Big Muff


New member
What is the difference between a Big Muff pi made in Russia, to one made in USA?
Druw said:
What is the difference between a Big Muff pi made in Russia, to one made in USA?

I had both at one time, but not at the same time. So I can't say sound wise how much of a difference there was, but I can say the Russian one took a dump after about 6 months.
I use the green one and my bass player uses the silver. I think we like the green one.
Outlaws said:
I had both at one time, but not at the same time. So I can't say sound wise how much of a difference there was, but I can say the Russian one took a dump after about 6 months.

I'll second that. My crapped out way too early. It was because of being used but it still should have taken alot more abuse than that. Some of my Boss Pedals have been beat to shit and back and they still work. So if you're going to baby it get the russian. If not, get the USA.
cellardweller said:
4989 miles

LMFAO.......................Russians are cheap mofo's

USA stuff generally can be blasted with nuclear impacts & it comes up trumps

& I'm from the UK....................................... :D
I've had the Russian one for several years now and it's on it's last leg as far as the casing is concerned. The light has fallen back into the casing and I had to resolder the battery connections. Still works though. The American Big Muff is probably better made, so I would get that one. Plus it looks cooler :cool:
I've still got an American made Big Muff that I've had since 1976, though I haven't used it in a while I'm still sure it will still kick ass any time I want it to :cool:
I have the russian big muff and think it is a terrible sounding pedal (i bought it in my younger years before i knew better)
Pi vs BigMuff

the 'Pi' version has (3) options for adjusting the sound: 1. volume 2. distortion 3. tone* *and turning the 'tone' knob counter-clockwise will give you a more and more BASSier sound. this is primarily how the Pi differs and in my opinion is superior if you're a bass-player.. especially as the 'tone' knob is pretty easy to twist with the end of your shoe while performing, as needed..

i've had about 4 russian big muffs, and all have failed.. they don't take kindly to constant transportation + the 9volt battery plug can be accidentally torn if you're rushed and changing a battery at a gig, or in the back of a tour-van, or in a snow-storm in winnepeg, etc....

overall, the two pedals have a somewhat distinctly 'different' sound/fuzz/tone.. i kind of like them both seperately for what they do. i've yet to try two at the same time - maybe i will later today, hmmmm...
I``ve only tried the American.

and I thinks its great.
A must have, for me at least who craves that vintage sound.

I`ve tried the Double muff, and it was no where near the sound of the Big muff.
It sounded cheap and plastic.
espskully said:
Russian muff is much bushier and smells like Chicken Kiev, whereas the American muff tends to be more groomed and smells of corndogs.

This has to be the best answer to any question ever posted here!! ...Well, at least it made me pee my pants :eek:

-mr moon
The difference between the american and russian flavors of the electro harmonix pedals, to my knowledge, is that the americans have true bypass switching. The russian versions do not.
carpaljets said:
The difference between the american and russian flavors of the electro harmonix pedals, to my knowledge, is that the americans have true bypass switching. The russian versions do not.

Nope. Not unless thats a recent deal or something that was back in the 70's. I had to mod mine to true bypass.