Bass amps for Live work

Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear. I think my suspicions are right, I need a 4x10 pushed by some decent wattage. I'm not expecting PA systems that could carry the bass (though that would be nice). Definitely no PA for the kid's school band stuff. I believe it's 30 piece jazz band, I just want him to be audible against all those horns.

I'm gonna pick up that Hartke setup and if it doesn't work out, lesson learned. Thanks for everyone's advice.

"All the science I don't understand is just my job 5 days a week"
Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear. I think my suspicions are right, I need a 4x10 pushed by some decent wattage. I'm not expecting PA systems that could carry the bass (though that would be nice). Definitely no PA for the kid's school band stuff. I believe it's 30 piece jazz band, I just want him to be audible against all those horns.

I'm gonna pick up that Hartke setup and if it doesn't work out, lesson learned. Thanks for everyone's advice.

"All the science I don't understand is just my job 5 days a week"
my prediction is that you'll like it a lot.

..... if it's the aluminum coned speakers they do kinda have their own sound ...... I've played thru them before.
But the Hartke has a graphic and you can dial out what you don't like and dial in more of what you do like.
I found the hartke rig I played thru to be powerful and clean sounding ....... I would have bought one at the time if I'd needed a bass rig.

let us know.
2x10's will NOT fill an auditorium.
They won't even fill a smallish club with a moderately loud drumber unless you have the baddest 2x10 in the world.

The guy I bought the 800RB from was running it through an Avatar 2x10. That cab handles 800 watts and weighs 80 lbs. Sounds substantially better than mine, it's smaller and weighs almost 4 times as much. Last time I saw him play he was using a Walkabout Scout 12" rig. Granted the gig he was at was a place where being quet is a requirement, but I was a bit surprised you could get that kind of tone out of something that looks roughly like a Cube 60. I'd be curious to put one of those things through its paces but it's firmly out of the sub-$500 category.
Marshall Superbass MkII into a 4 Ohm Etone single cone box.
It's all I can suggest as it's the high water mark of my gigging experience.
Marshall Superbass MkII into a 4 Ohm Etone single cone box.
It's all I can suggest as it's the high water mark of my gigging experience.
Marshall Superbass Lemmy sig model.

That'll wake up the neighbors.
Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear. I think my suspicions are right, I need a 4x10 pushed by some decent wattage. I'm not expecting PA systems that could carry the bass (though that would be nice). Definitely no PA for the kid's school band stuff. I believe it's 30 piece jazz band, I just want him to be audible against all those horns.

I'm gonna pick up that Hartke setup and if it doesn't work out, lesson learned. Thanks for everyone's advice.

"All the science I don't understand is just my job 5 days a week"

Why the 4x10 versus 1x15 ?
Is that a "standard" 4ohm cab or something? I always thought the larger speakers had lower freq ability.
Why the 4x10 versus 1x15 ?
Is that a "standard" 4ohm cab or something? I always thought the larger speakers had lower freq ability.
From all the reading I've done I learned the 4x10's are more efficient. I would have thought the bigger the speaker the lower response, but it's not exactly that way. Of course, the 10's aren't typical guitar amp speakers. They have bigger magnets and a longer throw and 4 of them have more area than a single 15".
From all the reading I've done I learned the 4x10's are more efficient. I would have thought the bigger the speaker the lower response, but it's not exactly that way. Of course, the 10's aren't typical guitar amp speakers. They have bigger magnets and a longer throw and 4 of them have more area than a single 15".

I personally much prefer a bunch of 10's over 15" bass speakers. It's pretty common to mix one 15" cab with a bunch of 10's, and it sounds pretty good, but just the 10's by themselves sound better to me. I find that 15" bass speakers have a weird midrange to them that's not very pleasing to me.
count me in for 10's.
I have used 15's but way prefer 10's and yes I know technically there should be no apostrophe when writing those as plurals. It just looks better.

Anyway ....... in a properly designed can 10's have no problem handling the low B on my 5 string so they go low enough.
meanwhile they're faster than 15's which sound kinda mushy after you've used a good 4x10 cab.
ok, that SVT410HLF gets a lot of thumbs up.

I got the SVT-15E 1x15 , 24x22x16 and its definitely ok for practice, and sits in the back seat of a car just, no problem. That 410 seems like it would fit in a back seat. I dont know, never had the chance to really hear the 4x10...the Rumble 100watt has 2x10 and its clear in the mid's but doesnt have a lot of low end.

The bass players just now trying the PF350 with the 15E and sounding great.
That's $254 for the head-new, and $216 on the cabinet(used). Around your price range.

This discussion has me leaning toward a bit more power in the head though... a separate preamp and a power head is another option.
ok, that SVT410HLF gets a lot of thumbs up.

that's a bad ass cab. My SWR thru it is pretty much an amazing sounding combination. It's one of the few bass rigs I've ever used that always gets compliments from the other players on stage. Just about everytime I use it I'll have the other guys I might be playing with come up and say how good it sounds.
Big and deep and powerful.
I dunno 'bout getting it into a back seat though ..... it's a pretty big 4x10 cab. Substantially bigger than other 4x10's.
Depends on your back seat but I'd measure before buying.
It's pretty common to mix one 15" cab with a bunch of 10's, and it sounds pretty good...
I was thinking of doing just that someday down the road if I get a 4x10. I would build the 15" cab myself and get the speaker from Eminence. An 8 ohm 4x10 cab and an 8 ohm 1x15 cab woulod present 4 ohms to the amp and it should pound. Maybe even build a passive filter so the 1x15 only gets 200hz and below. Get rid of that honkiness you mentioned.
I was thinking of doing just that someday down the road if I get a 4x10. I would build the 15" cab myself and get the speaker from Eminence. An 8 ohm 4x10 cab and an 8 ohm 1x15 cab woulod present 4 ohms to the amp and it should pound. Maybe even build a passive filter so the 1x15 only gets 200hz and below. Get rid of that honkiness you mentioned.

Sounds cool. do it!
My friend uses an Ampeg SVT 4 Pro and 4X10 Ampeg Cabinet. It rocks as a bass amp and he also likes it for added bottom end on guitar. Before that he had some Fender 400 Bass head which was also good. He has a (now retired) 2 X15 cabinet but the 10's are much more defined and kick enough butt.