Any other Reason 4.0 lovers in here?

well im going to take the reason 5 plunge today i think......I want something self contained on my viao and it fits the bill....even bought a Reason book yesterday in anticipation :)

Kong looks great and Thors a cool addition, it'll mostly be rewired on my main PC...but anything that provokes a few ideas is a good thing!

Ive never got the bug to get Record, I have several UAD cards and plugins and there's no way Im dumping them for Propellerheads built in effects, I also own the POD stuff and its my last go to if I want to record guitars...not to say that I wouldnt stick it on the viao too...if I had the extra$$, I like the self contained idea for something like a laptop

I'm jealous, I'm using 4.0 and sooooo want 5. Need to get paid before I can get it.:(

Yeah record... I heard they make you use a USB dongle, Is that correct? That kinda sucks. I only have two USB ports on my Macbook and I hate using a hub for a dongle.....

I gotta say I love reason, The self contained setup that it is is great!

I can take my Macbook, Oxygen 25, Interface and Headphones in my M-Audio bag and make music anytime. I love that!
yeah sometimes i just fire up my viao on the sofa and do some small shit..

havent done reason 5 yet...spent to much this week on guilty pleasures...hopefully next week :)
yeah sometimes i just fire up my viao on the sofa and do some small shit..

havent done reason 5 yet...spent to much this week on guilty pleasures...hopefully next week :)

I had the update in my hands, so tempting. I have a few Guitar Center rewards certificates piling up for the thousands I spent there last year. Should have enough to almost get it free. hmmm....

I love being able to make a whole track just sitting on the shore up north.:)