Best Mic(s) for an acoustic

chessrock said:
Cardiod should do it. Maybe hypercardiod, but only if you think you'll be tracking other things at the same time in close proximity (like if you want to sing and play at the same time, etc.). Definitely get the -10 db pad.

Just out of curiosity, why do you recommend the -10dB pad for acoustic guitar? The only thing I've ever used that pad on is drums (close miking).

I don't think the Oktava MC-012 is better sounding than the Marshall MXL603S, so why spend the extra cash except for the extra capsules, or different sound yes, but not necessary better.
mkeene said:
Thanks guys, I guess its mostly a matter of opinion. Looks like I have some experimentation to do!

That's right, and depending on the song my opinion could change. :)