Biden for President ‘24-‘28…Really? Are you that ignorant?

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Did any of you see the House Judiciary Committee on holding Garland in Contempt of Congress last week?

I missed it but watched today. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Cricket and Ocasio-Cortez spitting venom. It was as funny as it was sad and both sides participated so no innocents except for those not name calling
I hate the fact that these two are our choices. I'm really upset with Biden for running again, and I have very little confidence in his mental capacity.

HOWEVER, it's between him and Trump.

I also have very little confidence in Trump's mental capacity, he's a despicable human being in almost every other way, and I'm drastically more upset with Trump for what he pulled when he lost the last election. I would say I'm shocked that his supporters aren't outraged by it, too, but then I remember most of them probably never actually heard most of the truth because they just watched Fox.

They don't realize that most of HIS top officials, attorney general, lawyers, etc. all told him he had no case and that he should concede the loss. 50 court cases ALL thrown out (many by Trump-appointed judges) because they were laughable.

They don't realize that Trump himself was the one who initiated the idea of the attack on the capital with a tweet: ""Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

They don't realize that Trump commanded the removal of the metal detectors at the capital because he was disappointed at the small crowd that was there initially and wanted the rest of the mob (behind the metal detectors with weapons) to gain access.

They don't realize that, after Trump gave his rousing speech to the mob, in which he repeatedly lied about Mike Pence's ability to overturn the results and used language like "you've got to fight to take your country back," Trump sat and watched the capital get stormed for over 3 HOURS while people chanted "Hang Mike Pence," building gallows, attacking officers, destroying property, etc. while his closest officials (even his family) urged him to call in military backup to get things under control.

They don't realize that Trump didn't film his "go home now" speech until after the police had finally gained control of the capital building, and the riot had been suppressed.

Several times in our lifetime, the leaders of other countries, such as Putin, have altered their constitution and/or used other means to remain in power. IMHO, if there's anyone who could potentially do the same in the USA, it's Trump.

So ... if it's Biden or Trump, IMHO, it's no contest whatsoever.
Don’t waste time trying to reason with Traitor Trump MAGA cultists. They are pig-ignorant, bereft of critical thinking skills and are not reachable: they have drunken deep of the kool-aid. It’s like a religion, rational arguments are seen as an affront and facts are treated with contempt. They’re only interested in what they’ve already been conditioned to believe. They’re like dogs eating their own vomit.

That’s why they have a legally adjudicated sexual assaulter, fraudster, draft-dodging, total incompetent, autocrat-ass kissing, psychotic lying, adulterous, moronic, grifting, slurring, confused, fat orange slob for a hero. Cults demand blind loyalty - incredibly these sick cultists cannot see the obvious right in front of them, It’s insane but true.

Unfortunately this is a threat to our democracy. This pattern has appeared in history time and time again. But the MAGAts reject all this. Like all fascists, they have contempt for experts, academics and scholars. They will not listen and are unable or unwilling to learn.

Don’t waste time trying to reason with Traitor Trump MAGA cultists. They are pig-ignorant, bereft of critical thinking skills and are not reachable: they have drunken deep of the kool-aid. It’s like a religion, rational arguments are seen as an affront and facts are treated with contempt. They’re only interested in what they’ve already been conditioned to believe. They’re like dogs eating their own vomit.

That’s why they have a legally adjudicated sexual assaulter, fraudster, draft-dodging, total incompetent, autocrat-ass kissing, psychotic lying, adulterous, moronic, grifting, slurring, confused, fat orange slob for a hero. Cults demand blind loyalty - incredibly these sick cultists cannot see the obvious right in front of them, It’s insane but true.

Unfortunately this is a threat to our democracy. This pattern has appeared in history time and time again. But the MAGAts reject all this. Like all fascists, they have contempt for experts, academics and scholars. They will not listen and are unable or unwilling to learn.

Oh My Fucking God! You are a complete fool for calling half of the country out as... Oh my. Really? Such hate...

Let me be clear as someone who does not believe in god or Trump...

You listen to media sources that makes fucking bullshit accusations like this because your media tells you this ? Are you fucking stupid?

This is fucking insanity! You may as well listen to Hamas and their ideals of America.

Your comments are proof that you have no ability to find actual facts from any sources that would give you an educated opinion.

This is not what half of America feels or believes as fact.

Sadly, half of American voters that do not necessarily like Trump, feel he is a better person to represent them as a president than the racist doom president we have now.

And you just want to hate? How about you think about why that is happening, instead of making it about your personal opinions?

