Blue eyes

I agree with most of the mixing comments. Very nice song. Sugarsweet, but it's how you feel right now. So it's good. It would have been weird when you had recorded a depressive tune, just for the sake of being artistically correct LOL :D


There's a duplicate cymbal hit at 3:13, it outphases the sound.

But you were drunk, so I'm not angry at ya ;) LOL

In fact, perhaps you should try it again sober. I'm curious how it'll sound.

I smell a challenge....record the same song in two different mindstates (preferably with some help from beer or weed)

There might be a problem for Lt. Bob with this challenge (he's always drunk you know? ;) )
damn! I thought this time I'm lucky- but I wasn't.. so it's already

over! :mad: she just said that she has to concentrate on her

career, and has no time for relationships and stuff :( :( but I

think it's me who fucked this up! :mad: :mad: :mad:

anyway, I shouldn't bother you with s**t like this, so

TripleM - I know that lyrically I'm totally untalented, and

especially romantic stuff, and that's maybe a reason why I mess

up my relationships too! the problem is that even in german I'm

not able to write it better.

anyway, thanks for listening and sharing your thoughts! :)

skids - Really appreciate your comments - the bass was

uncompressed, maybe that will fix it ;

I agree with the intro (there is none! :D ) ; about the outro, I

think it would end better faded out, maybe with a guit solo or


Guernica - I checked the ride cymbal and it's not just too

loud, but sometimes doubled :confused: dunno how that could


however, anybody can imagine some bg vocals, so then, I should

try that out :D THX!

groucho - thanks for taking the time Chris! I think fixing

that bassline will also fix the low-end in the tune (hope so..)

- about that solo.. I think it really needs a retake!

participant - "groo-VAH chun-KI" LOL!

no Chad, I'm 1/2 german + 1/2 romanian -- funny thing is that

my romanian has german accent, my german has slight romanian

accent, and everybody thinks I'm italian.. and now I have an

Finnish/Swedish one in my poor english.. :cool: :) :p

How about some backups... like 'aaaaaaaaah' and 'I

waaaas surpriiiiiiiiiiiiised'.... ??
hehe.. it's funny to read

it! -- yeah, I'gonna put some in the chorus and maybe add some

guit licks in the verse. thanks 4 listening to every tune I post!!!!!

Originally posted by B.SABBATH
I wrote a love song once..

she said it sounded scary...

I said nevermind..

we broke up shortly after..

no wonder that she broke up..

but seriously, Sam, have you made one of that kind? cos I know

all your tunes on nowhere.. I'm just curious how it would sound..

MC Gitarz - grueß Dich auch, Milan! danke fuer die mixing

comments! the solo... :D :D :D was the last that I did that night --

but it's not just the fault of that good spanish red wine - I'm not

playin good at all :(

-as I wrote above, I'm gonna add bgr vocals;

if you are in Munich for the Oktoberfest, let's drink a Maß

(translation - litre beer) together!

check your PM!

Toki987 - yeah, she pushed the button, but obviously I

didn't pushed her button.. but who cares.. at least I made a song!

thanks for ya ear!


Originally posted by sloop
I think you have more to give emotionally with your voice.
do you really think? :o:o

SLuiCe - I know, I know ...the f**** lyrics; probably it

would be better not to spell the words out that clear :p

thanks Tom, glad you took the time to listen!


Originally posted by Pedullist
In fact, perhaps you should try it again sober. I'm curious how it'll sound.

I smell a challenge....record the same song in two different mindstates (preferably with some help from beer or weed)

in fact, it IS a kewl challenge, cos now I'm not drunk and do not

feel at all that what I felt then; so I'll need a lot of technique now

to fake it and make it sound real!

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