Blue Bear's update 5 is up

Blue Bear Sound said:
$65K Canadian....... which is about $47K USD at current rates.......

Wow. That's much better than I thought. I would have pegged the total costs of your studio at much higher than that.

Does that include any property costs? i.e. Do you pay a mortgage on the property, rent on the building, any of that?

I don't mean to belabor this, but what was the total construction time, approximately? And did you encounter any difficulty in finding a contractor who knew what he was doing (for media environments)? Or did you just hire a general contractor, and provide him with guidance...?
The work took almost 3 months start to finish.... the contractor had *some* experience with sound-related installations - but not a full-studio installation.

Throughout the construction, John provided much input - I simply acted as the go-between when the contractor had a design-related question. The only guidance I could provide was for the final color scheme and "look" - John was the knowledgeable resource on the team!

If anyone is considering something similar, I strongly suggest you consider commissioning John for the design! I can't recommend him enough!!!
Got the V8s going...!

Finally got the V8s in place -- wiring the racks/PBs really bogged me down, so I only got to the monitors yesterday aft......

OMG - what a difference! I liked the V8s before - but in my previous environment, the bass tended to be slightly on the flabby side - of course, I couldn't hear that then, compared to what I'm hearing now!!!!!!!!!!!

I tested it with Steely Dan's TAN - imaging was crisp and precise, bass response had depth and spaciousness, but never felt overpowering or heavy. High-end response was focused and clear.

Very impressive! :)

Listening to test tones at various frequencies did show some response anomalies as I moved about - but I presume this is normal since I encountered similar variances when I listened to similar tones in the monitoring room at a local mastering house a while back.

Encouraged by the sound I got from listening to commercial stuff - I popped on some of my previous mixes. There's no question my monitoring room improved -- I heard stuff in the mixes that I wasn't hearing before -- so much so in some cases that the mix would have changed substantially. This is good - each time I've made an improvement to my monitoring environment, I've heard enough difference that lets me refine and improve my mixes. This new room is definitely a huge improvement!!!

I think I'm going to really like working in there!!!!!!!! ;)

I simply can't say it enough -- thanks John!!!!!!!!!

:D :D
OzNimbus said:
BTW, you can expect a few anomalies throughout the room, but how are things at the mix position?
pretty solid - a couple of blips in the low-mids, but pretty even overall.

As soon as I debug a connection problem in the monitoring chain with the Lucid converters, I'm going to run the LEDR tests (Listening Environment Diagnostic Recording) on the room/V8s... that will give me a decent picture of the monitoring environment.

How do you go about running the LEDR tests? I've heard of these before but never investigated how they work.


If you do not mind, a couple of questions.

1) The wood on the walls, are the spaced randomly ?

2) Are the mounted directly to studs or on sheet rock ?

3) What kind of insulation is behind them ?

4) What are the acoustical effects you plan to have them do ?

DDev said:
How do you go about running the LEDR tests?
You simply listen to the audio tests provided -- if your hear the expected results, you know your listening area imaging is up to par.

A while back I purchased the Studio Reference Disk by ProSonus..... it includes test tones, level calibration tones, the LEDR test, pink noise, etc... worth every penny!
smellyfuzz said:
1) The wood on the walls, are the spaced randomly ?

2) Are the mounted directly to studs or on sheet rock ?

3) What kind of insulation is behind them ?

4) What are the acoustical effects you plan to have them do ?
1) No - not random at all - very uniform actually! Those are slot resonators as designed by John Sayers! The slots are spaced 1/8", 1/4", 1/2" in a repeating pattern.

2,3) Underneath the slots is blue material covering the studs and Roxul sound barrier insulation.

4) Not sure I understand this question, Sean... are you asking what the studios sound characteristics are like?

Studio 1 is the dark room - very little ambience and not very bright-sounding. Studio 2 is the bright room - a lot of ambience and a bright, woody sound. And the characteristics of Studio 3 (the booth) is right in the middle of the other two. So I have a lot of options has far as tracking environments. The Control Room is on the bright side - which I prefer to a darker, more dampened room.
Re: FINALLY.... Finally..... finally....

Blue Bear Sound said:
...the load-in is complete!

And the studio sounds freakin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good for you Bear! Congrats!

Post a sample soon, huh.
WTG Blue Bear!

I'm glad you like the V8's soffit mounted... gives me something to look forward to!

Let's see some pics real soon, eh?

OzNimbus said:
WTG Blue Bear!

I'm glad you like the V8's soffit mounted... gives me something to look forward to!

Let's see some pics real soon, eh?

Thanks guys!

Yeah - I'm working on the pics.... gotta get those new brochures out now!!!!! ;)
Blue Bear Sound said:
Thanks guys!

Yeah - I'm working on the pics.... gotta get those new brochures out now!!!!! ;)

..and we want you in them, doing some flashy poses, wearing your best used-surfboard-salesman-shirt.