best way to retain high end?

Here's the latest "reputation" note I've got from "Johnny":
anonymous Johnny said:
What a putz!
Hey , Johnny! or Johnnies! Why don't you show your face? Why are you hiding?
Does your face look like an A$& or something? Ah, then I understand. Then, please, keep it hidden. Good idea.
Dr ZEE said:
oh boy...
this is really something. lol :D :rolleyes: :D
ah, just for fun of it...

You've said what you've said. If you've said "control or predict", then that would be what you've said, but you've said: "you have no control over it and you can't predict what it will be." Your line suggests that one can not "predict" due to having no control over the event/process. You've made your point presenting "Control" as prime aspect and Prediction as follow up of the prime aspect. So I just follow your line in my respond.
arghhhhhhh, this is really painfully boring sh*t I must admit. :eek:
And the reason it's boring because it gets to the point where the same crap is getting flipped over again and again.

You have missed my "argument" from the very begining (your first reply is the best illustration of it), that's why it does not make any sense to you. The main argument is: The key is not in what kind of monitoring system you use/design, but in how well you know it (know it as Producer-Artist! (not as phisicist/engineer/technician), among the whole bunch of other aspects.). And the notion, that "The One and Only! Correct and Easiest and the Best way to Enable Yourself to Make Great Mixes (with out any questions!) is to make/build/design/choose/evaluate-and-treat your monitoring system (monitoring section of your production setup) CERTAIN way" is flat out false. There are no rules, period. Some people believe there are rules and do follow them, which is fine with me.

Are you sure you know 100% why exactly it is being done by other recordists/producers? Well, you sound like you are. Interesting way of viewing the world. Good attitude - that's for sure. :rolleyes:

Why people DO things certain way? I have no idea. Every person have his/her reason(s). You may want to Ask Johnny. I may be wrong, of course, but something tells me that Johnny have not followed the objective to take the room out of equation or better say out of picture. Actually, Johnny's objective seems to be quite opposite to that. :D

Why are you beating a dead horse again?

You seem to love to argue pointless debates. Every week it seems to be a new member you pick on. I suggest you go elsewhere and leave the poor people here alone. They have recording to do and would like to learn something other than "everything except what I think sucks"

Good day Dr. ZEE (with much respect)
MCI2424 said:
Every week it seems to be a new member you pick on.
If I ever "pick on" - I only "pick on" a "picker".. not just a member.
I am here for one and only reason: to discuss issues and situations related to HOME RECORDING - something I happend to deeply care about.
But, well, if and when a member acts like an a*s - I've got 12 or so spare blisters available.... and it's fun to drop them on a seat. Don't like blisters - don't act like an know what. :) Some people enjoy it - so be it - we are having fun :D
MCI2424 said:
I suggest you go elsewhere and leave the poor people here alone.
"poor people"? You must be one of them? :confused: :confused: :confused:
MCI2424 said:
They have recording to do...
maybe. some do, some don't, some - not at the moment.... you don't know
MCI2424 said:
...and would like to learn something ...
some do, some don't, some - not at the moment... you don't know
MCI2424 said:
.....other than "everything except what I think sucks"
HAH HAH, MCI, I can't believe you've said this. Look who is talkin' man :D Or, maybe I'm wrong? Maybe there is something else out there other than MY 2"??? What would it be? :confused:

Dr ZEE said:
maybe. some do, some don't, some - not at the moment.... you don't know

some do, some don't, some - not at the moment... you don't know

Well, I can tell you don't. Seeing as you have time to pick apart peoples posts and comment and every little thing that they have to say.
dwdruman said:
Well, I can tell you don't...
no you can't. simply because you are wrong (mistaken, that is :) ). so you don't know.
dwdruman said:
Seeing as you have time to pick apart peoples posts and comment and every little thing that they have to say.
Yep. That's what it takes to reply, when treating a 'member' with respects and paying attention to every little thing that he/she has to say. Not to say that I have to do so... but I do from time to time.
Ignoring things that they have to say is an option too. I use that option too from time to time.

Sillyhat said:
Oh, so you are just the community prick.
heh heh,
"community" my a$$... :D
Sillyhat said:
I'm done with you.
What ever.
btw, so you just know, I never had anything with YOU to begin with. So what ever you are done with was happening exclusively within under-your-hat domain.
I reply to the message - not to the messenger. So, if it was not for your "hippies" and "LSD" smart-as$ shticks - then your hat would never make it to become a "subject".

Farview said:
If the recording is as sparse as a guitar and vocal, you might try different placement for the guitar mic. Someplace that makes the guitar sound a little thinner. Or just EQ everything after the fact, there is a lot of stuff in the low end that is not needed in a voice or acoustic guitar.

Actually, it's often the other way. In a fuller mix with other instruments you often want a thinner acoustic guitar sound. A simple guitar/vocal begs for a nice big full acoustic sound.
EDAN said:
Actually, it's often the other way. In a fuller mix with other instruments you often want a thinner acoustic guitar sound. A simple guitar/vocal begs for a nice big full acoustic sound.
True, but he was complaining that his guitar was too muddy, so I suggested moving the mic to thin it out.
Dr ZEE said:
no you can't. simply because you are wrong (mistaken, that is :) ). so you don't know.