It's going to happen. Get over it. The people are done with losing their freedom, safety, and rights via this Biden administration.

Most of those who will vote 'AGAINST' Biden, are likely like me who don't actually like Trump. Guess why?

Because of this type of bullshit propaganda bullshit presented by the likes of you and the Biden administration. Nothing better. Nothing but division of races. Nothing but hate for a different party. Nothing but climate change bullshit. Nothing but segregation in everything in any way.

Good job Mr. 'bring the country together' bullshit artist! Sad that you all that voted for him did not look at his previous record. Come on, it's right there on Youtube.

Do you even know what he voted for over his career? Have you even thought to investigate that? If you did, you would think as I do.

I am going to guess you are just a 12 to 18 year old troll in your bedroom making this your muse. Well, if older than that, I am sure you still live in mommy's house...

So here I may be judging...

I am not about to throw a name at you directly, but pussy ass 'woke' dumb asses are pussy ass dumb asses as they present themselves. Are you one?

Are you?

Just my opinion and yours may be different. All good. I respect those with different opinions.

Not so much the arrogant assholes that judge me and a whole group of others. They can go fuck themselves.

Rant over.

Oops, I forgot about the open border. Great job on securing the country.... Fuck you Biden admin!
Oh My Fucking God! You are a complete fool for calling half of the country out as... Oh my. Really? Such hate...

Let me be clear as someone who does not believe in god or Trump...

You listen to media sources that makes fucking bullshit accusations like this because your media tells you this ? Are you fucking stupid?

This is fucking insanity! You may as well listen to Hamas and their ideals of America.

Your comments are proof that you have no ability to find actual facts from any sources that would give you an educated opinion.

This is not what half of America feels or believes as fact.

Sadly, half of American voters that do not necessarily like Trump, feel he is a better person to represent them as a president than the racist doom president we have now.

And you just want to hate? How about you think about why that is happening, instead of making it about your personal opinions?

It's going to happen. Get over it. The people are done with losing their freedom, safety, and rights via this Biden administration.

Most of those who will vote 'AGAINST' Biden, are likely like me who don't actually like Trump. Guess why?

Because of this type of bullshit propaganda bullshit presented by the likes of you and the Biden administration. Nothing better. Nothing but division of races. Nothing but hate for a different party. Nothing but climate change bullshit. Nothing but segregation in everything in any way.

Good job Mr. 'bring the country together' bullshit artist! Sad that you all that voted for him did not look at his previous record. Come on, it's right there on Youtube.

Do you even know what he voted for over his career? Have you even thought to investigate that? If you did, you would think as I do.

I am going to guess you are just a 12 to 18 year old troll in your bedroom making this your muse. Well, if older than that, I am sure you still live in mommy's house...

So here I may be judging...

I am not about to throw a name at you directly, but pussy ass 'woke' dumb asses are pussy ass dumb asses as they present themselves. Are you one?

Are you?

Just my opinion and yours may be different. All good. I respect those with different opinions.

Not so much the arrogant assholes that judge me and a whole group of others. They can go fuck themselves.

Rant over.

Oops, I forgot about the open border. Great job on securing the country.... Fuck you Biden admin!

Your lack of erudition, wit and gratuitous cursing, use of personal insults, reflexive outrage and invective are indicative of an under developed intellect. Perhaps that’s why you respond the way you do and are unable to recognize Traitor Trump for the threat he is.

“12 to 18 year old troll in my bedroom” LOL! I have an advanced degree, have traveled the word over, raised a family, and unlike you see education as a life long pursuit. You should learn to write before you so arrogantly and stupidity make assumptions and embarrass yourself with that unorganized, flatulent stream of consciousness that you think passes for cogent thinking. I usually don’t mingle with lowlife, ignorant knuckle-draggers like you, but I must say, you are probably the dumbest atheist I’ve ever come across, usually they’re pretty smart.

Sorry I triggered you so much. Maybe next time pick on someone of your own intellectual heft - perhaps at a Trump rally or CPAC convention - they’re both swarming with drooling, delusional morons like you who don’t read and think they know it all. Perhaps you’ll get the best of them.

Good luck sucker.
Your lack of erudition, wit and gratuitous cursing, use of personal insults, reflexive outrage and invective are indicative of an under developed intellect. Perhaps that’s why you respond the way you do and are unable to recognize Traitor Trump for the threat he is.

