Best thing I've done for my DAW in months!

Just FYI,

I'm made some purchases to quiet my new PC as well, (tracking them as we speak) and should have everything by next week). I've got a Tiger MPX dual CPU motherboard with 2 AMD XP1700+ with the retail fans. It's a pretty loud machine (about 75db at the back of the case, and about 50db at 2 feet).

To quiet things down, here is what I'm doing. So far, I've put Dynamat on the inside of the case to reduce vibrations, and put a layer of carpet foam on top of that. To quiet the CPU cooling, I'm going to the new AX-7 heatsinks from ThermalRight ( and using the PC Power and Cooling Silencer 80mm fans on them ( I'm also getting two of the 'SilentDrive' made by Molex (, which is an enclosure for the hard drives. (They are supposed to reduce the hard drive noise by 90%). I'm also adding a new power supply made by Enermax...It's part of their 'Whisper' series and has an adjustable exhaust fan (

My hopes are to reduce the noise to a almost dead silence, but that remains to been seen (heard). I'll post my success or failure next week when I get everything installed.