anyone use a pod?


New member
Just picked one up to try out.

So far it's kinda neat but I'm not through it yet.

What do you guys think of the unit? Do you actually go direct through it to the board using the A.I.R. thingy? Does it sound good that way or is miked better? Yeah I'd imagine using the real stuff would work better but I thought I'd try this thing out.

What are you're favorite combos on the unit?
What do you guys think of the unit?


I love my Pod! I was recording just guitar to recording board and it sounds good, then I got a tube pre amp to help get it that tube sound, but I actually cant tell too much of a difference. So I go direct all the way.

The only thing I find is that you really have to layer guitar parts to get it to sound thick.

Thicker is better!

Any questions about the pod I can help, good luck!

Next week Ill post a song with pod guitar parts!


I didn't get the footcontroller thing, so to change from dist. to clean, I was thinking of just using the distortion from my tube dist. unit or marshall.

Do you guys think that this would ruin the sound of it if I ran the output of the pod to the effects? Right now I'm thinkin' it wouldn't be the best.
Re: well.....

Do you guys think that this would ruin the sound of it if I ran the output of the pod to the effects? Right now I'm thinkin' it wouldn't be the best. [/B][/QUOTE]

Unless, its like a flange or that kind of effect it sounds okay, but dont use a distortion pedal with the pod! Very bad, not good!

Go to the search function and you will find hundreds of pages on this site. I really can't be bothered to start the debate about POD's again.
Love Pod for recording, easy to get a really good sound to tape.

Maybe it's not great for the perfectionist, but thats not me.

Most of the people on this site, who are perfectionists prefer a micked amp.

I tried micking my Fender bassman, not so good, I way prefer the Pod. But I'm lazy and probably used the wrong mic.

I own a pro-studio and haven't miked an amp since the day before I brought home my POD....... I LOVE IT!!!! And the funny part is, we are all getting better guitar sounds than these big worldclass studio's who are still fucking with miking techniques!!!.... (well a bit of exageration, but you know what Im getting at).....
Re: Re: well.....

sondriven said:

Do you guys think that this would ruin the sound of it if I ran the output of the pod to the effects? Right now I'm thinkin' it wouldn't be the best.

Unless, its like a flange or that kind of effect it sounds okay, but dont use a distortion pedal with the pod! Very bad, not good!

john [/B][/QUOTE]

Depends... I wouldn't double any effects.... if you want to distort, use a clean signal coming out of the pod.... and same concept for other effects...... im puzzled though, cause the pod has pretty much all of these.....


Because I have a pretty nice floor unit already, and I have the effects pre-programmed into it (one reason) and because I go from clean to overdrive alot (reason two). I don't like to pop in and out for guitar tracks, except for the lead, and I don't like having two guitars for what I want one guitar to do. Not a real big deal though.

Anyway, i tried her' out recording last night and all I can say is... wow I like the sound alot more than I thought I would. And it didn't take me that much time to get setup and I didn't annoy the neighbors and my sleeping roomate!

Sure it may not sound like a great miked cab and real amp but it sounds alot better than most of the tones I've been able to generate at home.
In my opinion, It sounds better than a miked cabinet. But theres been huge debates about it here already.. Everyone has their own ears I guess.. Your reasons for using a multi box set-up.. makes sense... im not puzzled anymore:)


I agree wholeheartedly, We finally have a box that we can just plug in and play, and get great sounds!

Blessings need to be counted, complaints need to be brought to their knees.

Messing with mics, and W-I-R-E-S to me is much less fun than just playing.

I also agree that is sounds better than a micked cab, and once again much less hassle.

The POD isn't bad, but I prefer the tones of the SansAmp. Much more character and tone. The POD just doesn't react with your tone as well. If you want a bunch of stuff in one unit for direct recording, the POD is decent. If you want great tone for direct recording, try SansAmp and use separate effects.

I like the POD a lot and from my experience,it could sound better or worse than a miked amp,depending on the situation.I wouldn't say it will always sound inferior to miking an amp.

While I like the POD,I personally use the Boss VF-1.For fifty bucks more it sounds as good as the POD and is way more flexible.Does bass well and mic modeling too,along with tons of other special effects.
Oh my oh my oh my!!!

The guitar world had been REDUCED to the POD it would seem.

oh my aching ears....

Forget what Heart did on Little Queen! The POD had arrived!!! :(


I have to disagree, recording direct in is the most pure form of recording.

I think that a mic and a cab, in most cases for most of us will not sound as good as a Pod.

Like I said I tried recording my Fender blackface bassman, I had to turn it up to very uncomfortable levels to get a good sound to tape, and it still wasn't as good as the sound of the Pod.

You need to tell us what exact mic and amp sound better than a Pod, and why.

Also for distortion, you need fx plus a mic plus an amp, or a really loud amp.

Actually the electric guitar is more about production of sound, than reproduction.

You can do whatever you want, and use whatever you want. That's the beauty of it.

Pod or micked cab, do whatever you like, electric guitar is all about freedom.

Electric guitar is NOT about freedom...

...well maybe it is, but it's also supposed to be about sound and tone!

I have a POD Pro - it is a useful tool... but I have yet to get a convincing clean sound out of it. However, it does give you a palette of tones to quickly choose from, especially dirty ones...

But don't forget, it is a "modeller" -- it's a device that mimics the "REAL" sound of a mic'd cab. So the truth is, the real thing (a mic'd amp) will ALWAYS be better than a "simulation".

Where that concept goes wrong is if you don't mic the amp properly, or you use an incorrect mic, or bad placement, or a bad room.... then yes, you're probably going to get a better sound out of the POD (since you can buck the whole concept of recording technique, that way - plug the POD direct, and off you go!) But then you're confusing the ease-of-use and relative simplicity of getting a guitar sound via the POD, versus the real sound of guitar/amp captured thru good and proper recording practices!

You want a practical example of a sound that will be better than a POD? My American Deluxe Strat or Guild semi thru my Yamaha DG100-212 combo (clean!) mic'd with a Shure Beta 57......

I guarantee you won't get THAT sound on the POD!! (I know, 'cos I've tried... hard!!!) The POD just comes out mushy by comparison.

AS I said, the POD is another option to add to your creative palette.... but it can't "replace" the real deal! There is always "the best tool for the job..." and real, by definition, must *always* be better than simulated, no matter how effective "simulated" can be!


I agree, these are two different sounds.

But for many of us hobbiests, the Pod is a very viable solution.

I still say the Pod sounds damn good!!
I've got the POD and a J-station ($150 bucks now!), and they both compliment each other very well....and sound GREAT. I think there is a lot to be said about plugging in and playing in seconds, VS mic'ing an amp, running cables, and all that other BS to get a *better* sound. I have to agree that *most* PROJECT studio owners will not get a better mic'd sound than what you could get with these units.