“12 to 18 year old troll in my bedroom” LOL! I have an advanced degree, have traveled the word over, raised a family, and unlike you see education as a life long pursuit. You should learn to write before you so arrogantly and stupidity make assumptions and embarrass yourself with that unorganized, flatulent stream of consciousness that you think passes for cogent thinking. I usually don’t mingle with lowlife, ignorant knuckle-draggers like you, but I must say, you are probably the dumbest atheist I’ve ever come across, usually they’re pretty smart.

Sorry I triggered you so much. Maybe next time pick on someone of your own intellectual heft - perhaps at a Trump rally or CPAC convention - they’re both swarming with drooling, delusional morons like you who don’t read and think they know it all. Perhaps you’ll get the best of them.

Good luck sucker.
You seem an arrogant human to me . Best to you in your obviously higher intelligence. I bow to you now oh holy one.

oh, and go fuck yourself!
You seem an arrogant human to me . Best to you in your obviously higher intelligence. I bow to you now oh holy one.

oh, and go fuck yourself!

I don’t blame you for being angry. It may not even be your fault that your cerebrum (higher order/governing functions) is unable to control your amygdala (lower order functions/hatred & fear/fight or flight/reptilian brain).

Pathetic really. You've not only embarrassed yourself and learned nothing, but shown to me you’ll continue to hold all this anger and fear. You must be a very insecure little man. May I suggest reading a good book at least once a month, working out at least three times a week and cutting out the junk food? You’ll feel better about yourself. I’m in my 60s and have never been sharper or stronger. I hope you can find the happiness I have.

…and now back to music, creativity and talking to actual competent, educated adults.
I don’t blame you for being angry. It may not even be your fault that your cerebrum (higher order/governing functions) is unable to control your amygdala (lower order functions/hatred & fear/fight or flight/reptilian brain).

Pathetic really. You've not only embarrassed yourself and learned nothing, but shown to me you’ll continue to hold all this anger and fear. You must be a very insecure little man. May I suggest reading a good book at least once a month, working out at least three times a week and cutting out the junk food? You’ll feel better about yourself. I’m in my 60s and have never been sharper or stronger. I hope you can find the happiness I have.

…and now back to music, creativity and talking to actual competent, educated adults.
Fuck you asshole.
Your lack of erudition, wit....

Who was it Mark Twain what said, "Don't use a five dollar word when a 50 cent word will do"?

That's kind of odd, Google(d) definition, right at the top as an example of usage, "he was known for his wit, erudition....". Hm, similar to the above quote. "Traveled the word over", indeed. Freudian slip?

I'll admit, I've looked up words before, correct spelling, occasionally definition, usage. Humbling rather than inspirational to boast of my own intelligence. Satisfied in my query, I do make an effort to place it in context of my own words rather than border on plagiarism. Be that as it may, I typically would just choose to use words familiar not only to myself, but to others as well.

Mark Twain was an intelligent man.
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I don’t blame you for being angry. It may not even be your fault that your cerebrum (higher order/governing functions) is unable to control your amygdala (lower order functions/hatred & fear/fight or flight/reptilian brain).

Pathetic really. You've not only embarrassed yourself and learned nothing, but shown to me you’ll continue to hold all this anger and fear. You must be a very insecure little man. May I suggest reading a good book at least once a month, working out at least three times a week and cutting out the junk food? You’ll feel better about yourself. I’m in my 60s and have never been sharper or stronger. I hope you can find the happiness I have.

…and now back to music, creativity and talking to actual competent, educated adults.
If being of superior intellect comes in a package deal along with being a complete dickhead, I’ll abstain from trying to raise my intellectual status.
I’ll be happy to live the rest of my life as a lowly dishwasher. At least I get to take home good Mexican food. :D

Seriously, can you tone it down a bit? You really don’t have to insult and belittle those that disagree with you. Your post despite not being directed at me , still felt very insulting.

Let’s not push things to where we all hate each other.
If being of superior intellect comes in a package deal along with being a complete dickhead, I’ll abstain from trying to raise my intellectual status.
I’ll be happy to live the rest of my life as a lowly dishwasher. At least I get to take home good Mexican food. :D

Seriously, can you tone it down a bit? You really don’t have to insult and belittle those that disagree with you. Your post despite not being directed at me , still felt very insulting.

Let’s not push things to where we all hate each other.
It’s funny. Some asshole makes things personal, I respond, you don’t like it and point the finger at me. That’s rich!
Yeah, "it's funny", Mr i'd lay down my life went from hero complex to victim. Combine that instability with the gun talk, I'm telling you this motherfucker ain't right. A little off, lil bit.
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