Beef is awesome food. Let's chat. :)

She's living vicariously through you ya know.

I'm pretty sure she is. Every time i make a bacon sandwich i can see her eyes constantly flicking over to me and she begins to salivate so much she dribbles a little....

Ok, maybe no actual dribble, but he eyes are screaming for a bite :D
I'm pretty sure she is. Every time i make a bacon sandwich i can see her eyes constantly flicking over to me and she begins to salivate so much she dribbles a little....

Ok, maybe no actual dribble, but he eyes are screaming for a bite :D

It's better this way though. You don't wanna have to share the bacon.
It's better this way though. You don't wanna have to share the bacon.

As a meat eater living with a veggie i very rarely have to share any food except for chocolate which i don't begrudge her for as she does the shopping so buys and cooks me super tasty meat based products. In fact, for my birthday she bought me a selection of "snacking meats"; biltong, various jerkies, some crazy chinese style cured meats, italian sausage stuffs. Probably one of my favourite birthday presents ever (then again, i am easily please :D)
I dated a vegan before my current gf (for some reason i seem to keep ending up with girls who don't eat meat... take that as you will ;) ) and she was militant about it! We couldn't use the same plates/cutlery/utensils, she had her own set of everything that had to be kept meat free. She kept trying to convert me and it simply made me eat more burgers and steak. With hindsight, it was doomed from the start
I know a couple vegan dudes. They're all nice, normal guys that just don't eat anything animal related and they don't hassle anyone about it.

I also know a few vegan chicks. They're fucking intolerable. I want to cram raw ground beef down their throats until they die to death.
I had to think if i know any vegan guys but i don't think i do. However, the phrase "fucking intolerable" sums up very nicely the handful of vegan girls i know. If only they weren't so god damn attractive!
recently started up with T-Bones. I may never go back to Ribeyes again.

I think the beauty of a T-Bone is that you get two different prime sections of beef on one steak. I think it's a little tenderloin and little strip on each side of the bone. Both badass in their own right.
I think the beauty of a T-Bone is that you get two different prime sections of beef on one steak. I think it's a little tenderloin and little strip on each side of the bone. Both badass in their own right.

Plus, it just looks cool on the grill.