Best thing I've done for my DAW in months!

A1A2 said:
well, this baby is 3 yrs old. After all the smoke and dust it has collected, you can't blame it to be noisy, can you? :D

Now, how do I find out about it being Socket 370 or Slot1 P3? Where can I look once I open the case up? the fans?

Slot1 CPU's are on a, well, "slot" or card that plugs into the slot1 interface on the motherboard, meanwhile socket370 CPU's are [ironically] socketed chips. Open it up. You'll know the difference. ;)

JuSumPilgrim said:
I dont actually own the DMP3. Ive seen them though and I know they have a filter.

I havent heard them in action enough to hear a dif. I also didnt hear them with my mics so I wasnt totally familiar with the sound when I heard them.

I was into the omni pres for the most part. For the money you cannot do any better. They have an airy quality that some other very good midrange pres dont have. They are a bit thin though and not amazing on transients. But Im nitpicking. They will more than get the job done.

OK, I gotcha. I'm really curious to hear the DMP3, after being so pleased with the DMP2/Omni. How's the Envoice, then? ;)

lucid said:
dolemite, do the silencers actually move more air than the panaflos?

28 CFm compared to 24 CFM

Fan specs are notoriously spotty and the methods each manufacturer uses to measure noise and CFM are different, so there's little point in comparing, except for a general idea. It's hard to say which one would move more air, but I can say that the Panaflo's are more directional, so they'd make better CPU fans.
ok, so you would recommend a few of the silencers for case fans, and then an 80 mm panaflo for the CPU?

ok, i think i can do that!

the site that sells the silencers has a very reasonable international shipping rate. now i just have to find one for the panaflos!
Sweet post Dolemite, I just ordered three of the silencers for my two computers. One question though for anyone who might know, I have two cases: a regular sized minitower for my general PC, and an Antec full tower for my DAW. The minitower has one fan and the full tower has two. Do I necessarily need two fans in the full tower? If I could remove one that would obviously be a good thing...
hd noise..

Good thread. I mounted a 8 > 6cm fan adapter along with an Enermax manually adjustable fan on a coolJag 1U copper heatsink (see pic) for use as my CPU cooler.
I'm getting a rack case this week(3 fan capable including one 12cm fan), along with an Enermax PSU - total of 6 fans, all running at a low RPM. Should be interesting!

Now, my concern is with two 7200 rpm hdds running in the rack right beside my drum kit..


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redCashion said:
Sweet post Dolemite, I just ordered three of the silencers for my two computers. One question though for anyone who might know, I have two cases: a regular sized minitower for my general PC, and an Antec full tower for my DAW. The minitower has one fan and the full tower has two. Do I necessarily need two fans in the full tower? If I could remove one that would obviously be a good thing...

No, not necessarily...if your power supply exhausts enough air on its own, then you should be fine with one intake case fan.

Nice setup there, joemix. It looks like you have your CPU fan blowing away from the heatsink, is that the recommended setup? I know some Alphas are supposed to work better that way. BTW, how are those variable speed fans?

Anyway, that reminds me of some of the quieter Enermax fans I forgot to mention. Enermax makes 2 temperature control fans which are very quiet at low speeds. The sleeve bearing model should actually be quieter than the ball bearing (though less reliable/durable), which can be said of sleeve/ball bearing fans in general. Enermax also makes the speed adjustable fans (again, quiet at low speeds) that joemix is using and fans with clear blades that are also very quiet. All these fans are available in 80mm sizes at decent prices here:

The speed adjustable and clear blade fans are also available in 92 and 120 mm sizes at various places.


If you want to hear some fans in action, including the clear-blade Enermax I mentioned above, check out this page:

That clear-blade fan is actually the quietest fan tested there.

Also, here's a page that lists fans by specification, and allows you to sort by noise specs, etc:

I opened up my PC, looked for a min and found myself competely lost~ Here is a pic I took, hopefully it will tell us something here.
One thing I noticed was that, the hard-drive was making this high pitch machinary noise, which is what my LCD picks up mostly. Is there a way to make it shut up, or do I just have to build a cage for this screamer?

mobo: Intel AGP set....does that mean anything??
OK, that's a slot1 CPU - with no fan on the heatsink it at all! Well, you won't get much quieter than that!

You can replace that case fan, though.

Hard drives tend to get louder as they age, and older 7200 rpm models had pretty nasty idle noise. You say your LCD monitor is picking up interference from the hard drive? That's a new one for me...are you sure its the hard drive? Do you see the interference during loud seeks, for example?
ha, i am sorry for the mistypo. I meant my large diaphram condenser mic is picking up the fan and hard-drive alot. i have no idea why I used LCD for abbreviation.

ok, just found out a little details about my processor fan:
NMB 3610
airflow: 25-41CFM
noise: 25-41 dBA

just checked out gizzo's page, doesn't look like any fan with the same CFM can do any better than what I already have... :(
There are three parts that are making all the noises, processor fan, power supply fan and the HD. Of course the HD is the loudest. IS there something I can do about the HD noise at all? if not, I am about to scratch for my cage now :D
Yes- Buy a new one. They are reasonably priced and easy to install. Otherwise you could buy a Silent Drive internal hard drive enclosure for about $35 plus shipping plus waiting plus hassle only to find out it does'nt fix it.

Z Dog

The Enermax adjustable fans are great. It's nice to be able to dial them exactly to find a good cooling/noise ratio. The fan in the pic is blowing on the heatsink, like the original 6cm fan, though I may try flipping it later to see if there's a difference. I'm using a PIII 1gHz, so the fan is not having to work too much, and there is little noise, I can't hear 'em over the hard drives.
joemix said:

The Enermax adjustable fans are great. It's nice to be able to dial them exactly to find a good cooling/noise ratio. The fan in the pic is blowing on the heatsink, like the original 6cm fan, though I may try flipping it later to see if there's a difference.

Ahhh, ok. The label kinda threw me...since its usually on the "blowing" side. I wouldn't bother flipping it, blowing is better than sucking in this situation. ;)

I'm using a PIII 1gHz, so the fan is not having to work too much, and there is little noise, I can't hear 'em over the hard drives.

Well, either you have noisy drives or some very quiet fans. ;)
hmmm... would anyone be willing to buy some of the fans and shit them for me? i can send cash...
Dolemite said:
If you have a reasonably good heatsink and you're not overclocking, a Silencer or other quiet 80mm fan should work well on your heatsink with one of those 80mm -> 60mm fan adapters.

Does anyone know where can these adaptors be found? I have a couple extra Silencers and want to put them over my PC as they are the loudest of my fans.

Also, if the power supply is loud, I suppose there is no way around having to buy a whole new power supply? In other words, breaking it open and doing some mods is not advisable?

I was just poking around inside the cases of my two computers and I am accumulating quite a bit of dust in them. At what point does this become a dangerous thing, and what should I use to clean out the dust? Thanks :)
Fan adapters are available here:

Also, if the power supply is loud, I suppose there is no way around having to buy a whole new power supply? In other words, breaking it open and doing some mods is not advisable?

I wouldn't advise it - dangerous voltages. Enermax or PC Power & Cooling Silencer power supplies are very quiet.