not sure he wants to know any more...)
hey rick, it's too bad that thread was deleted.. this statement doesn't prove anything imop.. I joke around like that all the time in the real world and my friends know I'm just being a dick.. Maybe mix thought that same thing.. Especially if someone else started a thread first..

I'm back.........shit, sam, i know........I didn't get to finish. I literally got a call from the mechanic saying my truck was ready and they close at 5.......i need it for work tomorrow, so i had to cut it off in mid stream! ( so to speak):D I have those quotation's around "confession" i was getting to that! ironic, eh?

Crawdad, i know what's important around here , MUSIC! god knows i love every second of my time here in the clinic, i haven't posted on many tunes lately partly because of the overwelming shift to "no gush"........."if you can't say anything bad don't say it at all":) .......I'm so sick of this either -or- crap, so i just shut my yap!!!!:D But i want to clear thing's up with the mixmkr situation, and let ya'll know what happened, and for my own benefit...............i just want to let it out. so can you bear with a little here, guy's? I' mean, shit, the threads already started. so if you would like to pay me no mind, it's cool!:D And you can draw your own opinion.........see i have almost the entire thread pasted in word!..........I just thought you guy's might want to read it.

be back!
dafduc said:
3. Knows and cares enough about deathmetal to dismiss stuff that claims to be deathmetal (and sounds like it to my untrained ear) as not being true to the genre.
Yeah, lol... I suspected Sam for about 1/2 a second, but I just don't think he would.

Plus, SC knows a LOT about mic's...

:D <<<--- indicates VERY lighthearted jab at Sam
yay..........i want to see that.
And I refer you all to Uncle Bob's philosophy which is:
Don't delete the freakin' threads!!! :D
It's not fair to those who post in the thread or those who might be interested.
Instead.....think for more than a milli-second before you put something up on the board.
Lt. Bob said:
yay..........i want to see that.
And I refer you all to Uncle Bob's philosophy which is:
Don't delete the freakin' threads!!! :D
It's not fair to those who post in the thread or those who might be interested.
Instead.....think for more than a milli-second before you put something up on the board.
Trust me, brother...a LOT of thought went into my post. I wasn't going to do it, b/c he announced his departure...

...then he posted again. :rolleyes:

That shit never ends when you ignore, NOBODY EVER DOES, so you'd might as well confront it, I say.

Like I said the first time, if mixmkr wants to defend himself, that's cool...In fact, he probably really needs to, b/c he was WAY ahead in the poll, lol.
fenderlikingood said:

...see i have almost the entire thread pasted in word!..........I just thought you guy's might want to read it.

be back!
Naw, I don't think anybody cares about seeing that.
fenderlikingood said:
I guess you had to be there.

It was 1 am for starter's, not a good time to think rationally (for me anyway). And if anyone pay's any attention to my post's AT ALL, you know i don't get involved usually.

When mix posted his """confession""", i really thought he was kidding around, it never crossed my mind that mix was super-critic, Not once!!!!!!!!!! Hell i never really gave it any deep thought, who cares, right? i didn't. When i saw chris's thread, the first thing that came to my mind was.......":eek: ", your hangin' out there brother! it was a light hearted exchange right up untill mix posted his "confession" that read...........

""""'s me...all you fucking get the fuck out of here and piss off :mad: """"""

I could see being a little angry at Chris's post, but the "fucking dickhead(s)" part, lit my fuse. NO ONE had posted a derogatory
comment about mix, up untill THAT point.


Shit i gotta go pick my truck up! be back in a few!:D

Alright ,back on target. See sam it wasn't the "confession" in itself that yanked my crank.......Chris posted the thread, but he called us all "DICKHEADS" Fuck that shit! I was being light hearted with the whole thing.......and here comes a guy that i respect "sonically"......and calls me a dickhead? Chris deleted the post for mixs benefit, then he comes back with a "i'm innocent thread" and pretty much throws that fact right back in Chris's face, if anyone is guilt for dragging this thing out, it was mix. Like i said in the quote above....................

"I could see being a little angry at Chris's post, but the "fucking dickhead(s)" part, lit my fuse. NO ONE had posted a derogatory
comment about mix, up untill THAT point."

My conclusion? i don't and didn't think mix was this "troll" fella, the "confession" was aimed at chris in anger, but "HE" took it to another my final thought's were........"FUCK HIM". in a nut shell.....not fuck that "troll"...but ...."FUCK HIM". i asked if it was joke, mix never answered me.( but i believe it was and still is).......I don't take to being called a "dickhead" for no fucking reason what so ever, very lightly(even on the internet)

To mixmkr:.................Dude, I see that it was NOT you, i never even suspected it! But i asked you for clarification, and it went un-answered, and i asked you that after the "DICKHEAD" comment, still giving you the benefit of doubt. WERE trolling "last night"......but not as someone else, just YOU. I can, and have let it go......but clean your side up too, is that too much to ask? fuck it....I'm just gonna post the thread so everyone can see where "EACH INDIVIDUAL" was coming from.

Thank's for letting me rant, fella's! I just want to clarify "MY" stance, that's all.
i say fucking post it and let people decide...seems to me that "super critic " would have stopped by to say SOMETHING after all the commotion...maybe not ...dunno...just odd i guess..
mixmkr said:
Kramer, fender... and Chad... sorry to loose you as BBS "friends"... oh well... maybe time will change your opinions.

It's buried. Don't worry about it. It never happened.

Here's my take on the troll.... whoever it was... (fair enough?):

Is it possible to give a 100% honest critique to someone without being an insulting asshole? Is it possible to use kindness?

This isn't just a clinic where people get technical advice and information. It's a damned family. Like it or not, this board thrives because of two factors 1) Good technical help 2) we are concerned about each other. #1 is pretty damn worthless to many of us without the other factor.

Whatever. Call me pathetic. Or gay :rolleyes:

chrisharris said:
Here's the formula:
1. Long-time member;
2. Knows a LOT about recording
I'm gonna disagree on this one. :p

I'd say the formula is:

1. Possible Member, but not familiar with the Clinic.
2. Knows a LOT about recording
3. Knows a LOT about the biz, so much so that he thinks like someone who's been pretty involved in it.
4. (agreeng with daf) Knows and cares enough about deathmetal to dismiss stuff that claims to be deathmetal (and sounds like it to my untrained ear).

I'm still not convinced he was a member... If somebody has a few indications they can point to (that implies he was a member), then let me know.

participant said:
Whatever. Call me pathetic. Or gay :rolleyes:

HOMO.;) you saw that one coming didn't you! nice post, man.

Yeah, ok.......not posting it. unless there's an overwhelming "YAY." you can come off the fence now , guy's!

I would still like to hear from mix, though.