"...Ignoring things that they have to say is an option too. I use that option too from time to time.


You FINALLY said something here. Great to admit you have a problem.

Welcome to planet earth and this BBS. Now, open your eyes and read. Try to learn something instead of going off on a tangant. You will be a better person in the end.
MCI2424 said:
Try to learn something instead of going off on a tangant. You will be a better person in the end.
Do you mean to "learn something" from real PROs? The guys like you? From Experts? Right? ;)
I HAVE learned "something" from PROs in entertainment business. I've learned the rule of the rules: "For greater success - be a greater a$%". "Better person" will never make it on the RollingStone cover.
This is why I have chosen to be a militant radical anti-PRO. Yep - that's what I am - radical anti-PRO. I choose to dismiss "RollingStone", its fat and ugly sister "Billboard" and their shadowing publication on the production side - "Mix" (along with the rest of it - all at once, all of it with what ever it stands for, what ever it promotes, what ever it has to offer ... all gone with the wind,.....hmmm, no! not whith the wind - it's gone with the toilet flash .....wshhhwshh-bool-bool-bool-wshhshhh - gone :p )
I am having great time saying "stupid things" which make "real-PROs" laugh.
And it's all good. One thing though: guys like you, have no idea how REALLY laughable all your "professionalism" is.
MCI2424 said:
Great to admit you have a problem.
I don't have problems. It seems like you have problems with me... I think I can understand why. well, deal with it... So when ever you stop by over here to "shine some light" - remeber - there is at least one anti-PRO idiot here laughing at you.
:D :D :D
HEY! Farview !
I just want to let you know, that I AM! LAUGHING AT YOU!
.... so even though you think you can run, but you can't hide....LOL
but don't worry, dude... I'm not going to touch your "reputation" ...carry your paper-green-stars on your shoulder like a real GENERAL... be proud.
:p :D :p

my latest recording..

I used GP9 tape,

I used zero NR,

I captured everything as "bright" as possible

and my car mix is STILL not as bright as any other cd I own.

I should just kill myself now.
Dr ZEE said:
HEY! Farview !
I just want to let you know, that I AM! LAUGHING AT YOU!
.... so even though you think you can run, but you can't hide :p :D :p
Who's hiding? Glad you are enjoying yourself.

Falken, have you tried a low shelf? Maybe you just have too much low end garbage. Some stock car stereos have built in compressors to make everything sound louder and to protect the speakers. If you have a bunch of low frequency stuff that you aren't noticing, it could be pushing the rest of the sound out of the way. Ive seen people run into this problem because of things like the mic stand was placed on a floor that was, for some reason, rumbling at 25-30hz. Probably due to an air conditioner of something. His monitors didn't go down that low, so he never heard it. It was really messing with the compressors though.

Post a clip, it could be something really easy.
Farview said:
Who's hiding?.
YOU are. By acting "Johnny".

Farview said:
You do realize that you can't give rep to the same person twice in this short of a time. 'Johnny' has to be more than one person.
Well, you've been "Johnny" three times in this thread already and counting :D
There's something you don't realize, Sir Paper General ;)
When a user adds a 'member' to ignore list all the reputation notes made by that member turn 'hidden' (they are no longer being displayed in 'Latest Reputation Received' list).
So, next time you want to call me 'a putz', why don't you do it openly and put your signature under? Why don't you? Why not to stop acting like 'a puss'?

Farview said:
Glad you are enjoying yourself.
Actually I am not. I am being forced to deal here with "self-proclaimed professionals" who in reality are nothing more than brain-dead gear-snobs, while their "real professionalsm" and "expertise" does not go an inch beyond the level of a statement ala: "If you have a bunch of low frequency stuff that you aren't noticing, it could be pushing the rest of the sound out of the way." ... and then asking for a "sound sample", so the "expert" could apply his "expertise" and spit out a dose of "brilliance" ... LOL :D :D :D
Yeah... dude, that stuff has pushed the rest of it really hard this time.
(NO! I am not going to post a picture to visually demonstrate the last line. not to disturb someone's appetite...)

ahh, what ever

Farview said:
OK, you're a putz.
And that is the best you can do.
You are nothing. Just another "username" to enrich my 'ignore list collection'.
...end of transmission ;)

Dr ZEE said:
And that is the best you can do.
You are nothing. Just another "username" to enrich my 'ignore list collection'.
...end of transmission ;)



it just occured to me exactly how ironic this whole thread has become. I was (am?) having problems with losing my high end and here you are proclaiming that "there are no problems" yada yada when in reality you produce a style of music that necessiates that you kill the high end dead. you might not actually know anything about retaining the high end (granted, you might)...which is why it is ironic that you are posting half of this stuff. Not trying to dig on you; i just noticed the irony; that's all.