Anyone have a Neumann TLM 103...

I think its a great mic, personally. Nice intimate sound.
It has a pretty big rise and top end, and the biggest proximity effect I have ever heard. You need like two miles on this mic to avoid proximity. Well worth the money, and it'll hold its value well. I think Harvey doesnt like it much. Word has it that it can be hell on some voices, but I think preamp choice will make all the difference. If its too sibilant a mic for you, try the Peavey VMP-2 to roll off a little top end.
Happy recording.
tubedude said:
I think its a great mic, personally. I think Harvey doesnt like it much.
Are you shitting me? I freakin' love my TLM103. It's the one mic I use to compare all the others to. It stays up on a mic stand and connected, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I have one of the first TLM-103 that came into the US (a very low 3 digit serial number), and that's the mic I use to judge all other mics, even other Neumanns. On the first compilation set, I did my track using only the 103 for all voices and acoustic instuments.
I had it totally backwards then Harv! Sorry!
Proximity effect is that bass boost you get when getting really close to the mic. The TLM-103 has a huge proximity effect.
Get the mic....
Monolith Edition

Is there any difference, outside of cosmetics, in the Monolith Edition released this year? My wife just bought me one for Christmas - and all I asked for was a V67G!
I have a "Matched Pair" of TLM 103's. These mics are wonderful! You cannot go wrong with this mic! Get one, you'll see what I mean.

I understand that there is no difference between the monolith and the other TLM 103's other than cosmetics. The monolith is a limited edition mic, named after the monolith in the movie 2001: A Space Oddessy"

Here's a piano piece I just recorded using the TLM 103's:
Michael Jones,
Very nice recording, should have run through the monitors but even through the computer speakers it came across great.

Where did you locate the mics for the piano?
Thanks Phil. Thanks for listening.
First of all, I recorded a 7'-2" Boston Semi Concert Grand Piano. This piano sounds wonderful so it makes the job of recording it a pleasure! (yes, that's me playing too) :)

I used a pair of TLM 103's in this way:
One was set about 15" behind the pin block and about 8" above the strings around 1-1/3 octaves below middle C. The other was about 9" behind the pin block and about 4" above the strings around 1-1/3 octaves above middle C. The mic faces were angled in about 12 degrees toward each other. The lid was in the full up position.
My TLM's run to an ART PRO MPA Tube mic pre-amp, and then into a "Nuendo" 8 i/o 24 bit A/D-D/A converter, and recorded at 24 bit in "Nuendo". I added a very slight touch of EQ after recording for a warmer presence.

Again, thanks for listening.
Nice Recording

The piano sounds brilliant, even over my crappy speakers on real player! I'm impressed. and I'm also convinced that my next purchase has to be a TLM 903
Yeah, get the TLM 103 Jeppo, you won't be disappointed!

I wish I could take more credit for it, but playing the "Boston", using the TLM 103's add in the nice AD/DA converter, record everything in 24 bit, and well, those are the results! It's not me, it's the Boston! I love that piano!
First Post...Just My Two Cents on the 103

This is my first post here, despite having been recording for some time and browsing for the last two years. First of all, I'd just like to thank everyone here for the vast amounts of new insight I've gained by reading these forums.

Anyway...about the TLM 103: It's a spectacular microphone IMHO; I have a pair that I've used together or seperatly to do everything from vocals to saxophones to live stereo pair miking of whole ensembles. I will agree with the opinion expressed above that the 103 is probably THE KING of proximity effect...much more so than its big brother the U87 or something like a KSM44. It's not an overly "clean" or "flat" mic at all...but the color it adds to the sound can be very pleasing on a wide variety of things.

A fine mic indeed...probably my favorite overall.
Hope this post helps.
I'm excited...

I have just ordered a TLM 103. I can't wait to get recording with it! I got into this recording lark about 8 months ago when I bought a DPS 12i hard disk home studio thingy. I have now embarked on a very expensive but thrilling experinece. ( I've got some SM57/58s, D112, c3000Bs etc... but I really want a Neumann)

Thank God for these forums - nobody wants to hear me talk about this stuff in the house!
Sounds great.

However, does anyojne have any opinions regarding the 103 vs the v67 or the C1.

In particular, supposedly the 67 and the C1 are pretty damn good for the price, even approximating higher priced mics. Thus, does the significant price differential justify the v67 or the C1 over the 103?


That recording was very impressive on these headphones. I would never have thought of the tlm103 as piano mikes but they seem to work great.

I remember talking to a studio owner once and he said that he preferred the tlm103 on female voice but preferred the c414 on male voice. I think that the peculiar midrange of the 414b/uls makes it a particularly nice mike on male voice
Thanks for listening. I shopped around for a long time looking for a good piano mic. I was always told to get a large diaphram condensor. After an exhaustive search, and numerous recommendations, I went with the 103's. I'd still like to add to my arsenal though, and obtain some more large diaphram condensors, but it seems like the next step up puts me into the $2000.00 dollar range for a mic. And of course, I'd want a pair, so,,,, 4 grand is a little off budget right now.
I do think the 103 makes a great female vocal mic too, just seems to add some....hmmm.... depth to the voice.
Well guys,
Thanks to every one who responded to my post.

It sounds like I have no choice, so...
I just bought the TLM 103 today.
And, well, it's sounds wonderful just like you said!
Of course I had to go with the shock mount also, $159.00, Ouch!
Sure does look perdy though...

Thanks again.
Now, anyone know of a good singing teacher!

A1MixMan - Keep on making music.