Anyone tried Rocksmith yet?


New member
I was going to post something short here, but it turned into a longer rant / review so I posted it up on my blog here. I'd be interested to hear some other people's thoughts on it if you've tried it!
so its a guitar controller that has real strings? or you plug a real guitar into it?
You plug a real guitar into it using the cable that comes with the game. I've only tried two of my guitars on it so far, but they both work flawlessly.
I saw an ad for that and I think my wife was thinking..."hmmm, potential Christmas present?".

Being able to use your own guitar is cool, but what is the basis for the game itself...following along with pre-recorded tracks...points awared for accuracy?
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I saw a commercial for that on Youtube or something the other day...looks pretty cool.

But what I wonder is how accurate it really is. Like, if you're on "expert" mode or whatever, are you actually playing the REAL song?
I've put something between 8 and 10 hours into the journey mode of the game. I guess it's analogous to the career modes in other music games. The first "gig" that you prepare for is two songs if I remember right. The first of which is Satisfaction by the Stones. It starts you off with a few core notes of the main riff. For me, by the end of the first play through it had upgraded my skill on that particular phrase to the complete thing. A few of the other spots are similar to that. As you go through those and the game learns how well you're doing, it starts the songs with more notes in them, and yes, after a little while you are playing the entire song.

Also, if you already know how to play the song, it doesn't penalize you for playing more than it's giving you. It simply makes sure that the notes on the screen are being played accurately. As an example, there's a drop-D Soundgarden tune on there that I was having trouble playing just the on-screen notes for. So I started playing it fully because I know how it goes, and shortly afterward Rocksmith started giving me the full pattern. It's actually a pretty ingenious engine. I'm having fun playing with it because I don't generally play that much guitar, so it's helping me improve by learning new songs, and some note patterns that I likely wouldn't try if I was just noodling around on my own.
since I play music for a living, the LAST thing I'm gonna do is play any of the Rock band type games whether with a real git or not.

But for a beginner I can see it might be a decent tool.
I've put something between 8 and 10 hours into the journey mode of the game. I guess it's analogous to the career modes in other music games. The first "gig" that you prepare for is two songs if I remember right. The first of which is Satisfaction by the Stones. It starts you off with a few core notes of the main riff. For me, by the end of the first play through it had upgraded my skill on that particular phrase to the complete thing. A few of the other spots are similar to that. As you go through those and the game learns how well you're doing, it starts the songs with more notes in them, and yes, after a little while you are playing the entire song.

Also, if you already know how to play the song, it doesn't penalize you for playing more than it's giving you. It simply makes sure that the notes on the screen are being played accurately. As an example, there's a drop-D Soundgarden tune on there that I was having trouble playing just the on-screen notes for. So I started playing it fully because I know how it goes, and shortly afterward Rocksmith started giving me the full pattern. It's actually a pretty ingenious engine. I'm having fun playing with it because I don't generally play that much guitar, so it's helping me improve by learning new songs, and some note patterns that I likely wouldn't try if I was just noodling around on my own.

Woah cool, sounds pretty sweet. I might look into it for fun :D
The machine is learning!
It will be the basics for nano-robots intelligence that will eventually take over the human race.
Yep! Slowly technology is becoming self-aware...then it's only a small leap to human enslavement once it realizes that most people are idiots and need to be protected from themselves! :D
think it works for bass? My buddy wants to learn bass and he would totally play this

No bass at the moment, but they are working on downloadable content to broaden the usage, more or less.

I just bought RS today and have been enjoying it until my hands cramp up. I'm a pretty green newb and I never could see the point of Rock Band or Guitar Hero, since one flicks a flipper on a plastic guitar and presses a handful of buttons vs. individual strings/fret placement. My Strat works fine with RS and I have no complaints.
No :p I've been too busy trying to relive my childhood with the 007 Goldeneye remake

Heard some kids in gamestop saying the didnt like any of the music on it though o_O
No :p I've been too busy trying to relive my childhood with the 007 Goldeneye remake

Heard some kids in gamestop saying the didnt like any of the music on it though o_O

WHAT?!!!! WHERE is this magic you speak of?

I loooved that game so much :D
I told my friend about it and he went and bought an Xbox360 for $80 at the pawn shop and picked up Rocksmith a couple days ago. He let me borrow it today to check it out. It's pretty cool - it's basically guitar hero with a real guitar.

I just played through the first 3 gigs. Half the songs I had never heard of but was able to pick them up pretty quick. They have some Chili Peppers and Nirvana in the first couple gigs. I think it could be helpful for someone wanting to learn guitar who has never picked one up before.

There was some serious latency on my system - there is probably settings for it but I just messed around with it a bit to get an idea how it worked.

Anyway - it's pretty cool. And If I learn a few songs I would have otherwise never even thought about then that can't be too bad.

It seemed pretty decent the way they introduce slides, bends, power chords (double hits they call it ???), picking patterns and stuff - introducing a few new methods with each song.

My fingers are kind of raw after only 2 hours :p guess I have been slacking with the guitar practice :eek: