Anyone need Graphic Design / Photography? FREE!

absolutely! PM sent!

Not sure if you would be interested but my band have just changed our name and dont have any logos or art work now. If you would be interested in doing a logo or something then it would really be appreciated. is the myspace. Its plain at the moment and theres a pikey logo that we have put there temporary.
Anyway let me know.

Offer is still open - I'm in the middle of stuff for a bunch of folks on here, but if you need something, I'll fit you in :)
Hey flatline.

I'm still very happy with the one you made me, but just thought of something.

Is it possible to give the guitar background a "sketchy" type of look like it was sketched? Photoshop has these filters in the Filter -> Artistic section. But leave the text how it is?

Anyway, just curious. No hurry of course, whenever you have the time. :)

P.S. What font did you use for the text?
Just wanted to say that Flatline has done a few logo's and CD designs for my band, Gravia, and we are more than satisfied! And he's still doing more for us!

Great guy, great work!

Thanks a bunch!
email sent a while ago - hit me back at my gmail.

Hey flatline.

I'm still very happy with the one you made me, but just thought of something.

Is it possible to give the guitar background a "sketchy" type of look like it was sketched? Photoshop has these filters in the Filter -> Artistic section. But leave the text how it is?

Anyway, just curious. No hurry of course, whenever you have the time. :)

P.S. What font did you use for the text?
i know you are trying to build your porfolio.. and I used to do the same as you so I'm not really one to talk but offering free work is kinda unethical and will never help you. It just furthers people's views that a graphic design does his/her job for fun and their time is worthless.. trust me this is a problem that is only getting bigger. Not to mention once you do one job for free you'll be amazed at how fast the word can spread (especially if you're good) next thing you know when you're ready to start doing this as a career you'll have people saying "well you did this guy's logo for free why would I pay you 50$ an hour?" it's really hard to come back from that..

not ripping into you at all.. just some advice
email sent a while ago - hit me back at my gmail.

Hm, never got an e-mail. Did you send it to danny.guitar at

Edit: And what eeb said is true. Doing some free work is a good way to build a portfolio but he's right about getting a lot of people asking you to do it for free (it's happened to me a lot). I personally wouldn't do more than 10 or so free jobs (if even that many) before you start charging people. And the ones that say "Well you did it for ____ for free", just say you were building a portfolio and you can no longer do free work. They aren't people you want as clients anyway.

Not sure I mentioned this yet, but you may also want to check out: There are a lot of freelance jobs on there for graphic design. And they use an escrow system so you never have to worry about not getting paid.
i know you are trying to build your porfolio.. and I used to do the same as you so I'm not really one to talk but offering free work is kinda unethical and will never help you. It just furthers people's views that a graphic design does his/her job for fun and their time is worthless.. trust me this is a problem that is only getting bigger. Not to mention once you do one job for free you'll be amazed at how fast the word can spread (especially if you're good) next thing you know when you're ready to start doing this as a career you'll have people saying "well you did this guy's logo for free why would I pay you 50$ an hour?" it's really hard to come back from that..

not ripping into you at all.. just some advice

thanks for the advice, but i really have to respectfully disagree - i've made it very clear in my first post that i'm perfectly willing to do a small amount of work pro-bono, with the understanding that any further work above and beyond the initial ideation will be paid.

so far, for me, it's working great. my portfolio's gotten a huge boost, i've done work for about 20 people here on the forums, and much of that has translated into paid or for-barter work, an arrangement i'm completely satisfied with.

as far as being unethical? that's pushing it quite a bit, IMO. the way i figure it, it's the same as those fast food chinese places that give you a bite of orange chicken on a toothpick. if you like that sample enough, and if you're hungry, you're going to come back and pay for a meal. if not, you've had a small bite and nobody's worse off.

just so you know, i work in the industry, and have been for more than 6 years - there will always be a few people that think our job is a joke, but that's never going to change. my focus here is helping out this community, and i don't think in the slightest that the way i'm conducting business is harming anyone - if you really feel adamant, please toss me an email at and we'll see if we can't work something out.

thanks for the advice, but i really have to respectfully disagree - i've made it very clear in my first post that i'm perfectly willing to do a small amount of work pro-bono, with the understanding that any further work above and beyond the initial ideation will be paid.

so far, for me, it's working great. my portfolio's gotten a huge boost, i've done work for about 20 people here on the forums, and much of that has translated into paid or for-barter work, an arrangement i'm completely satisfied with.

as far as being unethical? that's pushing it quite a bit, IMO. the way i figure it, it's the same as those fast food chinese places that give you a bite of orange chicken on a toothpick. if you like that sample enough, and if you're hungry, you're going to come back and pay for a meal. if not, you've had a small bite and nobody's worse off.

just so you know, i work in the industry, and have been for more than 6 years - there will always be a few people that think our job is a joke, but that's never going to change. my focus here is helping out this community, and i don't think in the slightest that the way i'm conducting business is harming anyone - if you really feel adamant, please toss me an email at and we'll see if we can't work something out.


well I hope it all works out for you.. it's just way to easy to be taken advantage of in this industry. (very much like the music industry actually)

I did not mean to attack you at all.. and the unethical business basically boils down to the fact that why would someone pay me or anyone else when there's people just giving their work for free.. it just seems to boost the idea that a graphic design should be a free service which you and I know is rediculous. I didn't mean to jump to conclusions because if there's one group of people that need/deserve help is the musicains (i'm one of them too!)
eeb -

no offense taken - and hopefully i didn't come over the top back at you. i was hoping that my post would generate enough positive feedback that i'd be able to start charging for all my work once the word had gotten out that i was good, fast and affordable.

as far as i'm concerned, you didn't jump to conclusions at all - i think designers and musicians both need a little extra help, and i think we're both trying to do that in our own way.

also, just so you know, the large majority of people i've worked with on this forum really do seem to understand and appreciate the time and effort it takes to do what we do. as a pleasant surprise, i've had a bunch of folks on here offer to pay for work that i said i'd do on a trial basis - and a lot of that has turned into paying (or bartering) work.

take care!

well I hope it all works out for you.. it's just way to easy to be taken advantage of in this industry. (very much like the music industry actually)

I did not mean to attack you at all.. and the unethical business basically boils down to the fact that why would someone pay me or anyone else when there's people just giving their work for free.. it just seems to boost the idea that a graphic design should be a free service which you and I know is rediculous. I didn't mean to jump to conclusions because if there's one group of people that need/deserve help is the musicains (i'm one of them too!)
Hm, I think you're referring to my thread as the "dead one". :D I've been so busy working on a portfolio lately for a new job but I've got 2 sites done and will be doing more soon.

Anyway, your title says "free" but then you say "cheap". :p Think you could design a simple CD cover for me? You can view my site here:

Something simple, and acoustic-guitar themed. Something that can either be printed on an insert or onto the CD itself, so I think that's like 4.5" by 4.5".

Anyway, let me know if you're up to it.

look at the last entry to your guestbook...... *snicker*