Beyer M201

Final request for anyone to tell me if I'm going down the wrong route. Looking to pick one of these up in the next few days. Essentially, vocals is no longer much of an issue, but I'd like to use it on snare, sax, trumpet, clarinet, guitar amp (most of the time with another mic further back). Just want to make sure it's not going to be disasterous! I'm recording a 12-15 track jazz album over the next few weeks, would be handy to have it for that :)

Thanks to everyone!
Definitely on my shortest shortlist of mics to buy ASAP (along with the Red5 kick mic and an MD421 I can call my own).
Thanks people :) Just ordered it, but it won't come for 5-6 days unfortunately :( It's a shame because I wanted to try it on double bass in conjunction with the Red5 Rvd1 on Tuesday, but atleast I should be able to use it for guitar amp, trumpet, sax and snare :)

Feel free to add any comments that'll make me feel warm inside about my purchase :D
CanopuS said:
Feel free to add any comments that'll make me feel warm inside about my purchase :D
I'm jealous! Good buy! Best snare mic EEEVVVVEEERRR! You will pull more chicks now that you own this mic! In fact, if I was a chick, you could pull me! :eek:

Will that do? :o
Simultaneously made me feel warm inside and very odd inside! Haha, no, I'm looking forward to it, but I need something to do in the days before I get it, and hearing about it's good points and (bad) points is a nice filler :D

Thanks for the encouragement Nik, I'll let you know how it goes when I finally get it (Digital Village permitting)
I'm pretty certain you won't be disappointed with this mic.

Try it on everything. Not just the usual suspects you'd stick a dynamic mic on.
I used it on vocals and liked it very much so (this is in response to the person who said they don't like it on vocals.) At least much better than a 57.
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M201's are great.. Theres a venue I do live sound at sometimes that has two and they always go straight on snare and hats when I'm there.. I've used one of a guitar amp live and it sounded pretty damn nice, but due to it being live I didn't have the chance to compare it directly to anything..

In the studio I've used them a few times on snare and they've always sounded much better to my ears than a 57.. and the bleed from the rest of the kit is much more natural sounding... not like a 57
Strave said:
I used it on vocals and liked it very much so (this is in response to the person who said they don't like it on vocals.) At least much better than a 57.
With a pop screen?

They do tend to be prone to the odd pop when used for close miked vocals if you don't use some kind of shield with them
Got the M201 on Thursday (used Dolphinmusic in the end, who gave very prompt next-day delivery). Didn't take long to get going with it, had 12 drum tracks to do in the last two days! Put it up on the snare, pointing across the skin for the tracks using brushes, giving a lovely detailed and soft sound. Then came the tracks using sticks. Leaving the M201 set up, we recorded a test, but the sound wasn't great. So, simply moved the mic up so it was more "over" the drum and facing down towards the centre of the snare where the stick hits the skin, and the sound was fantastic. Really nice, detailed but rich sound. Really brought out the sound of the snare that I didn't know existed between choosing "ring" or "snare wires" (but I've only ever used the SM57 before). That evening I also tried it on guitar amp, and I love the sound, very mellow sound, but really it just replicated the amp pretty well. Tommorow I'm going to be recording guitar tracks, probably using the SP B1 as a distant mic behind the M201 (sound OK?)

So far so good, definitely lived up to expectations. Had the one scare on the snare but a tiny tweak and it was sorted!

Thanks to everyone who helped make the decision :D

Although you're going to hate me for the deal I got. My friend bought one for acoustic guitar (he thought it looked close to a small diaphragm condenser, which would have been perfect), never liked it. It sat in its case for 5 years unused. So I offered him $50 and he sold it in a heartbeat.

Best $50 of recording gear ever.

Yeah, I like the M201 aimed at the "gut" of the snare for a bit more punch, it's an airy enough microphone.
threads pretty old, 201 is still standard on the cab. always sounds great, especially when combined with LDC or ribbon a coupla feet out