Most of the time, people use the zero latency monitoring on their audio interface to hear what they are doing while in record mode.
That is why the sound stops when you are recording.
You either have to use the monitoring on your interface, or you have to set up reaper to monitor through the program.
Thank you for responding, good Sir ...
Annoyingly, the "booklet/Manual" (or I missed it entirely not getting what it was about due to my "highly skilled professional idiocy/ignorance" in the matter) did not speak (clearly) of it.
As said, I am not even remotely a sound engineer, though I did some work for a few friends, "song" manipulation for which I used the DEAD-simple but highly effective Roxio Sound Editor, which still is in the package, but has lost it's "power"/ability in specific sound editing without touching other parts (Parametric EQ), making it "useless" for my "work".
And I have quite strong Asperger's (Autism, I am "an ASS", apparently.
Thus, was looking for a replacement, but these are "phenomenally hard" to get working decent (seeing my Uber-Noober level in these programs) to set up.
Your explanation above, is due to me Uber-Noober level in these matters, then sounding a tad as alien speech.
1) Latency Monitoring:
What is this, and what might it look like, please?
2) Audio Interface:
Issue is: it sits in between the VDJ and the sound-out.
I need it in between sound-in and VDJ, so VDJ records the altered sound.
Now, there's no VDJ plug-in, and i can't get APO to run so the "line-in" with altered music enters VDJ.
This means, I need to find a good alternative to APO, that I can place before the sound enters VDJ, OR that has a VDJ plug-in ...
Thank you, good sir.
Now, as I darn clearly show: Me are sdoopit in this matter.
"APO (my PEQ) "sits" in-between ..."
However moronic placed, I mean, I can hear it work when playing music with VDJ, but when recording the PEQ ain't recorded.
And there was no obvious work-around.
If I were to go in Hi-Fi tower speech: I have my PEQ in between the System (Phonograph/Cassette Deck/CD-PLayer/Radio) Out and the Pre-Amp/Amp In.
Went to Reaper to fix this, with it's cost, but now, I can hear music play, using my plug-ins, until I record.
Which is EXTREMELY illogical, I fail to get how one can record material while unable to hear it?
This should have been in such way, that it could be untoggled, but ACTIVE as base installation setting: Thus that I can hear this play during the Recording Stage.
The lack of Mic On-Off button in the UI as well is EXTREMELY illogical: The need to dive into settings to On or Off it, madness, highly unprofessional.
That logic aside: Even for Ease of Use, and simplicity overall, it would have been highly logical to have it in the base UI?
Not so important.
Interface: generally spoken, how to set this up?
As is:
Possible suggestions, Sir?