Boss ME-50

Well, I would have to say since the $3000 processor with quality components, and converters, emulates top shelf circuits that produce a much richer, higher quality sound than the $.45 worth of components in the $30 pedal that was assembled by a non English speaking worker making $3.00 a week.

right, english speaking and salary make all the difference.

and of course, what you said has exactly what to do with the relevance, tone etc of BOSS gear in the world of playing electric guitar?

anyway, I'm done. I don't use boss analog pedals either. but I immensely respect what they did for the world.

Yup, when they can't read, and make $3 a week, producing 50 cents worth of crap in some dirty ass factory in China, or Taiwan, that sells for $30, it makes a big difference. Quality of components, and craftsmanship speaks volumes.

Your question was:
"oooooooooooook. Eventide? since when is a digital algorithm that emulates an analog circuit a "better" way of doing things than actually using an analog circuit?"

I answered it.

Are you are really going to try to compare the tone, capability, and quality of an Eventide to any boss unit?

Also, who insulted Boss, and caused you to defend them? I've read this thread over a couple times now, and the only person that really insulted them was Ocnor, which you claim you agree with. Could you clear up exactly who the "ignorant" one is that doesn't know what's going on, and made you "talk down to his level"? I'm just not seeing any post like you describe.
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I don't get why you're trying to find holes/inconsistencies in what I said - what's the point? sorry if I'm unclear sometimes, but the general idea I'm trying to get across has to be very obvious unless you're just trying to argue for the sake of it. I hope you're not... :-)

I never agreed with him about his views about boss pedals, I only agreed with him about his views that making music is what matters and should come first. I don't dislike him in any way - I don't know him, but his statement got to be out of it's sheer ignorance (which isn't an actual insult, it's a statement about his apparent lack of knowledge or choice to ignore what he's been told about the subject of Boss pedals).

Like I said, I'm done, but in this case I'm answering your question since you don't seem to be able to understand or maybe simply disagree with the stuff that I'm saying. I really don't know why you keep trying to poke holes in what I'm saying. I'm not an idiot, if I mis-phrased something then I apologized.

Hopefully I've reworded this enough ways and clarified what I meant now! :-)

summary once again (yet another way):
Like them or not, one has to recognize their importance and impact on our instrument. Like it or not, eventide products in one's rack don't negate the need or practicality or tone or uniqueness of boss pedals (or the equivalent, ibanez etc who also invented some classics that have yet to be duplicated in any rack unit).

If someone has eventide etc expensive gear in their guitar rack, I don't see how it means that the person is above/better-than using any product by Boss.

The me-50 emulates their own products using digital technology. imho it does so incredibly well having owned both over the years. you don't have to agree of course. but one can't deny the company's impact as a whole.

currently I no longer use any actual boss pedals - I own and use the me-50 and designed/built my own analog guitar overdrive unit, nothing special at all but I like it, and it happens to live in a rack because it's way easier for me to install stuff into a rack than a stomp pedal. I did this for my own reasons, I like electronics etc and building circuits. But boss or custom home design, it's a similar situation - it serves a similar purpose to a classic boss pedal (a true analog overdrive pedal), and is something that the rack gear mentioned isn't suited to.

anyway, hopefully that's clear and done now!

Don :-)
I don't know him, but his statement got to be out of it's sheer ignorance (which isn't an actual insult, it's a statement about his apparent lack of knowledge or choice to ignore what he's been told about the subject of Boss pedals

Being called ignorant isn't an insult? I've used plenty of Boss pedals as I've been playing guitar for at least as long as Boss has been in existence. My opinion of Boss pedals comes from experience not from the ravings of some idiot. Tone is subjective and I don't give a flying care whether some famous person recorded with Boss's crappy sounding pedals or not.
exactly my point :-) and no, it really isn't an insult, at least I never meant it that way (it's so misused these days!).

hence the term ignorance is bliss.

back on topic:
anybody try the bass version of the me-50? I've been curious if it's any good. I find bass processing much tougher than guitar, and it would be handy for live gigs when I don't want to bring mxr pedals with me.
K...the Wah pedal stopped working. I returned that unit, and got a new one. Chorus is still hard, and dull, but there is a lot less noise. Still noise...but less. Guess the other one was a lemon. Wah isn't bad, and delays will get by for as little as I'll use them. Wish the compression was a little more tweakable. It's not God awful, though. All in all, for $220, I got what I expected. It will work when I'm traveling light, and not really needing a "perfect" effects tone. I do find the ME-50 sounds a bit better on my more "classic" amps (JCM800, Fender Twin), than it does through my Boogies. I've always found Boogies to be picky about the effects you plug into them. They seem to prefer top shelf. Which is a shame, because "traveling light" usually means my Road King combo.

I checked out a GT-8, which was better, but I really wanted to avoid all that amp modeling bullshit. Why do they have to put that crap in every damn multi pedal? Is every damn kid in America "modeling" amps instead of owning the real things? I can't imagine that anyone is plugging these things right into PA's.
Is every damn kid in America "modeling" amps instead of owning the real things? I can't imagine that anyone is plugging these things right into PA's.

you would probably be surprised how many bassists use Sans amp, Behringer and other amp modeler preamps DI live these days.
That I can understand. Bass usually always ran DI live, anyway (in clubs). I remember helping my bass player put together a $3000 rig, and then the soundman would always run him through a splitter, and DI into the board, bypassing his amp. At least now, the bass player has a little bit of a say on the tone, seeing how the modelers themselves are going direct out.

However, when it comes to's a whole different story.
I've had an ME-50 for a couple of years and I purchased it for the same reason you are looking at it - I have several guitar maps/combos (Marshall, Fender, Vox, Peavey, etc.) and a couple of amp sims (Pod and J-Station) - so I simply wanted an easy to use, decent sounding floor pedal. I didn't want amp sims - I just wanted a good, old fasioned floor unit.

In particular - I wanted something that I could quickly tweak knobs, rather than scroll through pages and pages of menus. I've got waaaay too many pieces of rack gear with display windows that don't work in certain lighting conditions, or require an advanced degree in engineering to navigate, etc. - I wanted an effects pedal that I could simply bend bown turn a knob and play.

The ME-50 has some very good modulation sounds (chorus, etc) and I think the delays are very usable. The reverb is weak.....but I'm not a big fan of much reverb on guitar.

The foot pedal for wah is not as good as a stand alone (Crybaby,etc.) - but it does the job. I don't play much music calling for wah - so my wah chops are not strong.

The noise gate works well- but the "EQ" section is worthless - I would have preferred a graphic EQ rather than the stupid "presets". There are plenty of I/O options...........but no MIDI.

Regarding the overdrive/distortion - I never owned most of the pedals it "simulates" so I can't attest to how accurate the simulation is.............but I never have a problem finding the sound I need. I try to use the guitar amp for my primary crunch - so I normally dial in only a little ME-50 distortion.

If you want a very easy to use multi effects floor unit - and if you prefer to tweak knobs rather than squint at a display window - and if you want something that will hold up to abuse (the ME-50 is built like a tank) - then you my like the ME-50. I know I am satisfied with mine.

Good advice. My son has one and I have messed with it. The Wah is not what you get out of a Crybaby as has been said. In fact, most of the pedals included in the unit don't match Boss's analog pedals for intensity. However, for the price you get everything in one convenient unit. It really is great value and the digital sound is clean. I will note that the switch on the pedal did break and has to be repaired, so there may be quality issues. Overall it is a good buy though.
Tried the headphone jack this morning. Completely useless. Mods, and delays don't seem to work through it, and it's noisy as hell. Once again, the V-amp surpasses this unit for this function.